Alienware Challenge Week 6

image: 2cffe4p

With the finish line for the Alienware Challenge in sight the latest challenge is similar to last weeks. In week 5 the contenders had to create a viral video and spread it as fast as they could, with the most hits being the victor.

The video theme continues this week, with the intrepid travelers being asked to recreate their favourite gaming moment in a video. Who knows what we will end up seeing.

The description on the Alienware Challenge Website was as follows:
QuoteThe finish line is fast approaching so it is time to throw another challenge at our contestants. Last week we asked them to make an advertisement and viral video and make sure it spread as quickly as possible. This week we are staying in the same direction but are taking a slightly different approach.

The contestants need to create a video reenactment of the most memorable gaming scene in their life. They need to think about what is the most memorable gaming scene they have witnessed and reenact it on video. Could it be Link saving Princess Zelda or could it be something else, it is up to the contestants. They can go out and find costumes, actors, props and more to make their video the best possible but they need to be involved every step of the way. This challenge has two parts. Part one is the creation and publication of the reenactment and part two is a seperate blog explaining their choice and methods used.

For people wanting to vote on who they thought had the best viral video, which will also play a part in deciding the overall winner of the challenge, then you need to cast your votes here.

And last.
Gaillard stp
Rémi guillard wat?
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