EMS VII: Last chance

image: bannervii

Here we are again, with the Qualifiers comming to an end pretty soon. The number of matches per week has dropped with every week that passed in these Qualifiers, but they'll sure get up as the EMS VII Group Stage are near. We just hope that you enjoyed the action so far, if not, stick with us as we promise you even more intense matches between teams that are motivated on being the number 1 team in this season.

The number of teams that will be eliminated during these qualifiers is 16, but we just know 13 of them. I have to add that the seeding matches will start tonight. This means that if a team get's the 4th place in the Qualifiers, this will be equivalent with 4th Poule of Seedings, and so on. Teams will surely fight for a higher seeding, so tune in to see this battle, tonight! And don't forget, SLAC is forced!

First match is at 21.00 CET. The frenchies were lucky to get into this Qualifier, and we see them now qualified in the EMS VII Group Stage. However, they now stand against a very good opponent, one that is known for their both offline and online achievements, a team that has a lot of history, already. One in all, I believe that this match is worth watching, since the outcome is unknown, just yet.

BelgiumAero`Gifted: We will try to set down the same result as our previous game, 4-0.

Francekartez: We are trying to pracc and get a stable line up but we have some little problems, expecting 4/2 for aero because they seem more stable than us.

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United Kingdom Aero Gaming

Belgium AL1
Belgium Gifted
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Jere
Netherlands Lun4tic
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Belgium Wolf Crazy Killer

France SIM00N
France kartez
France kaz
France calimero
France Aniki

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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: Supply, Bremen_b3
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21353
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The first match was from the Lower Bracket, it's time for one from the Winner Bracket. These teams are already qualified in the Group Stage, but now fight for a better seeding, as they can easily get in the first or second poule, if they win tonight. The best team will prevail, that's for sure, so tune in to see which one will win!

NetherlandsICTUS|saKen: I don't think either of the teams has played a lot the last few weeks, I haven't played against them for quite some time so not sure what to expect and how their new lineup is working out, but I suppose normally dignitas should be taking this one home.

Estoniadignitas/Anderson: no statement released.

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Europe Team Ictus

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Belgium crook
Belgium Boss
Netherlands Lav0d
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United Kingdom Team Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Germany drago
Slovenia Jakazc
France karnaj
Finland olBaa
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21306
image: s_foot
It's time for an eliminatory match, now. The germans will have a very difficult task, tonight, to defeat a team that is formed of only highskilled players, a team that looks very promising and one that will do everything to win. This match will be one of the best from tonight, only because they will struggle to get in the EMS VII Group Stage. These been said, don't miss it!

AustriaSL|potter: no statement released yet.

Polanddialer: potter low.

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Germany Speedlink

Germany duKe_
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sTOWNAGE
Austria potter
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Europe ESL Winners

Poland dialer
Poland wiaderko
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands teKoa
Belgium chry
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Date: Sunday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21362
image: s_foot
One of the last 2 polish teams that are still fighting for a place in the EMS VII Group Stage, will have to face a very motivated team, that ones to prove themselves worthy in this competition, one that will surely do everything to win, tonight.

PolandzeroE`Estaloth: We've performed pretty well so far in those qualifiers (;D?) - no wonder why I hope for the best, hah. We're going to play with regular roster (unlike last time). Still it won't be easy match for us, even though most people think highbot isn't in shape for now. Most of them play together for long time and with additions like sILENT they can only do better. However I expect great entertainment from both teams and I'm pretty sure that decider will be necessary. Player to watch is obviously hunter & on the other site i'd say fireball. Cheers!

GermanyHB|humm3l: no statement released yet.

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Poland blurred vision

Poland Estaloth
Poland hunter
Poland rumek
Poland saqu
Poland Krein
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Germany HIGHBOT 2k10

Germany humm3l
Germany criatura
Germany s1LENT
Germany gr0ss
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Date: Sunday
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21409
image: s_foot
The last match from tonight is between two teams that will do everything to secure their place in the EMS VII Group Stage, as this match is an eliminatory one. Both teams will perform at their maximum potential, in order to achieve victory, so tune in to see!

Canadaanim: I think we have gotten into a nice groove, although now the pressure is on with this next ems game - winner advances to ems, loser doesn't make it, so I guess it'll come down to the experience and teamwork of our team vs winfakt. They have experienced players, and we do as well, so it should be an interesting game. I think it'll be a tough match, too tough to predict the outcome.

SwedenWinFakt|slajdan: Hopefully we will win, but we are a bit disabled, we also have to use our non ISO lineup. we hope to have fun and wish our opponents lots of love.

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Germany e-Wave

Canada rockstAr
Canada anim
Hungary Nonix
Belgium fostrum
France Rizkk
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Europe Winfakt!

Belgium Player
Netherlands spho
Sweden slajdan
France StrAf
Belgium isen
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Date: Sunday
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21361
image: s_foot
The first match from Monday, is between idk and ex-Sleeperz team, now known as RAGE. This match will be played to establish which team will have a higher chance of getting in the first or second poule of seedings. However, even they are not so motivated because they are already qualified, they promise to show the best of them! So tune in to see this exciting match!

LatviaClown`: It's annoying to play such a good team so early in the season, when we have only played one official so far. We might not play our best at first, and I can see us dropping the first map, or maybe the game. Will be a tight one for sure. Result will be 4:2 no matter who wins.

BelgiumRG`Lazio: Since both teams are already qualified it should be a no-pressure match, both of our team's have been playing quite active last week so should be a close game.

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Europe i dont know

Latvia Clown`
Estonia freEze
Slovakia filuS
United Kingdom crumbs
Netherlands Zak-
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Denmark RAGE Gaming

Belgium Lazio
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom Kamz
Norway Eirik
Estonia hell
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Date: Monday
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VII Playoffsimage: game21387
image: s_foot
dave gay
loss for:

idk/rage (2 close)
These teams are already qualified in the Group Stage, but now fight for a better seeding,

I think we are already in:P
did bv, ictus (aka overload), idk, rage and wck drop? or did u change the qualifier system?
no EMS for you
no EMS for you

+ most teams are alrdy qualified :P
short action for catcher at highbot ha? :)
Quoteexpecting 4/2 for aero because they seem more stable than us.

or just better ?
karnaj & troll :)))
nous avons gagner!
Clown called us a good team :*
stupid decision by admins to replace some random dropped out team by ec winners. should have been solved in some other way. speedlink got totally fucked like this.
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