Rockit takes a break

image: 386514HMP2024The Antwerp E-Sports Festival was a great event for rockit as well as for the whole Enemy Territory community. Seeing our team really enjoying to be together and to be at the event was a pleasure for us. We are extremely proud on the ET side as a third place at such an event is a great achievement. Next to our ET team also the Day of Defeat: Source team was doing great by beating zeroPoint! Gaming and with that winning the ESL Major Series recently. Both teams announced to take a little summer break to re-gather motivation and then come back in fall for the big competitions.

Rockit as an organisation will accompany the teams and take a break to get new strength as especially the last months have shown a high level of inactivity within the managing staff at rockit. We will try to make use of the summer break to get back to where we wanted to be with an improved online service, probably new teams and some surprises.
In an attempt to sweeten the time without much news about us here is a lot of visual rockit material for your enjoyment taken from the AEF event.

Rockit YouTube Videos:

H2kTV VOD's:

image: 618451HMP2030

Rockit Facebook Gallery:

image: 974055HMP2030

I know its quite late, just shows how lazy busy we are.

The RtCW & RTS section keeps playing btw.
2nd fuck
3rd-rockit style!
cic7 we came 2nd :p
I know but who cares about that, most recent score is important :)
Everything went downhill since meez left.
well done!
Good luck. Well needed break, imo.
And you couldn't just wait :<
is it possible to download those video from h2ktv site?
Wasn't able yet :<
2 weeks gaming and already a break?!
winghaven is like meter forty five?
espacially :P
news coming tonight :P
Haha, you mad!
nice work :P, better late than never!
The 5 screens below the players on the stage is actually quite awesome!

Too bad I missed that cuz I left on saturday afternoon. :(

Hoping to see a similar set up like this on future lans imo!
At least you barbecued the meat as good as you can!
Indeed, only a shame the big screen was out of sync with the shoutcast and the shoutcast was out of sync with the match :(
lol, did the bigscreen show it from an ETTV perspective and thus delayed?
Yes, because it was the only way to get a freecam pov and not just 1 of the player's pc's.

The problem was that the big screen & audio played the internet stream, while it had to be a live connection to the shoutcaster's screen.

But h2ktv weren't that high-tech unfortunately...
Lol.. could've just had the shoutcasters connect to the same server the players were on and show his screen on the bigscreen. He could be serving as a camera man (same like toss does as well)
The big-screen pc prolly didn't have ET installed, and if it did, we'd still have the delayed audio. I doubt they'd be able to do anything about that :/
They never asked me to help out ;-)
You forgot your pokerset :(
yah I did.. quite relevant, thx! :)
I heard the dig boys held their own private tourney in their dig hotels :/
Care, I don't like squall anyway.
He's Finnish, you can't blame him for that!
Gaso is Finnish and he's a great guy!
zerender huso <3
Will you participate in the next Eurocup?
Better ask gifty :)
When will u be online on irc?
Was yesterday... first time since ages ;D Will pm you as soon as I find you online.
Dunno about the others but id be happy to play some offis and not only pracs to prepare for lans like this time
Then I'd say put your foot down and get the others to play with you :)

Stability is what we need in order to get more LANs!
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