Activision partners up with

It appears like Activision has finally opened their eyes to the issues of Call of Duty 2 (PC). Little under a month we got to know that representant Johnny toker Törnvall were to meet Activision Nordic early in August. This has now happened and the pressrelease from follows:

The first meeting between and Activision has been done. Read more to see what is going to happen, better times lie ahead..

The meeting started off with general talk about what Activision is and has been - their history to what they are today. What different deals they have with Lucas Art, DreamWorks etc. and that ID, Infinity Ward and so on are their studios.

The main issue was their new direction. They are now going to concentrate more on the roots - i.e. the community, us.

From today, the 17 th of August 2006, & Activision officially are partners. It was already settled when I visited them.

What this mean we will be able to see in the future - many fun things are planned. We can not yet release any specific details unfortunately. With Activisions support and being their representatives on tournaments the possibilities are endless. We will raise the bar for the other European offices with help from the Nordic community.

As a kick-off to our partnership Activision will sponsor us,, with trips to LANs in the future - the closest ones being the ones in Rotterdam (Crossfire) or the one in Denmark (The eXperience). This in order to do report directly from the events. All coverage will in the future be in english so that you can take part of it.

All the questions, bugs and demands that the community has sent me has been directed to the studio in the US for evaluation. Yes, they are and have been looking at it for the last two weeks. The largest question was of course COD2TV. We agreed that this has to be fixed in order for the community to grow stronger and better.

As you all know they haven't synced the time of the patch releases at all. That won't happen again, ever. Patches will be released simultaneously as they should be.

As soon as the questions have been treated we will be able to take part of them and all the other new things that lie ahead. We will only release things that are a 100% done. Before all the plans are finished the person that is in contact and has the information regarding this, via Activision Nordic, is Johnny "toker" Törnvall. If you don't read it here it's only speculations!

There is still much planning to do but Activision has already begun a push towards greater things. For us,, and of course everyone else that loves the game the future looks bright and nice.

Now the community finally has someone that can be their voice at Activision.

Best regards,
Johnny toker Törnvall

So there we have it the first step towards cooperation between activision and the community, it will sertainly be an interesting time for the CoD2 Community the following months!
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