SC Configs Released! *UPDATE*

image: cblogoAfter a long wait and lots of feedback from the community, Clanbase has released a new set of configs and mapscripts today. These include major changes which are listed below. All the config changes and map script changes were provided to the community by SwitzerlandPerlo0ung, a big thanks to him yet again for spending hours in scripting, making fixes, testing etc.

- Warmup countdown has been increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
- b_simpleitems has been unlocked again, you may now use 0-1 value
- Rifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4
- Snipers (k43/garand) have been reduced to 1, you can still have unlimited coverts. (i.e 4 stens and 1 k43 is possible)
- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated
- Supply satchel bug to destroy the crane controls has been fixed again
- Upper defense nading_through_the_wall/roof_bug has been fixed again
- cl_maxpackets, rate, snaps are locked again
- cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0
- mutespecs bug is now fixed

# karsiah.script fix - the South documents are protected with a door which will be automatically opened after the allies secure the North documents
# sw_oasis_te - a forward spawn for allies has been added. The flag in the middle bunker cannot be recaptured once the allies have captured it.
# caen - axis(attacking team) spawntime 20, allies(defending team) spawntime 30
- once the gate is blown, is is not constructable anymore
- after axis construct the command post, they can spawn inside the church
- tank barrier has been removed
- when the tank is escorted to it's final place, axis can spawn near the boat
- landmines reduced from 4 to 3 on caen

image: scpic

These are the official configs and mapscripts for Summer Cup and must be uploaded to every GTV server and any server admin that plays in Summmer Cup.

N.B: do not put the "mapscripts" inside "etpromapscripts"

Download link *UPDATE*:

- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated


the oasis forward spawn is only captureable when maingate has been destroyed
all positive changes:) gg
Quote# karsiah.script fix - the South documents are protected with a door which will be automatically opened after the allies secure the North documents

Whats so good about this one?
That makes South documents a real objective in the game, as previously they were just a formality being done before the main assault for north docs.

Very very very nice tweak, I think it will do great.
the spawntimes 20 for axis and 30 for allies is very fucked up though
Where does it say that?
ya i guess that one is fucked, i mean how the hell are allies going to get obj when miles from there spawn? but stil...
worst SC ever ;((
- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated

and at least do a proper fix for the satchel, not something that fucks up your movement upfloor
hm weird
I uploaded all files but somehow the scripts don't work :( pf
then u did something wrong
I made a new map in the etpro dir and put al the scripts in. then I uploaded the lua file. Did I miss anything?
u need to create a directory in etpro folder called "scmapscripts" put the mapscript files inside it (eg. etpro/scmapscripts/caen.script )
configs must be in etpro/configs

look at the pic in newspost then u see how it should be

the scmapscriptsfolder is there cuz u cant play normal global configs with the mapscripts of summercup
so the sc configs use another folder to prevent problems
So if uploaded correctly, the construction yard on caen for the tank barrier should be gone? even in warmup?
do I need to have the maps in the etpro folder? Because everything is as its suppose to be. The configs in the configs folder and the scripts in scmapscripts. Still there remains a prob?
nope thats how it should be
map remain in etmain folder
Everytime I load the config it keeps saying that my mapscriptdirectory is "default" instead of scmapscripts, thats the problem. :/
maybe do "rcon config none" and then load again
or try a server restart
the scripts are working so u must be doing sometihng wrong
did u create a scmapscripts folder and put the filse in ? not the folder with the files in the foldeR?
I created a scmapscripts folder as noted in the sc configs so this must be right. I think my server is doing something wrong, just can't figure out what. Everything is as its suppose to be in the folders :/
if u have teamviewer i could help u!
It seems to work now, but thanks for your time and advice!
got the same problem,any advice how to solve it?
try resetting with rcon and load it agian, it seems to work then. /rcon password config none
- b_simpleitems has been unlocked again, you may now use 0-1 value
<- makes me wanna play ET again!
what does simpleitems do?
draw sprites instead of models for items for a slight performance/visibility increase, valid values: 0, 1
Korda seda eesti keeles, tänk ju
what's so funny
the pic is cool :p
is that tetris? :D
- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated

Nice, now I just need an ear of clanbase admins so I can join my SC team but they keep ignoring me anyway =)
talked to homer, there is obviously no admin who can help you - but we are allowed to play with you (but i need your pbguid and accountlink).
sweedy is with the most powerfull persons in et. like himmler.
good good :) only 5o5 -> 6o6 and it's fine.
attention whore
I assume that this is tested and that if I upload it to my matchservers now, that I dont have to do it again in a week or few days? (asking because it wouldnt be the first time ^^)
i gave my best to test alll but i could be that there are some bugs but i dont think so
kk nice :P

e: well not a biggie

set g_log "global3.log"
set b_cheatlog "global3_cheats.log"
well that doesnt really matter :D
Snipers (k43/garand) have been reduced to 1

reminds me of gmc todeszone or whatever where there are these awesome class restrictions. awesomeness indeed..
there are no restrictions on todeszone.

u mean something else :)
All seems fine.

unlock ambientscale next time
only possible when slac is released (new mod/.pk3)
slac is not a new mod :-S
<3 your SLAC related comments
Antipro was a mod, slac is 3rd party software.
why is it even locked :/

would be much easier to see the enemies...
- b_simpleitems has been unlocked again, you may now use 0-1 value

What does that change? What is it in general?
draw sprites instead of models for items for a slight performance/visibility increase, valid values: 0, 1
- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated

good job council we really need you :D
the council doesn't have anything to do with it, it's my cup so i decided i don't want it in my cup, he can make those testcups he promised, testing the rockjump 1 week before the lan is pointless anyway.
good decision :p
I honestly love you for this statement.
15:16:29 [@`Pr3D] every cb admin is like Elton John
15:16:38 [@`Pr3D] without talent to sing or play anything
15:16:39 [@`Pr3D] cocksuckers
Elton John is HOMO
Even more reasons why this quote is the truth!
''6on6 format has been reinstated''

ow wait
You're so fucking dumb
maybe you should google "reinstated"
what doest b_simpleitems give?
btw as i noticed u can change cl_maxpackets and rate again.
redownload, it's fixed.

thanks for reporting
b_simpleitems has been unlocked again, you may now use 0-1 value

examplepic, plz :p (it is a grafic-command right? Oo)
go view your demo and put value to 1 and ull see
snaps 40 ?

rate 13000 ?
force cg_crosshairX IN [-1,1] and cg_crosshairY IN [-1,1] and get rid of rifle trickshotscripts. If you force cg_clawspeed 0, you should by consequence also limit this.


[sarcasm]And thanks for reinstating the supply main jump. no more breaking down the supply last defense, just jump main. great job![/sarcasm]

gj ati is in croatia atm, he be mad
you should allow it to be IN [-1,1] because some ppl play with the crosshair one pixel up (if they came from rtcw) or for other reasons. One to five pixels is not usefull when doing those rifleshots in the air so maybe IN [-5,5] though i cannot possible see why you would want the crosshair to be off by more than one pixel.
fuck you,you just made playing rifle more boring!
no, conversely.
In times of 5on5 where some medics seem to be busy with fragging you don't get many chances for direct face-to-face-fights
+ trickshots are a possibility to prevent the enemy from setting up a defense
and tbh if you have at least some brain,then you can easily avoid getting killed by those rnades. It might happen to you once but if you use your brain it won't happen a second time.
+ Those trickshots are awesome funny for the rifler :D

Gief your arguments!
QuoteIn times of 5on5 where some medics seem to be busy with fragging you don't get many chances for direct face-to-face-fights

I have no clue what you mean :-p
Quote+ trickshots are a possibility to prevent the enemy from setting up a defense
and tbh if you have at least some brain,then you can easily avoid getting killed by those rnades. It might happen to you once but if you use your brain it won't happen a second time.

it's not a reason, skynades should be banned :-l

Quote+ Those trickshots are awesome funny for the rifler :D

nah, if you don't need any estimation (ofc specific timing, but cmoon...) for the shot, can't see the funniez. for me at least it's the most boring thing straight away after mortar :p
that depends on your team but I personally feel like there's a medic missing who revived and covered me in 6o6.
Crying for a ban isn't a valid argument either :P
Ofc it's funny to see the enemy raging and complaining :D
And you're right those skynades kinda replaced the mortar but the do less damage so the harm for the game itself isn't as bad as you picture it...
They'd better ban Trickjumpscripts! For skynades you have to spent time at least to find out how to do them,those scripts can be downloaded...
Quotethat depends on your team but I personally feel like there's a medic missing who revived and covered me in 6o6.

-,- then your medics are missing the very basics of the game?

I feel like the game should provide a pleasant gaming experience for both sides and random skynades certainly won't qualify. there's no need for more arguments when lame = lame. haven't experienced skynades lately for some reason, tho o_O I'm against trickjump scripts aswell, but it's an impossibility to remove them I guess.
just learn the shots without scripts? put the crosshair on the right place urself an voila boom lucky kill.
why did the configs get updated and the newspost didn't?

clanbase failed again with testing it seems! it's V3 already :S
Quotebtw as i noticed u can change cl_maxpackets and rate again.
+ gonna make Ati_ useless from the game
next time test the configs!!!!! last time configs got updated we needed to update 3 times bcuz it wasn't tested. Now again?
we tested every config for every map, it's impossible to test all the cvars as well... there are about 200-300 et cvars
you only need to test the cvars that are supposed to be locked, and this just looked like a big fail bcuz the cvar checks werent in the V2 configs forgot to copy/paste? everybody should have noticed when checking the config twice before releasing it.

sorry but in this case I can only say "YOU FAILED... again"
go cry to mummy, or make your own config
I'm not allowed to play official matches with my own created configs, would be fun noclipping in official matches.

And I'm not crying just criticising the way you didn't test, which you apparently can't handle because you realised you failed big time on this one.

And after last config release you should known you had to triple check these configs before releasing.
v3 was beginning version when we released it now its v4 so we fixed some bugs and cvars and added some things now all should be fine if u have problem with this u could make the configs, mapscripts, luas next time and we will c how perfekt u are
V2 was in the newpost, V3 wasn't (saw it on th ftp) n now V4 is there.

and I'm not saying i'm perfect, but simple things like forgetting the cvar checks in the configs shouldn't happen by a "proffesional organisation" like CB likes to call itself.

And it's bloody annoying for server admins who want to keep their server up to date
i don't know why they don't even overworke the global settings change name to summercup configs ...
indeed, but now people know why it took donex so long everytime tho :p
- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated

- cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0

it was possible to move your crosshair from the middle of the screen to anywhere else on the screen.

Most of the people using this were rifles and their scripts. (hi Ati)
you should atleast allow the crosshairY to go -1 to 1 because i know some ppl who use this just for aiming (eg. wiesiek)
same here, and its recommend on some resolutions to fix the hitboxes
or legshooters shoot hs :p
if you want it ^^
whats wrong with hitboxes?
well on some resolutions, who i forgot right now ^^, the head hitboxes are not right on the head if you aim on them with the value 0 so ppl change it to 1 and its right again
oh didnt have a clue about that bug.. must be kinda frustrating to play with such bug, if that truly exists
headhitbox is larger as one freaking pixel, it's just placebo
oke maybe if you play in 300x300 resolution the head is just one pixel :P
just disallow movement more than 5 and -5 :(
le fu,that was quite comfortable!
now i have to think of sth else >_<'
and the people that used it only for aiming? :(
cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0

:((( now urtier cant change nights crosshair anymore on lan
Was helpful during pauses on a fucked up situation : DD
"cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0" thx 4 destroy my skill
- Snipers (k43/garand) have been reduced to 1, you can still have unlimited coverts. (i.e 4 stens and 1 k43 is possible)

why the fuck?
killernigger got owned by snipertower I guess...
Quote- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated

fix the random spawntimes
- Rifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4


- cl_maxpackets, rate, snaps are locked again

Not much of an expert, but isn't this unfair to people with shit internet?

Quote# karsiah.script fix - the South documents are protected with a door which will be automatically opened after the allies secure the North documents

Retarded decision imo, its like locking one of the parts on radar until the other is secured, completely pointless.
It requires skill and teamwork to defend both parts at once, this is merely making it easier for kids with no teamwork/brain.
maxpackets etc where allready forced for more than a year.
Thats what I heard, indeed. Doesn't bother me personally, but was just wondering :-)
QuoteIt requires skill and teamwork to defend both parts at once, this is merely making it easier for kids with no teamwork/brain.

no, actually south was never defended ...
Thats not the fault of the maps but of the players playing it.
Your reasoning is flawed
Is it? This map was made with the same idea as radar, in radar we defend both parts but in this map we only defend 1? Where's the logic in this? Okay, its not as open as radar, but there are still 2-3 ways to get to one part from the other.
you can defend a part of west (main road) if you are at east on radar, while at karsiah, there is no way you can defend the other objective at the same time, since it is blocked by a huge house and it takes ~10-15 seconds to go to the other objective
So? Shouldn't you give the players a chance to decide what they want to run as a strat? You're now forcing them to practically use the same strats for this kamz said, ET is getting predictable.
Nope, it was impossible to defend both at once and north was more important.
how is it more important?
North is more important because it provides better chances of defending. Having said a team can effectively defend only one of the radar parts (effectively means "without a fear that splitting a defence will result in fast defeat), it is harder to keep the south radar than the north radar. Why? Because north provides better facilities to defend it than south. What facilities? More different spots to install the defence, creating the possibility of crossfire, more straightforward way out of spawn to the area where you defend the radar parts.

If a team ease off north radar to focus on defending south, they won't be able to defend south for a long time.
If a team ease off south radar to focus on defending north, they have a bigger chance of holding the remaining radar for a longer time than they would do with the south.
Are we talking about the same map? lol.
karsiah, no? :D it has south and north radar parts :)
*documents, not radar parts :o)
ah right :)
tak ci sie urugwaj podoba z ich defensywna gra?^^
jak dla mnie defensywa > *
ale to chyba powinienes wiedziec :D
- cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0

no you didnt!
Why the decision on only 1 k43????
Are the sniper rifles so terribly overpowered that you can only have one in team? The piece of shit is useful only in certain situations anyway & even then 2+ would be in order, lol
Quote Rifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4

=> 5 rg instead of 4 here. Scripts are properly setup. Everything 'seems' to work but this.
shhhhh the fuck up man dont shout it out loud :SADASDSA
It was in previous versions of SC cfgs too :)
Nice to see they wisely test configs before to release it. -__-
from beginning or max ammo by tacking packs?
At spawning, ofc...
well its my fault :/
im very sorry 4 this
u can flame me if u want

read here:
I Won't flame anyone, that's absolutly not the purpose, but I just report it to get it fixed.

If you can fix it by yourself, just do it and re-post the correct file.
If you can't it would be nice to report it to anyone able to correct it.

I don't know whom to contact and I'm too lazy to dig every posts/comments to find who edited it first.
well just replace old combinedsc.lua with this one
and everything will work fine

i made nearly all the stuff so u can contact me for every bug u recognize
Will test it tonight, any bugs will be reported. ty.

EDIT:The rifle grenades number is as said above. (4)
Upper defense nading_through_the_wall/roof_bug has been fixed again

what thats :/?
image: 2v0zlar

you can throw a nade and somehow they went inside into the wall at up
wow never knew that!
dont keep that in mind ;D u wont be able anymore to do this
- cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0

finally :D
you and ferus had nice skillboost at last cc lan... very weird tbh
yeah, always those newcomers at lans... :o
somebody had put their crosshairX and Y at some weird value. took them over a map to realize why they werent hitting shit :)
i heard about it ^^
yea was weird to have 10 acc in supply :D when I stopped moving night told me what's wrong. I didn't remember that there is such commands

night / some1 else did this to me also @ cc5, we almost lost a playoff match because of it :D
Yeah ive already checked it, but it sux honestly, game looks funny
cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0

Quote- The Supply main rockjump has been reinstated

Quote by dutch vent fellowthese people are schizophrenic fucks
the mapscript of karsiah on v4 doesn't work :o
it is working!
problem is et side with typo of mapnames!

if u do "ref map karsiah_te2" or "callvote map karsiah_te2" its not working!
the mapname is "Karsiah_te2" (its upper K not lower k)

so iif u do "ref map Karsiah_te2" or "callvote map Karsiah_te2" it will work!
u fix so many things, and then u have to vote one map with a capital K to make your script work, ehrm :<
well as i said its et related...
u can also fix it if u copy paste Karsiah_te2.script and name it karsiah_te2.script
what about people that are saying there are 5 riflenades not 4?
we tested this and its working
as u know
yes but we need to find out what they are doing wrong :(
maybe they ran to ammopost and got ammo
perhaps they think u can have 4 in max by gettign ammo but its actually 5
nop 5 r-nades on spawn here also
do /lua_status plz and show me watch u got
look at logfile and check if any errors are there!
just says loaded lua scripts

but VM modname , Signature & Filenames are empty

e: ERROR : G_Script_Scriptparse, line 2176: '}' found, but not expected
alos says Unable to load [combinedsc.lua] into lua VM
well u right :) its my fault i uploaded wrong lua to the zip :SSS
sjit happens :>
this is the right one:

complete configset

if u do/lua_status an u c combinedsc.lua everything is fine

its the same configs as mentioned in news! But with right lua file!

Im very sorry 4 this :/
good job anyways
well u dont answer me :) u mad with me?
well we need to replace the config with new one otherwise the combinedfixes are gone!
QuoteRifle grenades have been increased from 3 to 4

i can see 5 nades here ( 1/4 when rifle in use ) but its ok for me ;p

There is also a old bug with mg42 at caen ( when allies will construct it u can go inside as axis, just catch the mg in "correct place" outside ).

I can record demo if u want
That's just part of the game :x

Nade sounds + levels back !
CAEN :)))))))))))))))))))
moving crosshair??? why? find anything else in line with you will aim -> good
only 1 k43??? are you mad? Mortar disabled, MG disabled, less riflenades, now only 1 k43 ... what would be next? luger only or what? Let ET be ET and dont make shit from it
get back 6on6 with MG and full riflenades... it was the best
I dunno but yesterday we had two snipers in an offi (caen attack as axis):
two snipers with k43 or garand?
so you played it on Global cfg or second covert picked up k43 after first was killed :D
No, we played with SC config and both just spawned.. You can see it in the on-demand replay.

And we were axis so K43 - that shouldn't make a difference though.
command "sv_cvar cg_crosshairY IN -2 2"
- cg_crosshairX & cg_crosshairY are EQ to 0

is bs put it back
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