#evu.cup 6 Finals

image: 1756

The groupstage of #evu.cup 6 is finished. The last matches will be played by thursday. The tournament have shown a potential and weakness of some teams but has also delivered a nice pack of a decent games. Due to a failure of all tourney.ccc pages, you can find all results and tables here with an info about remaining matches that will decide which team will finish on which place. I would like to remind that SLAC is forced and not scheduled games by tomorrow will be put on thursday. You can use 1 player that has played for other team in the cup in the last, playoff game. Both clans choose 1 map from mappool.
Groupstage results:

Premier League, group A

Estonia Squad.ee - Europe WinFakt! 4:2
Denmark Rage - Europe zeroE.mvp 4:0
Europe zeroE.mvp - Europe WinFakt! 4:0
Estonia Squad.ee - Denmark Rage 4:2
Denmark Rage - Europe WinFakt! 4:0
Europe zeroE.mvp - Estonia Squad.ee 4:2

1. Denmark Rage 2-1 10:4
2. Estonia Squad.ee 2-1 10:6
3. Europe zeroE.mvp 2-1 8:6
4. Europe WinFakt! 0-3 2:12Premier League, group B

United Kingdom Aero - Europe Reprezent 4:0
Europe Baserace.et - Germany Speedlink 4:0
United Kingdom Aero - Europe Baserace.et 4:0
Germany Speedlink - Europe Reprezent 4:0
Europe Baserace.et - Europe Reprezent 4:0
United Kingdom Aero - Germany Speedlink 4:0

1. United Kingdom Aero 3-0 12:0
2. Europe Baserace.et 2-1 8:4
3. Germany Speedlink 1-2 4:8
4. Europe Reprezent 0-3 0:12

Second League, group C

Europe ICTUS - Finland TurboApinat 4:0
Germany e-WAVE - Finland KRP 4:0
Germany e-WAVE -Finland TurboApinat 4:0
Finland KRP - Europe ICTUS 4:0
Germany e-WAVE - Europe ICTUS 4:0
Finland KRP - Finland TurboApinat 4:0

1. Germany e-WAVE 3-0 12:0
2. Finland KRP 2-1 8-4
3. Europe ICTUS 1-2 4:8
4. Finland TurboApinat 0-3 0:12Second League, group D

Poland :h - Poland blurred vision 4:2
Poland high5 - Poland savak 4:0
Poland blurred vision - Poland savak 4:0
Poland :h - Poland high5 4:0
Poland :h - Poland savak 4:0
Poland high5 - Poland blurred vision 4:0

1. Poland :h 3-0 12:2
2. Poland high5 2-1 8:4
3. Poland blurred vision 1-2 6:8
4. Poland savak 0-3 0:12

Third League, group E

Germany Snogard - Europe wires 4:0
Poland vae victis - Benelux FiF.Red 4:0
Poland Vae Victis - Europe wires 4:0
Germany Snogard - Benelux FiF.Red 4:0
Europe wires - Benelux FiF.Red 4:0
Germany Snogard - Poland Vae Victis 4:2

1. Germany Snogard 3-0 12:2
2. Poland Vae Victis 2-1 10:4
3. Europe wires 1-2 4:8
4. Benelux FiF.Red 0-3 0:12Third League, group F

Poland Frogz of War - United Kingdom Deathless 4:2
United Kingdom increased - Netherlands Target 4:0
Poland Frogz of War - United Kingdom increased 3:1
United Kingdom Deathless - Netherlands Target 4:0
Poland Frogz of War - Netherlands Target 4:0
United Kingdom Deathless - United Kingdom increased 4:0

1. Poland Frogz of War 3-0 11:3
2. United Kingdom Deathless 2-1 10:4
3. United Kingdom increased 1-2 5:7
4. Netherlands Target 0-3 0:12

Fourth League, group G

Poland bacardi - Europe arachnids 4:0
Germany noTeamplay - Germany noBra!n 4:0
Poland bacardi - Germany noBra!n 4:0
Germany noTeamplay - Europe arachnids 4:0
Germany noTeamplay - Poland bacardi 4:2
Germany noBra!in - Europe arachnids 4:0

1. Germany noTeamplay 3-0 12:2
2. Poland bacardi 2-1 10:4
3. Germany noBra!n 1-2 4:8
4. Europe arachnids 0-3 0:12Fourth League, group H

Europe Carnifex - Poland fanatics 4:0
Estonia hold your fire - Netherlands edified 4:0
Europe Carnifex - Netherlands edified 4:0
Poland fanatics - Estonia hold your fire 4:2
Europe Carnifex - Estonia hold your fire 4:0
Poland fanatics - Netherlands edified 4:0

1. Europe Carnifex 3-0 12:0
2. Poland fanatics 2-1 8:6
3. Estonia hold your fire 1-2 6:8
4. Netherlands edified 0-3 0:12

In the Grand Final of the most prestigeous Premier League, two teams recently picked by decent gamings will cross their guns. United Kingdom Aero Gaming went undefeated in their group, beating SummerCup 2010 winner Europe Baserace.et and the best German team Germany Speedlink who is active in ET scene pretty much nowadays which has a very positive respond. Their recent recruit Belgium Jere will try to get into team's tactics as fast as he can. His guinea pigs will certainly want to Denmark Rage. Another stable team, strenghtened by finally lan-proofed United Kingdom Kamz aspire to take a golden pocal to their home. The tournament shown some weaker points of their well trained tactics - Estonia Squad.ee managed to beat them after decider, but 4:0 scored against Europe WinFakt! and Europe zeroE.mvp appeared to be enough to secure a first spot.

image: superdimage: nofolderselectedgotosteWe are well aware that every game vs zZz/RAGE will be a tough one. I know what they are capable of and I know how good they can play so we will have to play our A-game if we want to take home the victory. We are still getting used to playing with jere but so far it has been going pretty well and I also know that if we are at our best we can win. I hope it will be a nice game which will be enjoyed by many spectators. I am pretty confident we can take it with 4-0 when all goes well :)

Belgium Sup3r
It's going to be interesting game I guess. They are a nice team that did well at CC7 and AEF and now found a decent rifle also, so can go either way I think and going to depend on who is better on the night. 4-2 to us if we have some luck.

United Kingdom Kamzimage: nofolderselectedgotosteimage: nofolderselectedgotostes

United KingdomAero Gaming vs

Belgium Sup3r
Belgium AL1
Belgium Jere
Belgium uNDEAd
Netherlands Lun4t1C Denmark Rage Gaming

Belgium Lazio
Estonia hell
United Kingdom Griim
Norway Eirik
United Kingdom Kamz
image: game21164

Time: Wednesday 22.00 CET
Maps: tba

Road to the final:

United Kingdom Aero Gaming
image: nofolderselectedgotoste 4:0 Europe reprezent
image: nofolderselectedgotoste 4:0 Europe Baserace.et
image: nofolderselectedgotoste 4:0 Germany SpeedlinkDenmark Rage Gaming
image: nofolderselectedgotoste 4:0 Europe zeroE.mvp
image: nofolderselectedgotoste 2:4 Estonia Squad.ee
image: nofolderselectedgotoste 4:0 Europe WinFakt!

Remaining matches

Premier League

Match for 1st place
United Kingdom Aero - Denmark Rage

Match for 3rd place
Estonia Squad.ee - Europe Baserace.et

Match for 5th place
Europe zeroE.mvp - Germany Speedlink

Match for 7th place
Europe WinFakt! - Europe Reprezent 4:0Second League

Match for 1st place
Germany e-WAVE - Poland :h

Match for 3rd place
Finland KRP - Poland high5

Match for 5th place
Europe ICTUS - Poland blurred vision

Match for 7th place
Finland TurboApinat - Poland savak 4:0

Third League

Match for 1st place
Germany Snogard - Poland Frogz of War

Match for 3rd place
Poland Vae Victis - United Kingdom Deathless

Match for 5th place
Europe wires - United Kingdom increased

7th place
Benelux FiF.Red & Netherlands TargetFourth League

Match for 1st place
Germany noT - Europe Carnifex

Match for 3rd place
Poland bacardi - Poland fanatics

Match for 5th place
Germany noBra!n - Estonia hold your fire

Match for 7th place
Europe arachnids - Netherlands edified 4:0

1st, nice work.
inb4 suVi
bullshit lol.. zeroE beat squadee..
Aero Gaming
4:0 reprezent
4:0 Baserace.et
4:0 Speedlink

Forfeit reprezent
4:0 baseracemix
Forfeit Speedlink


They might get a forfeit from us too. :)
Logic says sleeperzmix, so get rat & Dabster :)
dabster = insta win
:)))))))))))))))))) very good
Match for 5th place
wires - increased


just give them it
Nicely written
love the way u wrote this shit :)
like the layout, keep it on!
nice pic, super for manager

(I thought ICTUS still had to play krp?)
Quote beating SummerCup 2010 winner Baserace.et and the best German team Speedlink who is active in ET scene pretty much nowadays which has a very positive respond.

More like beating a random mix, half of the team didn't even play :XD

and the best German team Speedlink lost by forfeit

Still deserved for bF since we're unstable in terms of skill now but seriously... that quote is not just funny, it's retarded...
[15:34] <Clown`> suVi` you could power a small town with your hate
[15:34] <Clown`> :(
Your crying comments are retarded :)
How is this even considered to be a crying comment? I'm just correcting your incorrect statement
No they're not. Your newspost doesnt have much text. Researching it first is not too much to ask for.
tbh homer, speedlink played exactly one game in that cup so i dont see the "active" point in here :)
Active part was refering to Speedlink as an organisation in ET scene.
cry me a river
why is carnifex on bottom league? XD they shud be in ec fags
all the matches have been shit

1 team didn't even get flag in supply :/
fag :D:D:D
in after suvi
now it's good
kamz, ur face made my day LOL
I would like to remind that SLAC is forced

"forced" and "strongly advised" have different meanings. :-ppp
nice read, though I think you should add some extra info about forfeits etc.
If you would only read this it would give you a pretty distorted image of the cup.

Quote by Homertwo teams recently picked by decent gamings

Yes, that's correct, some games were forfeited (all of edified, fif.red, reprezent, savak and target). You were able to read that from cuppage but unfortunately tourney.ccc is down since yesterday.
sup with the quote? ^^
Have you ever been picked by decent gamings?
fail cup
fail to wasze ec quali bedzie
nice we got a game for 5th place!
we didn't even played one match in that cup :P
you did, assh0le!
oh ok you didnt ;P
öhm das war ESL EMS Qualifier erstes spiel ??
nice effort homie, and nice to see evu cup still exists :D
Some weird/incorrect sentences and words, but nice post nonetheless :)
savak played only the 1st match, so dont put 4;0 scores, thx 8D
2 forfeits => all forfeits; forfeits count as 0-4 as well :i
should fix that forfeits are indeed 1-0 instead of 4-0. its missleading and you only need to count em as 4-0 if necessary in case of ties.
indeed, I also got very confused since I thought we still had games to play. But looks like our last one got forfeited.
go for it kamz mate

winrars, Atleast 1 good game this cup :P
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