Esreality Meets QL Devs

Over at the home of Quake reformed Esreality troll United States of America seven has met with QuakeLive lead developer Steve Nix & community liasion SyncError for a sit down at Quakecon. It's the type of column that England foonr would be proud of.

QuoteThe team juggles the desires of greater than a million users. To give everybody some perspective of just how complicated a task it is to orchestrate such a massive undertaking, imagine keeping a room full of one hundred 5-year-olds entertained for 8 hours without pause. Each child needs to visit the bathroom, each child has a different level of intelligence, each child requires a different approach for engagement. 15 minutes into this thought experiment I am standing in ten inches of preschooler blood.

Head over to Esreality to read the rest.
ET live plz
does u think then we are less of cheaters? xD
get me a fucking payment function at QL where i dont need a creditcard
sick English skills, I wish I would be a native English speaker..
Hard to digest tbh, the level of English really superceeds me :p
Holy fuck.
Quotereformed Esreality troll

I don't know why, but this made me smile :)
Trollet hart.
promod plz.
id fanboi :p

gosh i hope they make etlive...
you can't just namedrop foonr like that!
That 'seven' guy's writing style is making me want close the browser, can someone please let him know he isn't writing a column for GQ or The NY Times. ¬.¬

Okay, it was too painful to read the lower half of the first page so I skipped it X: aaaand the second page just got skipped.

Where the fuck is the interview?

Awww, my comment would be displayed till admin approved :(
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