Burning down the house!

From the slow news department:

Dell are currently under attack for burning someones house down! The Inquirer reports that a man in Florida is claiming his laptop nestled on his couch caught fire!

QuoteAccording to the Florida Herald-Tribune, Louis Minnear, 36, said the computer was on a pile of papers on the family’s sofa. Minnear said that he first smelled fire at about 5am but after checking the house, returned to bed. About 45 minutes later, he re-awoke and found his couch engulfed on fire.

In 20 minutes the fire destroyed the house leaving the family without a bean. So far the State Fire Marshal's Office in South Venice, Florida has not decided what caused the fire.

It seems Americans will do anything to burn down their house, even an XBOX is capable of doing it which you can read fully Here
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