ClanBase Sign Ups Reminder

image: 31507r6

I would like to remind all of you that the deadline for the forthcoming EuroCup\OpenCup season sign ups is tonight, the 12th of September. So don't hesitate and act promptly, thus securing your place in the sign up list.

To register, go to this link: Sign Up Here

When doing so, please make sure the following has been done:
  • A specific group which lists the clan's main roster has been created. A detailed explanation can be found here: Sign Up How To
  • All clan members have a SLAC account with its GUID added to their profile.

For any of you who have been wondering, EuroCup XXII will have prizes, which will be revealed shortly.

On a different note, I would like to stress the importance of coverage and the help of the Community in making ClanBase the way it is. If any of you want to sign up as an Admin, thus helping us out by writing match reports and supervising matches, please do so here: Sign Up As Admin Here

In case you have any questions or problems, please contact us at
cool story


slac special cases still valid ye?
oh guys, last day to sign up for worms 1x1 oc too!
WTF if I only still had my copy of worms I'd sign up :(
~30min wif torrent :x)
I know, already got 2 pm's on CB.......
why i got 3
OMG PRIZES ! bncs ?
hardware most likely.
avi for 3on3 ec/oc or w.e
/q me in #team-snogard
For any of you who have been wondering, EuroCup XXII will have prizes, which will be revealed shortly.

which will be revealed shortly, because they are so shit that you would not participate if we told you we got 1 month CB VIP membership for first place naow.
Maybe if u would ask 1 euro per team you could actually give prizes for real once :)?
After 117morning I will join you
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