EMS VII: First Encounter

image: bannervii

It's time for the first encounter, the first clash of the participating teams. Let's see which teams proove themself worthy of getting to the next phase and which teams are determined to do so. Sunday is full of interesting matches so get yourself some popcorn and a couple of beers and tune in to see the matches from the first round of the EMS VII Qualifiers.

11 matches will be played on Sunday and another 2 on Monday and Tuesday, all of them part of the First Round from the EMS VII Qualifiers. Below you'll see the teams that will battle on Sunday night, and some statements that I managed to get from each team leader. Enjoy the show!

*UPDATE* It seems that the newly formed team Europereprezent dropped out of the competition because of some internal problems. Due to this drop, we decided to add a stable team instead such as the german team, GermanySTAR*. We wish them all the luck because they will need it tonight, against their opponents. Tune in to see the match, and check their statements below!

*UPDATE 2*: They are out! Who? GermanySNOGARD Dragons! Their manager decided to drop out of EMS and all the ESL leagues that they were playing. The reason was the cheating accusations and the ban that one of their members took in the last 24 hours. However, we decided that a new team could join in EMS. So here they are, please welcome EuropeFuzion*, a newly formed team, that looks promising. They will start from the lower bracket, so they'll need all the luck they can get. Here's what their captain had to say:

United KingdomchEWz: Fuzion is a fairly new team, A team which was created just after the EMS signup date had closed. We are pleased to have replaced SNOGARDS, and hope to surprise and give a better show than what they would have. With only having played a few practises, we have shown great potential and are quite confident we can pull ourselves out of the Lower Bracket and qualify for the groups. We look to tear this cup up! :D

The first match starts at 20.00 CET and it's between one decent team that has always played their matches even if they didn't always had any chance of winning, and a team that managed to get a 3rd place spot in the last ESL Major Series season. This match announces itself to be pretty exciting, with both teams eager to get into the next phase of the ESL Major Series, season VII.

GermanynB|Aggro: Knowing we'll face some really hard opponents, we just hope to take at least one map (most probably delivery) from them. We've been praccin' a lot lately so I guess it's our time time to shine now. :PP... Player to spec is of course our well known cheater GermanySunny. Rumours say he's gonna SLAC the shit outta our enemies.

United Kingdomidk`crumbs: The first game for this ems season is against no Brain, I must say I have never heard of this team, and only vaguely recognise their players. Our form in recent scrims has improved over the last week since we've been playing with our full lineup for a change, if we don't win 4-0 it will be very disapointing as we want to win all our games to get us a top seed for the group stage.

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Germany noBra!n

Germany Aggro
Germany Bio
Germany Sunny
Germany waYne
Germany terrAy
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Europe i dont know

Latvia Clown
Estonia frEeze
Netherlands ZaK-
Slovakia filuS
United Kingdom crumbs
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Date: Sunday
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game20992
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21.00 CET? Oh my, it's time for the next series of matches to start. First match is between a decent team that is performing rather well in the last period of time, with the addition of 2 new players, and the second one that is sponsored by Zero Empathy and clearly doesn't want to disappoint their sponsor. What a battle! The team that will win, will have a chance on getting in the Group Stage. Who will it be? Tune in to see!

NetherlandsICTUS|saKen: Not sure what to expect, I think they've been playing together for a while whereas we have been somewhat experimenting due to work/school/other RL issues, I hope we have found a good core now and can build onwards. I don't think I've played this team yet so can't really say whether they are good or not, I hope and suppose we will take it.

TurkeyzeroE`kaze: with our line up changes and our non stable prac time, I guess it won't be a problem for ictus to take it 4-0.

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Europe Team Ictus

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands SQuid
Germany s1LENT
Belgium crook
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Turkey Vice Gaming

Turkey TanQ
Turkey kaZer
Turkey kaze
France MENTh
Turkey MetC
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21048
image: s_foot
One of the most intriguing and interesting matches that will be played on Sunday, at 21.00 CET, is between the newly formed ex-cortana team and 5 good players that are playing together, whereas their sole purpose is victory. Will the ex-cortana proove themselves again, like they did in the past? We'll have the answer for that pretty soon.

Croatiasth`frozz: I'm pretty sure that 242 is favorite in this match because they are playing for some time now with a pretty good and organized lineup and teamplay. We are still pretty much rusty and didn't play a lot because we just gathered this week and are still searching for a player that will fill last spot in the lineup. Also we won't be avi to pracc before match because komar has a football game, but I'm sure we will give our best to take the victory!

United Kingdom242`Sheep: Both teams are pretty similar, core of the lineups have been around since the early CC event days with one or two new additions after some time apart. These guys are basically cortana - who are hugely fanboyed by Squall which says enough about how good these guys can be and actually are! Scoreline? It's going to be a pretty evenly matched game, I daren't make a bet.

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Europe sth

Croatia frozz
Croatia rimi
Croatia komar
Croatia cls
Finland kapaa
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Europe two4two

United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Iron
Finland Stuka
Belgium Kevin
Germany Oxy
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21088
image: s_foot
Who's next? Ah it's EstoniaSQUAD.EE, a team that is getting better and better from day to day, we're expecting them to perform even better in this match. On the other side, we have a newly formed team that looks decent and could surprise in future matches. Check what the two team leaders had to say about this match.

Estoniamanttt: I have no idea if the opponent is good or not, I think we are gonna lose delivery and win 4-2.

GermanySNO|stRay: After we have prepared for long for the new season and already made a name, we now face top teams in the qualification. This group is already a great challenge for us, but we do not give up yet and try, with a little luck, to force one of these teams to their knees in order to make it to the EMS. Our first opponent 'SQUAD.EE' placed top 5 in the last Eurocup should therefore next to 'close but no cigar' be the favorite of the group. Now all that is left to say is lets have a nice qualification and hopefully a good end for us.

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Estonia SQUAD.EE

Estonia mant
Estonia Jyrkz
Estonia subbi
Estonia rAUL
Finland walle
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Germany SNOGARD Dragons

Germany stRay
Germany Kevji
Germany kiwi
Austria jaN
Sweden Ti+es
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: Adlernest, sp_delivery_te
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21030
image: s_foot
Let's move to the next hour: 21.30 CET. First match is quite interesting because the two teams are extremely good and will do their best to get the victory. Will EU CLAN do the trick once again, with their new line-up or will the best german team, SPEEDLINK, take it? Tune in to see!

SwedenWinFakt|slajdan: It will be a nice friendly match. I think they have potential to do good, especialy if they can merge good with grandpa potter. I am sure our team spirit will be much higher than in the "special case razz" game which we kinda threw. We will get it 4-0 in the end. Extra props for the team behind slac and the rarity of enjoyable praccs.

AustriaSL|potter: Well we are playing winfakt, actually I have no clue how good they are but I heard they aren't that bad so I think we shouldn't underestimate them. Since we couldn't really pracc the last weeks I can't really say a score aswell. I hope we are agoing to win this one so I say it will be 4-2.

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Europe WinFakt!

Belgium Player
Netherlands spho
Sweden slajdan
France StrAf
Belgium isen
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Germany Speedlink

Germany duKe_
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sTOWNAGE
Austria potter
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21061
image: s_foot
Poland or Spain? If it was a NC match, Poland would have surely take it. But it isn't, and the players are not the same. We are looking at two decent teams that are trying to do their best in the EMS Qualifiers. We are looking at a tough match, so don't forget to tune in to see if Winghaven delivers once again or it's time for the polish players to take over?

Polandsavak|aDman: Since we never played against gZcon, I cannot say nothing about how they will perform, but I am sure of that their lineup is almost completly filled by spanish stars. I had a pleasure to play with Wezor, Rad!fz and Gengis in play2win, so all I can say about them is that they are really good. Hopefully we (gZcon and savak) can make this game really exciting. Personally I do expect our smashing win against them, hope it will be 4:0 for us, but you cannot be sure about the score till the game is over! JEBAC SAVAK!

SpainWinghaven: We haven't played a lot together but we're performancing good, not as good as we would like though, anyway, I think if we play our A-game we can do something damage to the polaks and take the victory home.

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Poland savak

Poland aDman
Poland lest
Poland Lukey
Poland wiaderek
Poland Xanah
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France Gamerz-Con

Spain Dude
Spain Gengis
Spain Rad!fz
Spain WeZoR
Spain Winghaven
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: Supply, sw_goldrush_te
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21016
image: s_foot
Woah! Belgian Fraternity, one of the AEF revelations, will surely do their best to win this unpredictable match against the frenchies. Will not be easy as their opponents promise to bring it all in, as they barely won last time when they played. Will it be interesting to watch? You bet it will!

PolandAero`Robaciek: It won't be the first time we're going to face wck and I believe this game shouldn't be a trouble for the boys but at this level there are no easy matches and no team should be underestimated. But then again I say 4:0 Aero.

FranceKartez: Aero Gaming have a good teamplay, they got some nice aimers, finished 4th at AEF, they probably will win this game 4/2.

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United Kingdom Aero Gaming

Belgium Al1
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium chizz6l
Netherlands Lun4t1C
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Belgium Wolf Crazy Killer

France keejii
France Kartez
France calimero
Belgium xAv
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game20993
image: s_foot
Another Zero Empathy team will try to do their best in the Qualifiers against a very good team that is performing quite well lately and is known as a decent team. It won't be too easy for them to bring them down as their teamplay is better than ever, but so was dignitas' teamplay before the EMS Grand Final, right? Expect the unpredictable here.

Czech RepubliciR|Charlieeeze: Will be a close match - maybe BV lineup isn't stable but they got experience. We hope 4 the win but it's ET and u can never know what happens.

PolandzeroE`Elviss: Hmm, so I think iR is a decent opponent , they have nice lineup with nice rifle, I think it's gonna be a nice match, but I think we're gonna win this match by decider, 4:2 for us. :D

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Czech Republic inteRaction

Czech Republic Charliee
Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic milhAus
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic derek
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Poland blurred vision

Poland hunter
Poland Elviss
Poland Michalek
Poland Estaloth
Poland rumuN
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Date: Sunday
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21075
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*UPDATE* They just got in and they promise to bring hell in this competition. Expect them to win every match that they have in this qualifier as they seem to be extremely motivated now that they are in! About their opponents, they want the same, and that is to get into the next phase. So expect one interesting match tonight, in EMS!

GermanySTAR\asmogan: First of all, we are happy to get a last minute spot. The opponent is pretty unknown for us, but we dont want to underestimate them, however we expect to win this match.

FrancemyR|An7ho_: They play together for a long time already, they have a very good teamplay and nice players like ScaTmaN and humM3L. I think that it will be an interesting match and hope to perform good in it. Cheers for our cheerlader : Aleyna ;)

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Germany STAR*

Germany humM3L
Germany FiREBALL
Germany asmogan
Germany caTchEr
Germany criatura
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Greece myRevenge e.V.

Netherlands Luffy
Netherlands Playboy
Netherlands Mott4
France An7ho
France quake
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Date: Sunday
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Supply, Sw_goldrush_te
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21119
image: s_foot
What a match! 10 extremely good players, only 5 will pass into the next round. Both teams will try their best so you can expect a hell of a fight. Who shall it be? That's very hard to predict but seeing the statements, I guess the luckiest one will get through.

CroatiasuVi`: We're still sorting out lineup stuff so I have no idea how this will turn out.

Canadaanim`: We feel pretty confident going into this match, we have played baserace.et once - and we know they are struggling with a lineup atm; we have some new changes to our roster as well. They played the recent summercup and did fairly well, however half of their lineup resides in sleeperz so it will be interesting to see how they will perform in this match.

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Germany energy-WAVE

Canada rockstar
Hungary Nonix
Canada anim
Belgium fostrum
France Rizkk
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Europe baserace.et

Croatia suVi`
Estonia EURUZ
Denmark fryzer
Netherlands xperia
Russia jago
image: s_border_short

Date: Sunday
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21091
image: s_foot
We rarely see such a fight at such a high level. Two polish teams, only one can get into the next round. Woah, this will be interesting, a fight between two of the best polish teams. Who will take it, you may ask. 1stCav or high.five? Tune in tonight to see the result!

Polandhigh5{syriusZ: We didnt play vs 1stCav since few months so we have no idea how are they performing atm but we expect a tough match. We have currently had some problems with lineup (lamek's pc is broken and we had to remove metsuri) but we got a decent replacement for them. I expect 4:2 for us if winq will be sober.

PolandCav|Boski: I think we are not favourites in this match. We have been inactive since June but we are fixing that now. I don't know how we will perform because our skill was pretty unstable lately. I'm hoping for a good, tight match. Let the better team win.

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Poland high.five

Poland dnl
Poland syriusZ
Poland stexx
Poland winq
Poland ryzu
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Poland 1stCav

Poland Dolar
Poland boski
Poland voiler
Poland miks
Poland errol
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Date: Sunday
Time: 22:30 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21082
image: s_foot
The ex Sleeperz team that is now known as RAGE seems that will have a rather easy job in getting to the next round, seeing them in action in their last matches. However, I don't think their opponents will agree to just let them win, so expect them to perform the best they can.

Belgiumtalent\Lazio: Should hopefully be an easy game for us if we can eliminate weak's impact on the game, we'll do our best to get back on track after our loss to squad.ee and progress to the the EMS groupstage.

GermanynoTeamplaypowel : We're back in action with some new pickups. No surprise that a realistic score is an easy win (4:0) for RAGE. We're motivated and trying to play our game. We'll see what happens.

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Denmark RAGE

Belgium Lazio
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom Kamz
Norway Eirik
Estonia hell
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Germany no Teamplay

Germany annajr
Germany antiheld
Germany powelcheck
Germany TimeN
Germany t0MMy
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Date: Monday
Time: 22:30 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21096
image: s_foot
It's Impact, can you expect less from them? Will they manage to win against some unhitable unknown polish players? They had worse opponents so of course, they are Impact! The result might be predictable, but the most interesting part is how Impact will perform, as a team. Take a peak to see the best italian rifler or the best ET aimer in action!

United KingdomR0SS`i: Well, we haven't played since EC final and mAus is still on holiday. Therefore I'm not sure who the 5th will be but I still expect us to win the match 4-0.

Polandb2k`l4z: We're really happy that the chance of playing in EMS were given to us. We're undoubtedly good players but unfortunately we happened to draw the most skilled opponents to play against (who're also my favorites). What can I say more, we'll try to play like we always do.

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United Kingdom Impact Gaming

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Italy XyLoS
Netherlands hayaa
Belgium mAus
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Poland back 2 kill

Poland slash
Poland Abject
Poland w1lko
Poland l4z
Poland kuba
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Date: Wednesday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21094
image: s_foot
Good job!
00:23 ESL|FoaMeA I'll still post the newspost with you guys in, and then make a sudden announcement :D

i really didnt believe you'd do it :D
Why not? :DDDDD
Aero 3rd at AEF? thanks for the info :D
Oops :XD

Sorry FoaMeA :<
Look again, modified, friend. :)
at first i saw 4th, thinking lolwat, then i read comment and i was: ah he already edited, nice :d

Google Translater :*
great news !!

snoop :)))))))))))
Kartez: Aero Gaming have a good teamplay, they got some nice aimers, finished 3rd at AEF, they probably will win this game 4/2.

haha kartez le fail :D
nice effort, didnt read tho...

gl hf all
no maus lololol

hard boots for snoop to fill.
nice work foamea :P
im proud son
omg France Winghaven omg
so looking forward to Germany powelchecks statement
A Timen statement would be much better... just random bs as always. ;)

idk win +
no idea tbh! guess 4:2 ICTUS though! +
242 my guess (gl aea though!) +
squad.ee win -
speedlink win +
guessin spaintards will take it +
aero win +
not sure here either! going to go with bv (cause of ESL no slac policy) +
reprezent win -
rockstAr win (cause of ESL no slac policy) +
1stCav win -
Rage win
Impact win
Edited again. ;)
I see what you did there!
prove me wrong :P. But I think they will be good!
They will, but no one said we won't do our best!:)
aggro on frontpage of cf

et is dead

.. nerd
Poor anim still playing with Nonix...he must be so furious.
good job foamea. well now looking on teams and players, this cup looks really promising.
gj! gl hf all teams :)
nice read ;)
biggie biggie biggie cant you see:D
Very nice ! :)
eVo`i: no statement released yet.

b2k`l4z: no statement released yet.

no statement is really needed for that one
isn't w1lko busted?
some unhittable polaks? For impact we are hittable
btw foamea we arent new formed ;)
thats nice :)
change my nick it to filuS (<- most preferred), FiLuS or filus. Thx in advance
make your name.
Good luck yo
care to shoutcast one of these matches?
When back from Tanzania.
Ok, we'll wait for you, Mashed! :)
No pressure.
made a name xDDDDDDDD
gl all!
Great post :)
loop nog te shaken xd
huge newspost ^^
make it sticky, Krosan friend! :)
sticky SC news plx !
Go ewave boys :)
stray why make such a long statement,shuda just said 4-0 squad.ee ..
lmfao me and anim are laughing at this :DDDD
still smiling? : )
still smiling? : )
two4two ftw! Gl oxy sheep kevin ;*
Not going to watch any thing or play ESL until delivery is removed!
feel kinda same towards cb+karsiah combo :D
Would rather play karsiah then deliv(fuckkingshit)ery
vice versa over here :)
Need a new league called CLS without karsiah and devliery!
I really hate delivery. For me its the worst map I have ever had to play. Karsiah on the other hand isnt as painful for me to play but everyone has their pro's and con's for each map I suppose
i prefer to delivery to karsiah but agreed i don't particularly like either map
Nice newspost foamea
thats one hell of a newspost!
Some really close games I guess.


nobody won :D
Crazy poles all up in peoples' shit.
nice news
stfu ignorant asshole
the dragons are flying :(
gl noT, especially annajr & antiheld ;)
QuoteDue to this drop, we decided to add a stable team instead such as the german team, STAR*.

as in, the team that just (re)formed two days ago for the hundredth time? i see.
STAR* stable team my ass
gl fuzion, it might be izi for u ;)
Really nice post, well done!
Realize for president <3
nice englisz laz
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