WCG2010 USA Online Qualifiers

image: wcgOnly a few days ago, I posted a news item detailing Splash Damage's request for a team to represent America at this year's World Cyber Games in Los Angeles, California. With a few teams signing up, the fairest way to decide who would represent USA was to host an online qualifying competition. Tonight, that competition starts, and we have 1 match from each round available for viewing on ETQW TV or on video stream.

Round 1 - Tonigh @ 21:00 EST (03:00 CET)
First off, we have United States of America Team Decimated go up against United States of America AmeriMIX on Ark. This will be Decimated's first match in a long time after them coming out of "retirement" due to the inactivity of competitive ET:QW. AmeriMIX, however, have yet to play a game as a team, so this should be interesting. They're a bunch of guys who have continued to play the game.

Round 2 - Tonight @ 21:50 EST (03:50 CET)
Next up is United States of America The Art of Warfare vs. United States of America Team Fate on Quarry, a map that's fresh to the competitive map pool and has be especially been drafted due to it being included in the Quake Wars Online map pool. TAW boast about being the largest clan in ET:QW with a massive amount of 160 members (Yes, you read that right, one hundred and sixty!!), but how will they play against a Team Fate squad full of experience and skill? This should be one interesting matchup.

Round 3 - Tonight @ 22:40 EST (04:40 CET)
We will be seeing TAW back on the screens again as the face another "oldschool" team, United States of America Team HOT on Refinery, a map which is notorious for double fullholds until ETQWPro removed the MCP objective, however, this is in a vanilla environment, so the MCP has been re-added again. Will be see another double fullhold on this map? Will HOT be able to show the ETQW TV viewer that they are still the team they once were? Tune in to find out.

image: game21148 image: game21149 image: game21155

Enjoy the games and be sure to look out for tomorrow's matches.

NB: This has been posted for those who are interested in spectating, if you have no intention to reply in a constructive manner, then do not reply at all. Users seen disobeying this rule will be warned then banned if they continue.
.fa. rapes all ggs
gl to all participating teams ;)
"NB: This has been posted for those who are interested in spectating, if you have no intention to reply in a constructive manner, then do not reply at all. Users seen disobeying this rule will be warned then banned if they continue."

i guess thats why only 2 comments
Last one got 95 comments :P
damn I wish I could play there :(
Seanza, I have never played ET:QW but i presume you have. One day give me the low down on the game! oK!?
CC8 ETQW cup, cu there.
lan of QW is needed now!
gl to all
np4team hot :-)
What about Europe?
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