Payment deadline passes

The payment deadline for the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge has now passed. We were extremely strict with this 19th of August deadline as we desperately required a window of oppourtunity to replace clans that were not going to attend. We have been extremely understanding and spent alot of time helping clans on how to best pay, and due to the administrative and geographical restrictions posed on some clans, accepted travel plans as proof of attendance. Each case has been treated subjectively as paying the bills internationaly, for gaming, from a mixed age group is not a straight forward procedure. Unfortunately the teams below could provide us with no travel bookings and no payments and thus with 14 days to go, we must actively search replacements to fill the tournament.

Any places that have not been paid, are now open on a first come, first served basis. This means that the teams listed below still can attend the lan, they just go into the same pool as everyone else.
The following places are available for replacement:

Call of Duty
Belgium dFiance - STILL AVAILABLE
Enemy Teritory
Sweden rewind - Replaced by dHb

Attention Replacements - Please do not just pay first and talk later, to avoid any double payments and complications please contact me on irc in #Crossfire - We will accept any team for the place, at this point we just want to fill all our spaces.

We will still accept proof of travel from these two clans as confirmation for their places and will still work with them to get the places at this event that they earnt. We have worked with the clans an incredible amount to make sure that we get the teams to the event, and have made the best of many mitigating circumstances. For that we thank the clans for their understanding and desire to make this event the best it can be.


Rewind have been replaced by dHb who are paid and have provided travel plans.
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