ESL Summer Leagues are ON

image: bannernewssummer10

With the end of the AEF festival, the ESL Summer Leagues can now begin. Groups have been set, players are ready, all we need to do now is the announcement. And here it is!
image: s_head

image: s_foot

Please remember that during the groupstage, maps are forced in 1on1, 2on2 and 3on3. You can see what maps are forced in each round below:

image: 13026324

image: s_foot
  • Get another team that is willing to swap.
  • Write a support ticket or query an ESL admin on
  • IMPORTANT! Add ESL links to your support ticket and/or IRC message.
  • Deadline: Monday, 23:59 CET

image: s_foot

Related Links:

summer YES
- esl 3on3 premier league looks like cb 6th division
- no goldrush in 2on2
- tc base in 2on2
- delivery & braundorf same matchweek <3
delivery and braundorf same matchweek

no goldrush in 2on2

15th seed @3on3 just because we have killerboy in the lineup

Great work folks.
funny thing is that i'm not even playing :D
even funnier is that we got 2 guys who were in the team which won the 3on3 Spring 1st Div and a guy who was 2nd the last time he participated in the ESL 3on3 long-term cups :D
oh you won premier? didn't even notice you won premium. esl 3month bans last longer than premium accounts.
at least their money transfer takes longer.
i heard they send the prize money by using pigeons
ye, I heard that the pigeons were blind as well.
I think repje's pigeon must be passing through Russia all the time and it's being shot down, must be the reason why he hasn't received his money yet.
Nah, the pigeon froze to death @ Antarctica - I mean, even a mole could find a shorter route.
e: combo troll breaker
trololol :D
but funny story tbh
QuoteESL Summer Leagues are ON

image: switch_120523a
funny to read this by someone who is working for an organization which hasn't payed out thousands of € and $ for several years...and since we could read already something about blinded pigeons: open your eyes please. you could read here on crossfire months ago that repje has received his money and all tournaments of this period have been payed out. i don't like to read this bullshit about esl paying no money over and over again (even if this was exceptionally a bit funny) please stick to the truth: esl has and will always pay - that's a fact and that's why we are able to host tournaments with prize money and not clanbase.
I are can be avi ;D
Good, pm me on irc when you get back =D
Sunday I should be home again.
powodzenia l4z niszczysz tam :D
Bardziej wakacje sa niz napierdalanie przed kompem ;-)
:DD haha no juz nie sciemniaj ,wakacje na osiris i ctfmulti ;_)
suvi whines,smth new
I see what you did there :PpPppP
indeed :PpPpPp
slac forced ?
Where is the full release of SLAC?
ETA unknown.
Ofc not, it's not like CB 8D.
Someone busted by SLAC lately? Is SLAC full released? We are just playing safe, here. SLAC will be used on ESL too, but just after it will get full released and we have a proof that it is actually working.
QuoteSomeone busted by SLAC lately?

yes :D
hotel osiris in ibiza is awesome
its a new 1o1 map?
here we go
those divisions are bullshit :p
Always the same teams and same divisions. Every seasons looks like the previous one. Boo...
Wow I see two good teams in Premier of which 1 is cheating. :O)
Lost Soldiers Member

and flames about cheating xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Was laberst du Kanisterkopf? Du kennst mich nicht mal und hast 0 Plan wann ich für LS gespielt hab also laber mich nicht so von der Seite an. Ich weiss wer und warum jemand in LS gecheatet hat mehr muss ich nicht wissen. Wenn das dein Weltbild zerstört ist das nicht mein Problem aber LS sind meine Homies, y0.
See you in the playoffs Numbe
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