First media release

Few expected this project to still be alive today, but here we are again. The game project formerly known as Axis Revenge currently undergoes renaming. Nevertheless this post is not all about the rebranding of the project, but publication of yet unreleased media. Our secretiveness is for a reason, yet still without further ado what this is all about:

image: wallpaper_lugerp08_small image: wallpaper_germansoldier_small

We aim to bring regular releases alike these to our followers in the future in order to show atleast a fraction of our work. Furthermore we present to you a first bit of the games backgroundstory. Anyone who wants to propose a new name for the project and the game is free to contribute either here or on our forums:

QuoteThe year is 1954; the Fuhrer is dead, the Allies are in disarray, and the Second Great War still holds sway over the destinies of millions. On 20th July, 1944, the German High Command successfully assassinated Adolf Hitler at the Wolf's Lair, generating chaos on both sides. The Soviets, full of vengeance and momentum from the turnaround at Stalingrad, simply could not be stopped; they perceived Hitler's death as a weakness in the German ranks and pushed forward with even greater vigor. The Americans initially contemplated a propaganda campaign to win over the disunited German public, but quickly abandoned it upon realization that if they did not act now, the Soviets would beat them to Berlin.

Neither event would come to pass. In a devastatingly effective use of propaganda, the German High Command made Hitler's death appear to be an Allied assassination--during a secret peace treaty, at that. Making it appear as if Hitler was negotiating a cease-fire in which the Allies would have retreated to their respective borders and accepted Germany's new boundaries, the new masters of the Third Reich both secured the public's loyalty to Hitler and dispelled wavering doubts as to the righteousness of the Nazi cause. The backlash was more fierce than the Allies could have ever anticipated; while German soldiers engaged them on the front lines, German civilians fought them in the streets, from the forests, and anywhere else they could conduct guerrilla warfare.

A big project like this can never have enough motivated and active contributors. We will always be in need of new faces as from time to time and for different reasons developers have to drop. Whoever wants to help out in whatever section of the development process may write a detailed email to jobs [at] Other than that we are especially looking to fill the following positions:
  • Coder (experienced)
  • Level Designer & Prop modellers
  • Animator

More information on the requirements and what we expect from your apply can be found on our Jobs page. Please read this before applying.

- Spread the word.

kinda saw this coming
2 much info
QuoteThe year is 1954; the Fuhrer is dead

Not interested now :(
Lol @ 'team' list, all those who works on this typical game. Please be serious and put your real names if you want to get atleast noticed.

Project Lead
- eiM
- kjell
- hannes

- hannes
- setupji

- kjell
- Dolemite
- JoukeJan
- Gandaldwarf
- Miche
- EricV
- Ravenslayer
- Avoc
- Jani

Level Design
- eiM
- varsovie
- Dyal

- Paul

- Dinius
- woogity
- zOmbie
- chosen
- braltika
- Ivan
- savior
if you are talking about artists, it's normal that you don't know anyone as in the et community, there just aren't any available modellers with the necessairy skills to model high and low poly models, generate normals maps etc.
chris missing there
Chris <3

He's back from Borneo soon!
hope hes still all fresh and cozy
Me too!

Btw, this project looks interesting. Know nothing about it so I guess I'm gonna have to do some homework! Put the kettle on.
looking good with all those guys and Chris :) Nice team.
What are you trying to say? :D
Nice Project :D +1


Shouldn't it be "An xreal based game project" and not "A xreal based game project"?
- Why do you say an x instead of a x?
Because it is pronounced as "ecks", it begins with a vowel and thus gets the "an" instead of the "a".


e: sorry if i deleted a comment below me, wasnt on purpose
No, you pronounce it 'ksreal'.
why would you pronounce it like that, so silly
Because I don't know what it is or does and I was trying to start a conversation with a very cool person.
oh i didn't know that this reply wasn't meant for me ;););););););;);););););););;);););););););;);););););););;);););););););;);););););););;);););););););;)
'eksreal' tbh
You're stupid.
Says the person who can't pronounce xreal.
Says the person that neglects the fact that I was just talking nonsense to make conversation with noctiferia and later even stated that I had no idea what it is or does.
Says the person who thinks I give a shit.
You commented on my post, so yeah, apparently you do. You're still the same obnoxious piece of shit that you were when you were N1ckV.
RtET : D eiM, you know what I'm about xD

That soldier sure has an ugly face.
so its like

et 2? -.-
luger looks nice
looking good, keep it going

srsly, keep it going! :D
These pictures remind me of Wolfenstein.
that gun is ugly as hell the handle bar part thing is very very very ugly
Nice project :D would get back involved if I had the time however...
keep up :]
Wolfenstein Forever.
gl : - )
in need of an experienced coder? throw in a bag of money and chaplja is your guy.
If you need some good voice acting ask Lazio imo. I can picture it now, tense scene, chase sequence... "ahh they're chasing me!"
best voice is Finland Swani :DD

great idea, the only question is if it will be playable? (well gameplay)
I definitely support what you guys are doing, and I don't mean to bash you or flame or anything, but that model is unbelievably ugly and bad looking.
will this be multiplayer only?
no (atleast the plan some months ago was that there will be an SP too)
unconfirmed info detected
you lied to me? :(
dont think I've ever said that
why spend time on singleplayer if you can invest it into developing the multiplayer? :< or are they thinking about selling the game?
great stuff! keep it up ;>
german soldier has some nice adidas , wat model is it ?
looking nice
imo you should use similar GFX to SFIV, otherwise you end up with GFX that look like Doom 3 or Wolfenfailenstein or something like the result you have in the player concept image.

Just does not look nice.
The story would make much more sense if it took place between 1944 and 1946... the Cold War was already well underway by 1954 and both sides were well entrenched in their respective part. Propaganda would have been completely ineffective since East Germany/Berlin was more or less a police state run by the politburo, the citizenry would have no means towards arms.

I like that you're trying to expand on the WWII genre but a period game is more immersive if the story has at least a somewhat historically accurate background, and as it stands it's definitely ridiculous. Even the zombie Nazis of Wolfenstein were in a timeline that was consistent with real life.
after this you're number2dad
wheres your coin :]?
Are you referencing Eminem? I have no coin, just a hat :D
yep i referenced him :D 2 bad you dont have coin :<
imo the cold war started when they nuked hiroshima
before to finish it, there will be an anti cheat? pb? slac? ;D

must be the smartest man on the planet jumping out of his machine while hes protected by a steal cage
What? as you can see that gif that cave protected nothing... 0_o
There is a big hole at side and at the top, it protect only if u fall over
only the sides are open, he got lucky nothing hit him. the top is protected for things that fall down which just happened and he would have survive, chances of survive inside his machine are higher then jumping off
get eyes, he isnt protected by any cage...
axis with leggings? killingly funny
you got the history wrong
Nice project ;)
I'm looking forward :D
Needs more g5. Should be added as the sound for throwing a nade.... "Geeeeeeeeeee FIVE"
no gay advice plz
cool luger

ugly model :(
the model of the soldier is rather disacppointing in general.
you will have to do something about those ugly, fishy eyes specially.
the contrast between the high ress luger (really nice!) and the poor soldiermodel make it look silly somehow.
Cool, remember reading this a good while ago, good luck with it!
Good to see you are still on track ;)
german soldier looks like he's 60 years old
luger looks nice (:

keep it up!
I work at 3d animations if any knowladge of Maya, Mudbox..etc..etc..etc comes in handy i can contribute.
player concept looks better then the model. The face is not right :P hes not on crack is he ?
recruit madscientist to your team and the game will be a success!
still looks XX century like original ET models
why pay more?
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