Braundorf Completes ET Map Pool

After 3 Polls we have now completed the ET map pool and Braundorf will be the fifth map in the ET map list for the upcoming Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge.
Whilst the methodolgy used in chosing this map pool has come under scrunity, the goal was to make sure that we got the RIGHT map for the tournament. When a poll ends 50/50 with over 800 people voting, the result is not only inconclusive but also clear that its possible neither map are ideal as there is such a split. We offered Braundorf a chance and by a huge margin it has been voted as an outright favourite to complete the pool.

Tonight in the ESL matchse played on Warbell we saw a prime example of putting in a map that just isnt right for such a large competition. We were not going to take the risk of getting the wrong map, and are now happy that we have the right map pool to set the stage for this prestigious tournament.
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