Quakewars Online at WCG

image: 2010_og_qw2
The World Cyber Games, one of the longest running eSports organisations who are famed for running their yearly event with massive prize pools for games such as CS, Starcraft, Warcraft (and other games) have added Quakewars Online to their tournament for 2010.

Details for the tournament are few and far between however WCG and the publishers have released a promotional Youtube video which you can watch HERE. The tournament will be run in 6on6 mode and though DragonFly are the publishers (and the ones who will have pushed for it to be included in WCG) IDSoftware & Activision are listed.

They have listed the following information about the game. "Quake Wars Online synergy works between `Quake brand,` renowned as establishing the stage for network FPS genre in the early game market, and `Dragonfly Technology,` the leading FPS online developer in Korea."
Certainly an odd decision, QW Online is some form of MMO based out of Korea how that translate to a tournament I have no idea!
obviously WCG are getting paid enough not to care

but as said, as it is an mmo will be quite interesting to see what happens
.... april? I dont know what to say... dont know what to think...
Really looks like original QW...

Would love to play it. <3
I already wondered why there are still QuakeWars commercials on those Korean eSport TV channels. Is this still active over there..?

Why no StarCraft 2? :O
when QW was released, some Korean ET players tried that game. and then all of them didnt even give a look. no one. most people didnt even know what QW is(except ET players). so QW was dead.

but recently DragonFly made that QW 'Online'. and i was surprised cuz i've heard that game is pretty big(not small at least) in Korean game market.

it's a shame that such crap FPS games like QWOnline, Sudden Attack, Special Force are fucking popular in Korean FPS game market. :|
It seems no matter how bad a game is, it gets popular when random "cool" commercial clips are spammed everywhere and it's even free. :D They should show Quaky's ET fragmovie's at those channels and say it's the coolest free game out there! :D
damm... it would not be impossible to do it :D hmm
doniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitsi :)
Such a pity many ppl take it for granted QW is a bad, when if fact almost anyone who gave it a decent chance discovered a great game, so much better than ET...
I have played both for years, and as much as i like ET, QW is so much more fun!
That is the worst sound-design, for a cinematic trailer, I have heard for quite a while.

Didn't know that the QW MMO was already out.
I thought the same thing, sound is crap
Ok I've just googled what it is - it's basically like Quakelive, a free version of QuakeWars. The weird thing is that it's only available in Korea. So why do the WorldCyberGames take a game which is not available for 99% of the world?
They added it so south koreans can win, isn't it obvious?
Starcraft wasn't enough?
Yes, I wondered as well, why they use some cell phone games that 100% of gamers don't play. Maybe has something to do with WCG being cunts.
(That's not even an exaggeration - 99.3% of the world population is not South Korean)
fuck me i want to play it :( i would rape all those little korean kids at that game
crap game made by a crap nation and promoted by a crap trailer
ROFL what the fuck
She is the Korean Boxy or ? :D

dragonfly is mad
That video is scary with the korean woman talking and talking and well.. scary... thought the game seems different.... hmm even little interested... hmm
Cool video :)

Where to download this stuff?

but it isn playable for us, or can you join servers?
It probably works, but pings would be huge.
To sign up you need a KSSN (Korean social security number), now you could get one of these off google or some generator, but then again by signing up to WCG with your nationality you'd basically be admitting to identity theft.

My guess is this will be a tournament amongst Korean teams (online), the final "maybe" being played at the grand final in Los Angeles but I doubt it. So whoever wins this online Korean only tournament is crowned WCG champion :P
not fair, i has serial for qw :(
wcg and eswc = bestest trolls
no your still shit.
You're gettin' chibbed bawsack.
naw hassle pal
Comme au bon vieux temps JB ! :D
QuakeWars is like a Starcraft FPS, so they have a chance with Korea.
Where were these tournaments when we were playing ?!
would also like to play it again :(

wasnt that bad, and because I dont play ET at the moment the gameplay will not feel so worse :P
holy strogg
u still alive?
yeah just about m8 :D
Seems like the 'Strogg?' are actually Israeli!

all those letters which are shown in the clip (e.g. 0:48) are Hebrew; how indolent can an editor be..
wow and i thought qw died and all of the sudden i see it going wcg, wtf?
sv_fps 30

even if its free is still shit
Is this for QWOnline?

ETQW's FPS was unlocked after 1st beta.
the fps server side were always max 30 (quake 4 had 60 fps server side and it was nice) and thats why the game couldnt be smooth.
When did you last play ETQW?
it has nothing to do on when i played last time qw
the engine is made that way and there is NO MOD that can help it.
(and yes i played promod)

fps server side are stuck at 30 and this is why the animations suck and the game is far from being smooth
I was only asking when you last played it...
on tgm quakewars cup

around july 2008

still someone playing it?
Played a 4v4 the other night. Still pretty busy on pubs, but comp is dead.
well i changed my lifestyle. dont play comp anymore.

probably the pub is the best thing for me

i come when i want, i play how much i want and i can go when i want
No more waiting for other peeps to play
No more busy nights :)

I only reinstalled the other night after reading this : )
then see u in pubs (maybe...not sure i'll reinstall :P )
ignore him, he was just shit in etqw :D
Even the guys from oz3 hated him, and nobody wanted him.
oh the oz3 players.. i remember
the team that never beaten mine and that were saying u are a cheater..

yes i remember :D
Just quick summary to those who ditched the original game after 1st/2nd beta, demo and pre-1.4 patch (and promod):

- Hannes made the game playable as fuck (most of you will know he knows his shit when it comes to mods/tools)
- Hitboxes were improved
- Infantry gameplay (yes ET lovers, no vehicles or turrets) became more dominant, although 6v6 was more fun, imo.
- This game is REALLY fun to play

If anybody has serious interest in trying it out again, I can look to see about doing a 4v4 cup. If nobody cares, then I guess that's ok too. Just throwing it out there.
Avi for the 4v4 cup ! Good idea ! :p
i still got etqw on my PC , so why not ^^
need Downloads again got the released version when i bought it
+native linux support :)
Not in for 4on4 cup tho. Never liked 4on4.
I miss the times that i was hogging and robertos was raging :(
not only u man, not only u ;)
if u can get me the stuff to play it i'll try so!
not gonna beat Asphalt4, finals last year was so epic I almost skeet myself watching
man if they don't release QW online to north america i'm going to be sad :(
I'd prepare some tissues if I were you kylem8
only have toilet paper atm
a roll of toilet paper sitting next to your computer? WHAT COULD THAT BE FOR?
for when he loses enemy territory scrimmages of course. What else could it be for?
never said its beside me :D
"If anybody has serious interest in trying it out again, I can look to see about doing a 4v4 cup. If nobody cares, then I guess that's ok too. Just throwing it out there."

we are in if you want
+1 would love too play :D
as i proposed once, if anyone did a mod with humans vs humans and only infantry maps, this game would have been rtcw/ et successor...

graphic is still cool
gameplay was sufficently fun cause it was following rtcw/et footsteps.
the moves, with right mod (promod from splashdamage) could be really smooth.

unlucky it was how it was (and unfortunately SD thought to fix fps server side at max 30)
1stCav always ready! :P
ready as always <3
Where can i found Promod :s hannes website is alive ? because French LsX NEED TO POWN
#etqw.gather join everybody ftw ;D
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