RtCW-Cup NC Semi Finals Completed

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The Semi Finals for Nations Cup I are have been completed - with Germany Germany taking on Netherlands Netherlands in the first of the two games and United Kingdom United Kingdom coming up against Hungary Hungary in the second game it would always be a tight contest - The playoffs are single elimination so the winners would steam straight into the Grand Final and the losers would go into a 3rd place Playoff to see who finished on the podium.

Semi Finals
Netherlands Netherlands vs. Germany Germany
image: game20960Maps were NL: Beach, DE: Frostbite. A tense game for both teams, Netherlands Team NL were without team captain mAno and it was upto rockit pwnerNetherlands 2d to lead the troops into battle - the game was all over the place on frostibte with both coming out with a round while on beach the early damage had been done by Netherlands Netherlands early, giving Germany Germany a continuous uphill struggle. Demos can be found: HERE

United Kingdom United Kingdom vs. Hungary Hungary
image: game20959Maps were UK: Frostbite, HU: Assault. Kicking off on Frostbite, UK were for the first time playing with what Germany fro would consider their strongest lineup and quick pushes got in an early round win before a full hold and a 2-0 victory going to Assault Hungary Hungary did not look their normal selves on their home map and they struggled to get over the Airfield to blow up the tower - United Kingdom Team UK were fending every rush off until the time wound down to a 4:0 win. Demos can be found: HERE

Want to watch WTV?[/u]
If you wish to watch WTV and you do not have a valid copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, do not worry! WTV does not require a calid CD-Key to watch these games so download the RTCW 1.4 pack made by Germany twister: HERE

How does WTV work? on WTV you log on to the a special server where you will watch a 'camera mans' point of view, someone who is logged in to fly around the server and POV's to hopefully give you the best view of the game. So you cannot spectate who you want when you want - but you will be watching the same thing that everyone else is - which has always added to the atmosphere of even the most boring games!

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gg's so far indeed!
C'mon Netherlands!
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