ET Represented in TEK9 Sapphire Movie Competition

Enemy Territory has been represented in the latest Tek9 movie competition, with no less than four entries. The movies are in real need of your votes - with Call of Duty movies having the best chance of winning, due to Tek9 being a CoD4 community, ET movies will need everyone helping out to stand any chance of being placed well, the general feeling is they will be marked down by most non ET players!

Most people feel that Poland requem's production of "Woody and nothing more" is the pick of the bunch, giving us a nice mix of cams and editing as well as smooth clear frag scenes - below you can view the movie.

You have until 30th September to vote for this movie

The other movies that were entered into the competition would also no doubt like the support of the community, these are:

Freeze Teleportation by Poland spaki
own3d =
votes close 24th September
Vote Now
Rebirth by Poland grzesieek
own3d =
votes close 29th September
Vote Now
Delirium by United Kingdom MerlinatoR
own3d =
votes close 24th September
Vote Now

If a movie managed to get into the top5 for this would be a good step for ET just that it may be seen by players or managers who have either not seen the game before or may be interested in the game sometime in the future. If you wish to see other movie entries from other games view the links below - Scotland -Max- sticky thread has all the info you really need on the competition.

Crossfire Sticky:
tek9 players are just voting 1 for all ET movies, pathetic competition, even some CoD4 players are saying that the ET movie (Woody) deserved 5/5.
that's abit much really, have you seen movies that Katha makes? i think tek9 has rather high hopes for movies to come out of this and with all the lengths people go to i dont think alot of the ET movies deserve it, the same boring cam trace and average sync isnt cutting it. I see people like fredd make stunning movies and ofc so many others, so whats wrong with people not wanting to see mediocre frag-movies anymore, woodys was good but was it anything special? :/ If you check alot of the votes most movies aren't even that highly voted most sit around 2/3 stars.
ye i know katha, his 2 movies were brilliant, but it's not fair to just vote 1/5 to anything that not cod4 related, woody's movie was the best from the et section and it deserved a 3.5/5 vote imo.
i think if you look at the scores his is not exactly doing bad, i think you need to consider the fact that ofc its a cod community but the frag-movies coming out by people like Katha blow most others out the water and people keep high hopes that everything else will be of such good quality, maybe too high.
link me kathas moviesp ls? :<
I don't like this movie.
looks more like a trailer then a fragmovie to me
nice movie but nothing special ! agree with pansy...
Have you seen the movie She was 16teen or something like that!
its a cod4 movie and its awesome!
I think the point was rather promoting ET regardless if the movies are good or not
hence me not making my point towards this topic/post but to killerboys comment which is relating to the video's :)
On the opposite we also got some ET players that will just vote 5/5 because it's ET.

But I agree with you. A competition featuring multiple games will just not work in an CoD-based community.
fucking fixed seeing as its on tek9 :\
I like Rebirth the most.
Boycott the competition, imo. Stream and hosting was terrible during the first releases.
Nice advertisement for Thoro-pictures!
voted 5/5 @ all
Haha thank you for the ones that are voting 5/5 ^^ Also on behalf of requem who is on holiday now :p
i meant to vote 5 but i think i may have voted 1 by accident

not sure really
nice movie :p
Fucking great movie :) and of WOODY!!! love u!
Hmmm if i can release Wakizashi Frags 5 in time, we will easily win it boys
i think it's too late to sign up :p
Oh Bummer, You Need An Account To Vote :-(
If we had a cf movie contest ppl would vote down all other movies than ET movies :). So it's not such a big deal imo.
I liked Grzesiek movie the most, although I hate those medpacks. one4one simon :')
let them watch mAx chapter 3 im sure they will like it alot
good thing own3d became a pile of shit website ever since it got update with aids and never works
a competition like this is stupid, they should sort the movies by games... I would prefer et videos, cod fans would prefer cod videos and that competition is organized by a cod page, so who will win? :(
can I vote without registering?
nice movie
woody goes pro
et graphics suck too much to make any movie about et interesting to people that never played it
Not completely true. It only goes for people used to playing games with graphics superior to those of ET.
ET-xreal is coming to the rescue bro, next time, we'll get them :3
voted for Merlinator because other movies were made by polaks
wow man nice thinking like a retard, i was just thinking about that. pitty u
would need fredd to make some, he'd own them all
None of those movies make me feel like I want to play the game, whereas the CoD4 ones do.
why would i donate when the site doesnt ever work
I think the music in Requem's movie is awful.

Has Katha made an entry?

Also, this thing is turning into more of an 'rally as much people to vote 5/5 as you can' for ET movies.
The movies were nice, but the music wasn't impressive enough imo.

You need to try and seduce people into playing ET, so you need to use impressive music that makes your heartrate go up and make them believe it's what they see that they want ;)

With ET-Xreal making nice progress and a program for upgrading the textures on the rails, I think that if there's another competition, ET will already stand a better chance simply due to better graphics and more options available to the moviemakers.
already voted
nice movie from epic`woody 8D
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