EMS VI: F5 vs idk

image: 9avxjah2

We're almost done! The ESL Major Series VI Playoffs will end pretty soon. We only have 2 matches left from this edition, featuring 3 extremely good teams. Unfortunately, one of these teams will have to end their journey to Final, tonight, getting a prize money of 100 euros. The other one will have a chance to win the grand prize of 400 euros only if they will manage to win against the un-defeated United Kingdomteam-dignitas.

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FinlandFintastic 5
No doubt, a team that can put up a good fight against the well-known ET titans, United Kingdomteam-dignitas, in the EMS Grand Final. But first, they have to proove themselves, tonight. "No problem for the fins", some might say! But will the lack of practice affect them badly? Tune in at 21 CET to see!

A player that was at the recent lan event from Antwerp, that managed to get on the 3rd spot with his team, was kind enough to tell us how is his team performing lately and how will this match end:

Quote by Matias I have no idea how we will perform tonight, since we haven't pracced for a long time because of AEF, actually we managed to play one prac last thursday but that doesn't count. At the same time, I think IDK has pracced a few times so they will give a good fight. I'm expecting good teamwork by IDK but still can't see them beating our crossfire. So it's 4-0 or 4-2 for us!

If you want to see rambo in action, watch olBaa. For great teamwork, watch Lepari and don't forget Sample for spammy spam. aiming engi, that's ensam. Don't forget Filus, Zak for rising stars, freeze for his awesome warpness, crumbs if you want to see whether the rtcw highskiller can perform with top ET players, and ofc, Clown normally smg engi but now rifle? spec him to see how he will perform!

Performance so far in the ESL Major Series

image: flag_win 4-0 win against serenity-gaming! - 9th May 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against 1stCav - 6th June 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against nulli secundus - 13th June 2010
image: flag_win 1-0 win against Sleeperz - 27th June 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against colt45 and 2 zig zags! - 4th July 2010
image: flag_loss 4-0 loss against dignitas - 15th July 2010
Games Played: 6
Games Won: 5
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 83,3%

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Europei dont know
I already said in the previous newspost that the ex-rockit team has performed extraordinary in this edition of the ESL Major Series VI, getting through the Group Stage very easily, beating every team. They prooved me right when they managed to get to this Final. It's now or never, some might say, for this team. Will they manage to win and pass into the final?

The player that was very missed at AEF, that could have been essential for many teams, has released a statement regarding the final confrontation from tonight. Who is he? I think you all know! Check out what he said:

Quote by ClownWe didn't play much, and when we did, we had to play summercup maps, so we didn't get to practice any map that we would like. Hopefully we get a nice warmup game before the official tonight. I would like to say that we have a better chance today against F5 than we normally would, because of their lack of practice, but at the same time I think it won't matter after the first map.

Depending on maps, I think we have a shot at winning, but we have to play better than usual. If we win, then score is 4:2, if we lose then they win with 4:0.

Performance so far in the ESL Major Series

image: flag_win 4-0 win against energy-wave - 10th May 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against finspastic 5 - 24th May 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against logix e.V. - 1st June 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against to Make odds even - 10th June 2010
image: flag_win 1-0 win against vibe - 28th June 2010
image: flag_loss 4-2 loss against team-dignitas - 30th June 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against zeroE FiF - 13th July 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against Colt 45 - 19th July 2010
Games Played: 8
Games Won: 7
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 87,5%

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Finland Fintastic 5

Finland ENSAM
Finland olBaa
Finland Matias
Finland Lepari
Finland Sample
image: s_news

Europe i dont know

Latvia Clown
Estonia frEeze
Netherlands ZaK-
Slovakia Filus
United Kingdom crumbs
image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VI Playoffsimage: game20529
image: s_foot

Germanydignitas\drago: I doubt any of the teams has been playing so I give the edge to f5, depending on the maps it will be 4-0 or 4-2 for them.

Belgiumovr-Jere: Should be an easy match for f5, altough ensam says they havent pracced since 1998. The fins are no nerds, but they have the talent to take this match 4-0. Clown will have his tactics ready to take Sample & co down!

United KingdomR0SS`i: f5 are by far the stronger team especially after the victory they took against a strong dignitas side in EC. I don't see idk taking a map - so 4-0 to f5.

BelgiumbF`Gifted: I'm pretty sure F5 will take this game, but I believe that idk can put up a nice fight. Players to watch olbaa & crumbs!

Estoniadignitas\Anders: Mati will lose.

Belgiumkrosan: This will be an easy bash for the Finns. Anything else than a clear victory would be a major upset. Even if Matias'd have a nervous breakdown and would've gone emo after losing AEF, I still wouldn't see this team losing a round.

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what a wise man krosan is
1,5h before match, nice news
Anderson is smart
Now those are statements.
Great News Post
nice work.
both lost to dignitas
i like reloads prediction :))
no problem for f5
why bother with these money prizes when noone recieves it

idk has zak
so f5 will win
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