ECC V - season signups

image: 1-news

After a successful 4th season, ECC' staff is pleased to announce its 5th season.
Site is once again open to everyone, and each member will be able to create his team as soon as he registered on the ECC site.

image: puce Registration & signups[/u]
Registration is now open from the 15 August to the 30 August @ 23h59
Groups ( 5 team max ) will be online on the 02 Sept. Cup will start the 05 Sept.
The first match week is between the 05-09 to 12-09, all the maps will be forced

Remember that each player has to register on the web site to participate.
As soon as the player joined his clan, leaders have to accept it by browsing "player invitations" from the profile pannel.
Then, to verify with ease each clan, it is required to add your clanbase clanpage link and players'GUIDS.

Watch out : You can maybe not recieving the confirmation e-mail, in case of /q ECCMasterseries on #easy.cup

image: puce Useful links :[/u]
ECC V Web site
Create an account
Create a team
Edit team's informations (add players, infos, irc, site)
Signup (once you accepted to follow cup rules)

image: puce The tournament :[/u]
ECC's 5th season format will be in 5 versus 5, 4vs5 can be allowed ONLY and ONLY if oponent agree. map pool will be as usual a classic one, only 1 RTCW map has been added :
supply - sw_goldrush_te - xxx - xxx - adlernest - radar - bremen_b3 - kersiah_te2
Maps, mods and configs are available in the ECC download page .

Read here for the poll

@ : By registering to the cup, it is required that at least one member of the clan ( manager war-arranger) has to perform the cup's irc channel.
#easy.cup @ quakenet

image: puce The Admin team[/u]

BelgiumMasterseries - BelgiumGoldoraK - FranceTOMOYO - PolandRobaciek

image: 1pxnews

image: puce Although ECC is almost ready to open its doors. We are recruiting an admin able to be :[/u]

-Respond to players' requests
-Verify scores
-Referee sometimes

If you feel intrested , contact BelgiumGoldoraK or BelgiumMasterseries on #easy.cup for a short meeting.
If clans, sponsors feel intrested to create a partnership with the cup, contact us via [email protected]
image: 1pxnews

image: games-master
Infos : Games-Master manages more and more to fulfil customer's demand, a support available and close to the customer.
Site or
mIRC : #Games-Master

Games-Master offers :[/u]
image: 3 Games-Master will sponsor the cup for vocal server (mumble or ventrilo 2.1) of 20 slots. (3 months)
image: 4 Games-Master will sponsor the cup for 5 bncs. (3 months)
A web hosting to allow us to host our website safely and without any lag.

Description of Game-Master :[/b]]
" ( http//:[url][/url] ) is a company created in November 2008.
This company bases its business in dedicated services and hostings.
They offer a few rents to the customer :
* Multigaming game servers 9.92 euros/months.
*Dedicated game servers for Multigamings with GM-BOX, 29.99 euros/months.
* VOIP's, TEAMSPEAK, MUMBLE, VENTRILO, 0.05 euros/slot.
* BOUNCER's IRC 0.33 euros/mois.
* Free WEB spaces.
* HLTV servers 2 euros/months."

image: 1pxnews

image: lgh-logo

Infos : Liberty Game Hosting opens its doors to the business with cheap prices and offers to the ECC most of its services.
Site :
IRC : #L-G-H

Liberty Game Hosting offers :[/u]
image: 2 A game server 16 slots for 3 months
4 game servers for the cup.
A teamspeak 3 for ECC'staff ( meetings, briefings ) and for clans who do not own any voice server.
Ask an admin on #easy.cup if you need a teamspeak 3 channel.

Description of Liberty Game Hosting :[/b]]
"Established in 2010, L-G-H's company specialised itself in online gaming.Intended to particular customers, its main activity is based on games and vocal servers hosting on internet. On this competitive business, L-G-H became a reference. Creativity, relationship with the customer,Research and development are L-G-H's keys to the success. L-G-H's rule is " services at the best prices...". L-G-H owns its dedicated and independant datacenter, Location : Paris, France.Their computers are composed of 8 Core Intel and 8 Go of RAM, which is today's best hardware configuration to manage eveyr services. Some cheap costs, technical independance and knowledge, allow L-G-H to offer its best services to the best prices."

@ CF Admin - Thx for the help and infos
tomoyo !
gl une petite cup qui est devenue grande!
sounds much better then the Zero.E cups lol
# Maplist :
# Adlernest
# Bremen_b3
# Supply
# Radar
# sw_goldrush_te
# sp_delivery_te
# et_ufo_final

lol, you take one of the best maps out of the mappool?
No no u dont understand it about radar, its only because radar dont need to be downloaded
Read here for the poll
what Goldorak tried to say in English is that mappool on site is simply list of download links. You don't have to download radar because it's in your ET when you install it
ur english is much better!
yes clearly :D
He must be a fake polak!
ufo in 5on5, seems that some guys know in which format maps have to be played :)
Nice, goodluck!

ps: I noticed lately that roba is a friends-based admin, I wouldn't trust him if I was you.
also one of the admins is cheater so...
nice hate ecklav :D
It's not hate, it's just filtering people I don't like.
Although ECC is almost ready to open its doors. We are recruiting an admin able to be :

-Respond to players' requests
-Verify scores
-Referee sometimes

The Admin team

rNk - TTOMOYO - Robaciek

sadly those eurocup admins dont fill in the requirements
Hello new fag !
This is not EuroCup ^^

This is Easy Company Cup
avi for cup!

also cless!! :)
avi for cup ;p
po moim trupie :D
slac instead of pb maybe?
slac for sure
why is this in main news? ;x
Maybe because they invested some time to write a proper news post and not only listed the basic infos like all the other cup news.
PB is trojan for my anti-virus
signed up ;)
good cup, also avi :PP
I like the new layout of the site, it seems like you guys put a lot of work into it + gathered some sponsors

thumbs up!

e : implement SLAC
Thx u vyper, and yes we work really hard for this
best cup ever :D

Masterseries FTW <3
no cheaters pls
hey! Only 5o5 this season?
Good jobs admins
looks like a nice cup, gl ;)

Quote- No busted less then 1 year on the roster

QuoteNo busted/cheater will be accepted (even if it is 1 years old or more)

random flaw in rules or possibly multiple busted or known but not busted cheaters won't be accepted
the correct rules is
No busted less then 1 year on the roster
No, you're wrong.
It's just Tomoyo's sucky translate.
masterseries said me that yesterday -_-"
Stupid french speaking belgians :DDD
nicely written, gl.
ECC site is on maintenance actually, back soon as possible
Good evening,

The website is back up and running, we'd had to change the dedicated server to let the things go faster, we had huge host problems (hack) and we apologize.
Everything is reinstalled except for the domain ( which is still not available following the change of the ip of the dedicated server.
We invite you to use the following address to have access to the ECC site: (This is a temporary one, of course)

We apologize once again, everything will be 100% operational no later than Monday if all goes well.
Signups goes on, we hope to see you.

The ECC staff
will sign up as soon as i return to spain and find a team to play with :P

gl guys
magicooooooooooooo :3 (l)
rNk busted player, robaciek too, woohooooo cool admin team!
Country: France
Country: Belgium
Dumb country
Do you at least understand what you're writing?
Fucking frog
au moins nous, on a pas honte de nos parties genitales ;(

ptiti zizi de fr :(
Don't speak to me multibusted and nC customer
Cup serieuse , et bien entouré , Gl .
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