Alienware Challenges: give your ideas

The Alienware Backpacking Challenge is in week 3 and the time has come for the followers to give their ideas for a new challenge.

With a new challenge thrown at the participants every week they have been doing extremely well and we want to test them every single week to push their boundaries regardless of the country they are in. That is why we are now inviting everyone to give their ideas on what we need to challenge the contestants to next. The time has come to let us know what you would have the contestants do the next couple of weeks.

Leave your ideas in the comments and who knows, your idea might get picked and we might see the contestant live up to your challenge.

Don't forget to vote for Week 2 as well as the contestants will need your help!
Sing Justin Bieber - Baby
try to do that:
image: dsc00815xray
thats a big boy
wtf... please tell me that's not what I think it is...
if you think that its toothpaste i got a good message for you (:
ok, I'll just pretend it's toothpaste then :)
no no no no no
yes yes yes yes yes
who are the contestants?
admins from major gaming sites
mafia contest
who from the males should actually win? seeing as all the mongols will vote for Livia even if her clip is the most shittiest one on the planet
I should win as I took the time to reply to you :D is my blog. I'm currently in Tallinn, Estonia and moving on to Vilnius, Lithuania tomorrow
wow here is one full with ego :-D
is there any chance to hide this?
Why make this shit main news?

Noone gives a shit
lack of ideas? not my problem.
make some porn otherwise wtf is the point of this shizzle?
wait wtf is that aspec ?
i thought he had life a life and stuff, he seemed pretty normal to me!
i know you meet a guy for three or four minutes on lan and then he goes and does something like this
i know exactly what you mean.
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