Train Like a Tier One Operator

In cooperation with EA Games, Heaven Media is proud to announce a competition for the new Medal of Honor.

If you ever wanted to experience military training at its finest, now is your chance. To celebrate the release of the new Medal of Honor game, we have decided to take two readers and give them some serious military training. You will receive a full expensed paid trip to the UK to participate in the filming of "Train like a European Tier One Soldier – earn your Medal Of Honor". During this day you will receive military training, weapons training and basic combat training.

Participants need to be available for travel and filming on the 27th of September and need to keep into account that travel might also be required on the 26th.

To compete in this competition, you will need to fill out the application form and send it to [email protected]. You can find the form, and more information on the splash page
The registration for this competition will run until the 19th of September.

nice :D
nice :P
Frop is a nazi
ET > all
blackops > MoH
They're wanting to ban MoH already.
been there, done that

we should pick one guy from the community (kamz) and send him there
Noes, 1 day training :o
Already in military training, obsolete competition.
that trailer looks sick
plus fucking one
looks sick
been there and done that
looooooks sick !
it looks fucking awesome :p but im sure im gonna get bored after 30 mins playing :)
Am I the only one thinking about Quake Live tiers when I hear about that game?

Tier 1 = newbs
tiers are for queers
another cod4...
Nothing like CoD4 tbh my main man drag0n!

Reminds me more of FFOW. Except MoH is smoother ";D"
4th best team in da world m8
on 300 ping! ; PP
Get on steam man.
looks nice but the singleplayer of moh: allied assault was/is still the best shooter out there.
nice looks really good
Medal of Duty - train rolling another great FPS. fml
Make a poll "How much MoH sucks"
Quakelive is better
need good pc :(
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