GET-Cup #6 Summary

image: get-banner2

After a looong break we had another GET-Cup Version last sunday. With more than 50 signups it was clear that the cup will take place with 32 teams.
With the help of Germany Otternase and we had full ETTV Coverage for every round.
After 5 rounds the winner of the 6th GET-Cup was Finland dickheads (Matias, Weedy, sick, day, ZL1NkO, Efax, eddie, reload, arTis, perfo)

1. Finland dickheads
2. Poland arsonists
3. United Kingdom oChaos

Those 3 Teams will have better chances to get a spot at the ESL IPS - Second Chance - (News).
The next cup will probably take place at the weekend after the Crossfire LAN, but we will see...stay tuned.

Former Results:
Hall of Fame

Who played who?
Cup Grid

If you are looking for Replays try out this Link:
Ingame Demos
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