Speedlink announces new SLAC site

Today Speedlink is proud to present the launch of the new SLAC website which can be found here.

Quote by SpeedlinkWe are proud to announce the opening of the official SPEEDLINK ANTICHEAT website and from now on, all announcements will be made here. The site will be improved with features as the time goes on. The reason some functionality is missing (e.g. commenting, but will be implemented soon) is that certain things have taken the priority due to the anticheat being used in the upcoming ClanBase's EuroCup and OpenCup season.

The question many people have been asking lately: when will the first cheater list be released? Now that the site is open to public, the answer is: within a few days. A few more things on the technical side need to be done before releasing the list. After that, a list of the caught cheaters will be published on more often, regular basis.

As always, if you have questions or problems, check out the support and contact pages. However, please take time to first read the FAQ and topics on our forum - your question may have already been answered!

More news to come soon, stay tuned! :)

#speedlink.anticheat on irc.quakenet.org

If you haven't registered a SLAC account yet, you can do so by clicking here.

On a side note Croatiachaplja also stated that the master server has been optimized today, the "no reply" from the master messages should appear MUCH less now.

Source: http://sl-anticheat.com/news.php?id=1 [/b]
1st, well done. Nice site.

QuoteThe question many people have been asking lately: when will the first cheater list be released? Now that the site is open to public, the answer is: within a few days.
and thats relevant cuz off?
Nice site indeed. Waiting for the list.
banlist else this site is bullshit
Still should of took Germanyfireball :)
Nice indeed
Hopefully this will inject some more hope
Well done
nice nice now banlist PLOX! :)
What "bo" said

nice site indeed. Waiting for the BAN list ;)
need the list faggot
oh wait killerboy has nothing to say about that ^_^
QuoteThe question many people have been asking lately: when will the first cheater list be released? Now that the site is open to public, the answer is: within a few days.
so where is the LIST?!
Site looks good. :)
omg the guy who got profile nr. 1337 is such a noob -_-
nice copying my nick!
finally registered there lulz :>
Quotethe "no reply" from the master messages should appear MUCH less now.

meaning it will still happen..? how do you plan on fixing this? kinda shit if you gotta play an offi and it wont login.
Press it a couple times, you really aint this retarded?
tried that the other day, after getting a mouse arm i decided to fuck it off.
turn off ur cheats
see me pwn yesterday? (vs baddies but still pwn for my low skill!)
i p00ned cybergay today :DDDD im so pr0
completely getting rid of 'that problem' actually costs a little fortune, which I'm pretty sure they can't spare at the moment ;)

(3-4 backup server - or at least lines, and well... everything else could be done via firewalls/scripts concerning the client connections :X)

lets just say it takes some effort^^
making something useful for the community takes effort, they knew what they signed up for when they started.

im nowhere near a pc expert but shouldnt this have been seen coming when they started?
well, the thing is: coding something doesn't take money, except the time you invest(which equals money, ...) but creating redundancy concerning connection and resources is pretty expensive and has, since it's a "hobby" not only to be worth reliable but also has to be financed somehow. and as long as it isn't funded on a monthly base by some sponsort, I highly doubt, that backup soloutions are an option :)

so to plan something in is nice, but it also takes more than that ;)
happy birthday :o)
thx m8 :D
Scarzy: Guess it's time to go back to Linux so I don't have to use slac ;) :p

"Linux client
In development, not yet released. "

image: 126144527737
use a mac! ;D
I always eat at the mac
are you sure it wasn`t KFC? :)
:D 2 far for me
July,16 2010
finally some user list... now a bustlist w/o already pb detected cheats and im getting more to a point which i could considerl as (more) convinced.
looks good
n1 :)
hope the list will be published soon !
That banner irritates me though *_*
starcraft 2 and cod on a et anticheat-site...nice!
looks nice, maybe add the user ID on the users list too though
I made an account in SLAC itself, but it's not recognised on the website. Do I need to link the two or something?

I can see it at the bottom left on the "New Users" section
ye khaplja told me ^^
nice site, looking forward to the list.
looks good
ga je het nu dan eindelijk dl'en? :d
wat een moron als die nu wel download omdat de site nice is
't is al een goe punt dat ie positief is ;D
they have charset issues
there seems to be some kind of flaw left:

Username Tites | Reg. date August 1, 2010 | Last login August 1, 2010

I've been logging in almost every day since then and yesterday I logged in, as well. However, "last login" remains the same as "reg.date".
I don't know whether it's just a formal mistake or maybe more.
its about login on page, not slac itself
nice ;)
SL Anticheat - Caught cheaters
A list of the caught cheaters will be released soon.

when ? :)
QuoteThe question many people have been asking lately: when will the first cheater list be released? Now that the site is open to public, the answer is: within a few days.
nice too see there are still ppl working on the project.

keep it going ;)
Next time, take your time, and do things in the right way...
New users:
obliv1, obliv,

Where is zeh list?
want to see tha list :)
after seeing it , you'll be like this

image: InternetFuckYeah

yeah, u'll be probably on it spotted hacker xDD
nah , i'm not active anymore :D
what can i say...
nice site :)
On the user list you can only choose the first or the last page.. There's no next/previous option.. Ofc you can just type the page number in the address bar but seems kinda weird though.. Just thought you might wanna fix this.
yes there is...
try use >> or << ;p
ah.. looked like one single button to me.
SL Anticheat - Caught cheaters
A list of the caught cheaters will be released soon.

when ? :)
"within a few days" ya nigger
a question; suppose someone is dumb enough to cheat in an offi using slac and he gets detected, yet his clan goes further in playoffs, how will you handle situations like that if there's delay in posting who got caught when

(for example I cheat in 1/8 match now, my clan goes through and we come to final but I appear on the list like 1 day before the final and you see that I used it in offi, when that match gets forfeited will every match since then be replayed with the clan that lost to my clan?)
making plans to cheat ?
who says I hadn't already :<

(that's why I mentioned final, cos I'm playing 2 finals this week)
I'm proud of you my son
thanks, means a bunch
son, I'm proud, u finally found a way to beat the system.
Hi son, i'm also proud of you
They will have the ban earlier if it affects the tournament
how will they know which ban is important for the tournament
any match that is a Cup (EC/OC)?
but will you check the bans after every ec/oc matchweek?
i check the banlist everyday/few hours :)
you nerd!
I suddenly started to worship you.
If someone in the match is suspected, he will be checked
Not quite sure, but I remember killerboy mentioning it
hope it won't work that way cos what would happen if someone that is not suspected gets a ban
They can just check all the names:P
can't use the shit because my antivirusprog delete it automatically if i download it. fuck slac gay trojan lol.
same here, if avast say its virus,it is a virus, i will never install this shit <3
Nice inbefore spiROZE whines about SLAC
Quote SLAC User Profile - vila (00003246)
Registration date: September 6, 2010
Anti-cheat status: OK

i see what u did there.
and it's not even a faker - vila comeback already :)
newspost incoming!
Nice job :) Keep it up!
when it gets white listed by the AV companies i will consider this software but not until then
so impact is only gonna play ESL until they will force it too?(or if they force aeq or whatever that also gives AV warnings)
what are the players supposed to do, turn off AV?
press 2 buttons to add it exceptions (assuming u actually would trust it)
if you dont have those 2 buttons then get a decent av
adding software to the exception list of AV that you know nothing about.... no thanks.
its anticheat for et by speedlink, what else would u need to know?
if the AV is fixed in time for EC i guess Impact will play
that logic is quite flawed, without leap of trusts you wouldnt have an AV or firewall installed actually.

feel free to install any other competing AV and firewall at your already complete system.
how is it flawed?
You purchase / use AV to protect you against unknown programs/trojans. I'm not a coder, nor are you, very few people can assure me of what this does. Currently the AV programs remove the program, when the program is whitelisted then its not going to be an issue is it, it is therefore a trusted program.
Do you have Windows 7?

Edit: I saw in your profile that you do. Does SLAC require admin privileges to run? If it would've been an evil software wouldn't have been easier to request superuser privileges to run so it would have access to protected system resources?
It is flawed in several ways:
1. I am not a coder but I can code somewhat(C level, better than blindi:-p).
2. Noone but himself can assure you of what he exactly does, this is the case of everything that can not easily be abused by someone else.
3. If AV = to protect you against unknown programs/trojans, then AC = to protect against cheating. It would be like saying that every rock is the same.
4. If you got AV #1 it will "remove" AV #2, reverseq it and it will have the same outcome. Does that mean AV in itself is bad?
5. To have it whitelisted, it would most likely be put at risk.
6. I do not know how much impact you put behind the word "purchase", but if there was anything behind it do feel free to donate(or we could call it a purchase) to chapljez or /buyNow :-)
How would that be possible with all the frequent updates? By the time a version gets whitelisted a new one will be out.
Hello, GoldoraK

"Your last login was on
6 Sep 2010 13:13 GMT,
welcome back!"

Need alphabetical order for user list, more easy
yep or at least names should be serchable, not only the slac guid itself
A list of the caught cheaters will be released soon.
Quotenew users



for those wondering - it's not a faker.
why would you say a faker? names are totally unrelevant since youre sorted by slac guid :)
true, but people will tend to believe that the slac account name = not a faker

just like you picked the account name 'maus', if you cheat on it, everyone will say 'lololol maus on slac list'
What do anti-virus programs say now? Still the same issues?
can't log in, or do I need separate account for the website?
the same user & pw as you have on SLAC/old website

(forum username/pw is different from the site, they are seperate)
thnx, my keyboard wasn't working properly xD works now
Gief bustlist
NO! It's mine! My precious.
in b4 ban
does this mean i have to make a new account ?
i cant log in on the website ?
then you have to register again, cuz the first time it was just a beta or something :P
SLAC User Profile - Atiunderscore (00002925)
Registration date: August 29, 2010
Anti-cheat status: OK

lags. sl_players bugs. dont want to use it ever again.
good.. a site.. now where is the link to the EULA.
Won't use it until it becomes necessary.

00000510 Absolwent 08.09.2011. Cheating (Heur/Hacked
00001376 abso 08.09.2011. Cheating (Heur/Hacked game)
00000348 roox 08.09.2011. Cheating (Heur/Hacked game)
00000075 DOCENTii 08.09.2011. Cheating (Heur/Hacked game)
00000743 Mlody 08.09.2011. Cheating (Heur/Hacked game)

How unexpected :D:D
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