Alienware Challenge Final Vote!

image: 2cffe4p

The AWC is coming to an end with one final vote which will most likely decide who wins the $5000 cash prize.

Some of you will have doubtlessly been following the Alienware backpacking challenge, an event that saw four gamers travel across Europe while trying to accomplish a series of testing tasks.
During that time the public were encouraged to vote for who they thought had performed each task to the best of their ability. Well now, with the end in sight after the contestants all convened at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, it's now time for the final vote to be cast to see who will emerge victorious and take home a $5,000 cash prize.

This final vote will make up a massive 40% of the total, so if you haven't voted before, or want to ensure that the most deserving person wins, now is the time to make it count.

image: avatar_livia
Livia Teernstra
Netherlands Netherlands
23 Years Old
Former CGS Player

image: avatar_matthijs
Matthijs Hoving
Netherlands Netherlands
24 Years Old
Shoutcaster for QuadV

image: avatar_ben
Ben Balcombe
United Kingdom United Kingdom
23 Years Old
Teaching assistant

image: avatar_alasdair
Alasdair Sparrow
United Kingdom United Kingdom
23 Years Old

QuoteThe end is looming near and the contestants are arriving back home from an exhausting Gamescom. The time has come to decide the winner and for that we are opening a global poll. What the contestants have earned points wise is only a small portion of the campaign and the winner will be decided by a large public poll (counting for 40% of the grand total) and a deliberation by Dell/Alienware staff (for another 40%). The remaining 20% the contestants have already earned by completing the challenges of the past 7 weeks.

Now it is up to the public to decide who they think has performed the best overall. This means the contestants need no longer be judged on their performances during the challenges, as that is only part of the big picture, but we urge the voters to let their hearts decide on who has gone out there and put themselves in new situations. Who has been the most creative and who has been able to captivate you with the story they have been telling over the past months.

Vote for your favorite contestants and if you really feel like this person should win make sure to get all your friends and family to vote as well.

Once again,
Ha and i wonder who will win this vote :D
A_Spec fo sho :p
gotta support them guys at quadv, ya dig?
QuoteYou will need to click on the activation link in your email before your vote will count.

Got bored at this point and didn't vote. Livia wins anyway, so pointless effort
Just a note: if I win, I will be donating £500 to the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation as I believe I was immensely lucky to get chosen for this great competition and want to give something back.
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