ET-Xreal Progress Update

A few weeks ago, id Software released the engine source code for ET & RtCW. Since then, several projects have been created in order to make ET a better game, such as iowolfet. One particular project that the Crossfire community should be excited about is ET-Xreal.

For those of you who don't know, ET-Xreal is an open source project that will port the Xreal render to the ET engine. The original Xreal project was a whole new game based on the Quake 3 engine. Since the release of ET's source code, the original project has been dropped.

Germany Tr3B, the man behind ET-Xreal and the original Xreal, has been working on porting the Xreal render to the ET engine over the past several weeks. Work has also continued on improving the render. Just yesterday, Tr3B posted an update on his website.

QuotePorting the renderer to ET is almost done but it is still not ready for release. If you can’t wait and want to experiment with the code then you can get a copy of the latest source code from the project’s Git repository.

> git clone git://

It is necessary to recompile the maps if you want to enable XreaL’s features in the maps. So … I started to work on a new map compiler called “ETXMap” that supports some ET specific stuff and the Doom 3 material keywords. It already can compile the ET maps and maps in the Doom 3 and Quake 4 .map formats. However I still have to sort out a few bugs with the terrain and directional lightmaps.

A short proof of ET using the XreaL renderer: Steep Parallax Mapping

image: DHyVJ

Apart from the obvious, the Xreal render will also support further GPU acceleration, which should improve FPS for all players and computers.

The video below was recorded a year ago, and shows the full potential of the Xreal engine. Just imagine, ET can look like this one day.

Still interested? Check out the links below.
floor textures look ugly
I never expected such a stupid comment from you
trolling is a art
newfags being newfags and filling your inbox
cool stuff
keep up the good work :)
hmm need a new pc!
ME 2! 50 fps max in ET, now with this update...
sorta the same :D
why? just the opposite loekino m8 !
sounds logical!
buy my vid card
150 euro + 24beers =

2,66ghz dual core
4gb ram
ati radeon x800XL
maak je money met stage
pc is niet zo duur hoor ^_^

maar bier is wel beter, fok ET gek
ik houd niet echt zo van bier :(
oh god nerd, for 150 euros its good enough for me
i aint a nerd .. but why buy shit parts now when u'll have to pay for better ones in the future
its a decent pc for me, i play ET and quakelive so suits me!
fair enough, but that wouldn't run ET-Xreal very well for example
i bet you can tweak the configs
hij lult 125 stabiel haal je
ja denk het wel, maar dat is gewoon zon ict nerd hihiih
you never had brains m8
the legendary failing jew failed again
500 FPS OMG LOLOLOLOL!!!!11!!!one!1!!!!
good work! srsly i hope this will soon be completed and the dream of no lags at all comes true :D
It's their hobby obviously...
It's not like they're forced to make an anticheat whenever it's needed, especially when they don't give a crap about competitive scene
why the hell do we need another anti-cheat if we got slac, just because esl can't use it?
why can't they use it?
The community is not just crossfire, you know..
I'm sure many mod makers and clans are interested about this project.
I'd love to make a map with these graphs
Something useful like a new site for ESL that doesn't make you want to throw your PC out of the window?
I didn't design it, so why blame me?
Think hes just pointing out you might as well sort out your own bits, before you start complaining about this.
and a little less German
but just a little bit
lol germans they are fucks
500 fps, no thanks
i hope this wont b a fail project...!
I don't quite see the motivation behind this project. Any player that is at least a little skilled will use a custom config where all the graphics are turned down. And if you're doing it for the fps then I bet you could just improve the current engine, and secondly everyone has kind of a good enough pc these days for ET. So why bother?
Sponsors would like people to play pretty games so they can flaunt their latest overpriced hardware, so where's the harm in it if this actually comes to fruition?
Ye ofc there's no harm, just wondering where all the motivation comes from :p
They noticed how easily one of the biggest leagues accepted SLAC (without any questions asked) and now they want their own share of the credit card heists.

<3 frop
ET runs worse on a lot PC's than cod4 for example due to lack of support for multicore cpu's and whatnot. should be enough motivation.
it can never run well enough

and surely this thing would interest new players and give a lot more publicity to ET
I doubt that to be honest. To attract new players to this new rendered game, you'd need to promote it. Just a newspost on won't attract any new players to ET.
its still early development, there is nothing to play or test and thus also no need to promote yet
Ye but how will they attract new players from outside the community? How can it possibly catch the interest of players who are used to playing the newest games on the market? How can this Xreal project compete with the new titles coming out with huge marketing backing?
afterall it will not be a sole game project but an engine to base games on and there are already various projects on their way.

Other than that ET shows us quite well, day by day, how it is possible to live without and yet still improve without this marketing backing (eventhough it had a bit in the beginning). Community is a strong force and that is what all these projects have to rely on.
I know plenty of people that like ET's gameplay but don't play it for the graphics.

All of them would come back if it had awesome graphics no questions asked :)
Nice, didn't know those existed :)
How about the price? The addictive game play? The community?
well, in my opinion this thing succeeding would be best that could happen to ET
I don't get it why so many ppl are so negative about it. It's not that we would lose something if it doesn't work out. Rather it's surely worth the try. And yeah ET could be promoted all around when it's ready but I'm sure it would get a lot attention if this thing really works out

but tell me for real why you are so negative about it ? I mean I got the image that you want ET to be on LAN events and stuff, so what's wrong with this ?
No I'm not being negative at all, I applause the project at all costs and by all means please continue with it. I'm just questioning the motivation behind it, because when all this is done, the success of the entire project will rely on publicity & marketing, which I doubt will happen. I'm just wondering whether they thought of that now already.
I don't know the background of this guy behind it, but what if he is just an average ET player that loves the game and would like to enjoy it with good graphics :)
Other than that, ofc it might be just a hobby for him.

You also do a lot for ET without really getting anything out of it, right :) ?
Ye but I like to think that what I'm doing will without a doubt get ET further on :)

I really hope this project will be a grand success!
A simple and plain TDM mode - enough to attract players to ET. ET is nowhere near pick up and play. It's one of the hardest games out there.
That's true too! But the complexity is also its charm ;)
For us competitive gamers, it is. I'm getting tired when playing CoD4 matches fast because it feels like you're repeating the same thing over and over. With the respawns and objective-mode, the game becomes way more dynamic, and I'd even unbiasedly say it's the best teamplay game out there once you have a bigger look at it - it's just the fact that it's too complicated for newcomers that limits ET from being as glorious as it should be.
personal fulfillment/experience? not every project needs some kind of exterior motivation to be worthy of your time
Ok fair enough. I personally wouldn't put my time into it but if others like to, np4me.
good gfx = important for 99% of ppl playing games. Also, its nice to have fancy graphics for shoutcasters. Nobody forces you to use this, but it sure will make ET more attractive to a new generation of players.
appearances > all at the moment

too many new games are focused on graphics rather than gameplay
Tbh it might be a great way to get some new players into the game even thou the "hardcore" gamers will fuck it up with their configs, but atm people choose CoD and BF over ET simply because they look better.
Nice work, keen to see how you get on with it.
Looks ok, all you need now is new weapon models, health, armour, dm6 and your done!
no new name yet?! :-(
what u wanna play, fucking mario?

lol brit
new and better graphs would really bring new ppl to the game so it is something we need :)
ET would look gay with up 2 date grafix :<
Well done.
Why on earth would we want it to look like that?

We are already tweaking it to the minimum, some even below that.
u dont get it :P ur fps will increase due to gpu usage.
That is useless for anyone who has even looked at new PC since 2007...
I can play CoD4 at 250fps constant yet I still drop to like 70 when the tank gets to the bridge on Goldrush. Fuck ET ;_;
+1 =) Courtyard on Grush is a real FPS eater =(
oh die map waarvan we van je wonnen?
good to see someone post about it :) Keep supporting it, promising progress.
is a different project than this :)
work together, nubs :<
we kinda do. This is an engine project and we are a game project that bases on this engine ;)
hopefully i will be able to get picmip 3 -like graphics :_(
I don't see where all the negativity comes from. OF COURSE you people tweak your configs to be as low-quali as possible. So what? The project might not be very useful to the competitive scene (unless the graphical beauty will be good enough to actually attract sponsors) but it's nevertheless an interesting project to the average ET player. People who don't take the game too seriously might enjoy the game more if it looks better. Besides, moviemakers will surely get a kick out of all the things they can do with the Xreal-renderer. To me it seems like a win-win situation. The GPU acceleration should increase FPS too. Anyone see that unbelievable 500FPS in the screenshot? Dunno if it's a bug of some sort, though :).

Besides, to all the people who are hating on the textures and the "ugliness" of the Steep Parallax Mapping:
keep in mind the textures are probably from the intended Xreal game. They're not from ET, and if highres textures for the Xreal port of ET are made I'm sure they will look different and fit better to the game. And the parallax mapping doesn't seem to make any sense and looks very odd, but it's just a demonstration of the feature. It can look much better in the right context.
its not hard to get 500fps from a small box map with no other players in and no objects mate
I have never achieved that but I'd appreciate it if you could up a screenie about it.
ill make one asap then ;)
ok im to lazy make sorry :) but rly believe me its true, im a mapper and i know about these things? i'm no liar..
:) I've been mapping a bit myself.

I'm not saying you're a liar o.o.

Just saying that I haven't tried it so I can't claim it's not possible. Would be nice to see a screenie about it. But if you're too lazy, I feel for you man. I'm quite lazy myself 8).
supply stairs

image: 500fps

even so my fps drops to 60 in GR courtyard and some other stages of some maps :D
Just wanna say how it's hilarious a lot of people are replying with "why are you doing this?", "this is a waste of time", "do something useful". I for one am thankful that somebody has gone out of their way to improve enemy territory. I look forward to the full client, thanks.
bitter community, another fine example of this . i hate the fact that people don't appreciate peoples efforts to open this game up to newer people and possibly improve it. oh well
do you play et competitively or w/e? huge part of this community is always unsatisfied. still, some people work on their projects - even though it's not pleasant. they simply do not give a flying duck about hypocrites, i think.
yes i used to play this game competitively and i just really dislike the fact that since the word go this community has gotten bitter and stubborn to even consider change or let alone welcome trying it.

oh well.
I guess most people are "scared" of the idea that competitive ET will run on this soon and will give problems with fps and other stuff like that
eventhough you would get more fps since the game would actually use your video card to render instead of pushing everything trough one of your four cpu cores :D
hilarious most people don't take the time to read that little, to realize that it will only make their game run more stable.. this generation that I am part of is pitiful
I would want to bring another thing up: it scares people to begin or continue new projects, if they already began, because it seems like the community doesn't want any changes, every time something promising pops up (even if it is just a map), which in no way could cause harm, it is being flamed to death, such a ungrateful and disrespectful community we are part of...

developers are scared of us, that ain't helping
believe me i know the feeling, this is one of the examples what i did for the rtcw community but look at the feedback... (server) (sd for rtcw)
yeah that's what I'm talking about : /
3-4 years ago everything was different

people used to be polite & use their brain
nice.You making it rly fast :D waiting till et will look like on vid.
The only thing I would like to know is:
Will it works with actual mod like etpro or even if new mod like N!tmod could do an update to be Xreal compatible?
Or if it needs new mod from scratch ?
keep it up :)!
nice, better graphics would definitely attract new players.
keep it up!
keep it up mate. I know how hard it is to make something for free and then ppl can still whine about it so hard, but rly i'm one of the many others that really respect what you are doing for us the community!
gj, keep it up :)
500 fps but cb forces it down to 125 anyways. : (
But many people can't get a stable 76 fps (me included, it keeps on flickering between 60 and 76), so an fps increase would give most people a chance to have a stable fps of 125 :).

Some of my teammates get even 20 or 30ish fps in certain maps (yes I'm talking to you goldrush).
guys u just cant whine over something thats free/didnt work any on it. you motherfucking retards

good job man appreciated:PP
What do we need?
stfu fucking haters, if you'd all shut your traps for one second and actually read what it says then half of these hateful comments wouldn't even be here...

It seriously pisses me off how this community shoots down every possible chance at improvement before it's even developed properly.

If it doesn't work out, then so be it... Personally I think it will, a lot more people than the current ET scene will play with such graphics.

It only has advantages, if you can't see that then you're fucking retarded.
Nice, keep up!

any changes with physics btw?
why would the physics change if the source code just got ported to another renderer?
dunno, maybe some "addition"...
both games will be identical (wel etmain identical)

the only difference will be the game engine supports gpu / dual core and adds fancy graphics. The whole source code is ported. Only the graphical output part, the renderer is being updated. both games should play and feel the same.
are we able to paly payl etpro with it then? :OOO
not unless bani gives our the source. etpro checks for the game integrity, so a modified client won't do unless changes are made to etpro itself.
shit >_<
that would be so epic if SLAC and then XREAL ET would be both ready :( >_<
fu bani he needs to release etpro source :<
Making ET work with newer computers, supporting multicore and GPU acceleration?

Oops, that's XreaL. We don't need.
Hey guys what is gonna happen if i use a 32 mb vid card?
This may attract more people...but idk if et would look like that it would feel weird...cant they do something like quake live or smt? But dont make it browser based pls
nice, hope it get finished soon
GOOD JOB keep it up!
Good to see the project hasn't died.

Will the guys from iowolfet and Xreal work together?
Bani should let go of the ETPRO source as well.
clueless players that like to play games on console will end up playing this shit, stop wasting time on this crap and improve the engine if you want to be somewhere usefull
do us a favor and stop posting comments
Please fucking slit your wrist already.

dude i always enjoy reading your comments, u are funny as fuck.
awesome shit
i hope someday someone will start doing some usefull project.
which will include fixing the zillion bugs et has :)))
when ui go in the site I see some next shit text??
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