Northern Darkness dtekted tonight

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We are less than two weeks away from the Crossfire LAN, Quakecon starts to seem like a distant memory and ET players are anxiously awaiting the next chapter in the history of their game.

While the summer ends, the ESL International Premiership for ET is just about to begin. Giving out 1500 Euros in prize money, it is one of the most profitable events at the moment. Teams are knee deep in the qualifiers at the moment and tonight we'll see a match flavoured with the spice of high skill.

image: match_nddtekt

On the one hand we have Europe Northern Darkness. EuroCup XIII silver medalist and Crossfire LAN attendee who recently lost to Germany riZe in a thrilling Warleagues semi final.
On the other hand we have Poland dtekt, who were called Warriors Of Wolfenstein until some weeks ago, up-and-coming winners of the last OpenCup and Crossfire LAN qualifiers participant.
The match tonight is kind of a grudge match, since both teams faced in the qualifiers for EC XIII with the result of one of them dropping to the OpenCup and the other one going to the EC finals.

The lineups for both teams are:

Europe Northern Darkness

Belgium dAv1d
Slovenia JaKaZc
France emoreJ
Croatia aCoZz
Spain Winghaven
Estonia asd.

Poland dtekt

Poland Thoro
Poland Wrobel
Poland wiesek
Poland Rico
Poland S4rna
Poland Robol

The maps are classics: supplydepot2 and radar will be the fighting grounds.

Two players from each team were asked to give statements, leaving us with the impression that this will be a very intense battle:

Belgium dAv1d
It will be a tight match, both teams are really good in my opinion. We didn't practice too much, but I think we can take this one (we hope).

France emoreJ
dtekt is the clan which we generally play because they're good and cool, the two teams know the tactics and the players of the other one perfectly; I think it will be a tight and beautiful match but at end I hope we will win. I want to say "good luck" to dtekt <3

Poland Wrobel
I think this match will be hard for us. We played many times with them and they are very good. We lost the EC qualifier against them so now we wanna take revenge.

Poland Thoro
This match will be one of hardest this season. Everyone knows ND and their skill. We were praccing with them several times so we know each other very well. We’'re hoping that we can give them a right challenge and maybe with some luck we can beat them, but it will be very hard.

While ND seem to be favoured, dtekt want revenge and we all know how messy things can get when these kinds of emotions are involved.

Enough of the talk. Let's see what the coverage looks like:

image: game1018

GTV match link

FlyingDJ (English)
Pr3Ds.Radio (Polish)
Pr3Ds.Radio (German)

ESL match link

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