CB EC/OC Fall Configs Released!

image: 31507r6

A new season is upon us and a new set of configs is released, if you are playing OpenCup or EuroCup you need to have these configs installed from this very moment, this applies to ladder matches also.

Download Links:[/b]How to Install the configs:
  • Download the above configs and extract them to a folder on your desktop
  • upload the combinedcb.lua to /etpro on your server ftp
  • upload the fall1.config,fall3.config,fall5.config to /etpro/configs on your server ftp
  • create a folder called 'cbmapscripts' on your server ftp in /etpro and upload all the .scripts to that folder you just created (/etpro/cbmapscripts)
What Changed?
  • Fixed the forcetapout bug which prevented you from selfkilling
  • Fixed the Karsiah_te2 name bug, you can now callvote by /callvote karsiah_te2
  • Fixed the number or riflenades, it's now 4(not 3/5)
  • All other changes to the config of SummerCup apply to this config too

All the configs are NO PB since CB doesn't use PunkBuster anymore. Only 3 configs have been released fall1, fall3 & fall5. You may callvote these configs by typing /callvote config fall5.config

The configs have been tested so hopefully no bug is found.

Thanks go to everyone for their co-operation and SwitzerlandPerlo_0ung for making the configs once again!

P.S: You can now remove the scmapscripts folder and combinedsc.lua if you had installed the summercup configs.

nice great job
What forcetapout bug?
hmm, haven't noticed anything weird, but i don't play much ET recently
yeaaaah simple items
the goldrush tank isnt bugged either?
sometimes you cant repair it :/
that has nothing to do with the configs, it's a map bug :(

sup ?
problem with lua ? mapscript?

Or I just fail the install :[
/callvote map karsiah_te2
/callvote config fall5

don't use caps on karsiah_te2
yes, but in the maplist ( escape / callvote / map) , karsiah is wrote Karsiah_te2.

So if you vote by this menu, it fail.
the .arena file of a pk3 defines a longname and a shortname for a map. The one in the menu is the long one. It can be in caps but at the same time the shortname can be in small letters (this is how it is supposed to be). But in this case this arenafile might be the fail. Putting karsiah in capital and small letters in the .config would solve this problem.
my rifle! :]
Is the bug fixed when you are rifle and after a round, it automatically switches to eng smg?
that has nothing to do with the configs, it's a game bug :(
you fix it then :P
give me 1000e by speedlink, then i will do it :)D
can you pls bring back cg_crosshairy 1/-1 ? ;o[
what does that cvar?
its like cg_gunX/Z/Y ?
move crosshair
move crosshair? why that? :o

do you mean when you get hitted or smth like anti recoil?
rifle trickshots
pic pls, i dont understand D:
image: ttYQN

Just like that

Get specific x + y crosshair settings for a rifleshot so u keep shooting them at the exact same point u want to hit
looks like shit, and need 15644156 binds/script for every trick :s?
1 bind each shot
ye, and smth like more than 20 trickshots in the game ;o
dont need a script for every trickshot, do u
a good rifle dont need a script like that :o)
tbh, goodrifles also used scripts
used, now they dont use
cuz they cant :P
Mine still works, hah


with the new configs, they wont let me change y and x
you just ruined your 'random nades'
yes, everyone believed those were all random, please ;D
actually -1/1 wont help with rifle trickshots, its meant for pure aiming help for some ppl have used since beginning and then take it away so its not suprising someones are angry :P
danke sehr!
i was talking about higher values :)
so they put their crosshair under enemys head to aim better? wut? didnt understood
something like that, but its not like they do it intentionally, its just a habit and you can help it with that
okay thanks for info
it just change the position of your crossfire one click up (-1) or one click down (1)

In the past, basicly from the start of ET, i used to play with it cuz, before the latest etpro update, the headhitbox where at the top of the head, not right in the middle like now. I didnt changed that command, after that update, in my cfg and keep playing with it the last years. That means, im used to have the headhitbox a bit lower of the head around the the neck/chin.

For me its kinda hard to change that aiming style because i played with it like 4 or 5 years ;[
any ideas when the slacmod will be released for cb
I thought its my mouse button thats fucked up ( didnt want me to selfkill ) :(
why we cant just stay on old global configs? its boring to update server all the time...
good job, perlo!
No supply mainrock removal? :p
leave our trickjumps alone! :D
ill teach u how to do it mate:PP
dont know if it was the map or the config could not press the supply control button.
bring back mg42 fuck sake -,-
uploaded and works fine, thanks pearl ;)
good move with the cbmapscripts folder, eventhough you should have invested more time into the global config topic imo :)
Just merge...
I've no say nowadays :)
All other changes to the config of SummerCup apply to this config too

so b_simpleitems 1 works?
did i missed something?
Fixed the forcetapout bug which prevented you from selfkilling???
well i produced a bug in summercup configs which bugged selfkill , but should be fixed now
i think that it means forcetapout in the kill bind didnt work properly after getting killed
ah ok misunderstanding xD
can i delete:
- combinedfixes.lua
- /etpromapscripts

aswell ?
Umm, selfkill bug is still there in the new configs, just got killed by a team nade and couldn't tap out ;\
Positive, happened twice now. I can't tap out with my usual self kill button, only space bar. But it's only happened when I've died to a nade, not with SMG for some reason.
i fix that ..its cause of the way et handles damage
map default
set g_userTimeLimit 0
setl g_useralliedrespawntime 0
setl g_useraxisrespawntime 0
setl b_moverscale 1
setl team_maxMedics -1
setl team_maxEngineers -1
setl team_maxFieldops -1
setl team_maxCovertops -1
command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"


cause when radar was there it get set back to 1
i dont get it, no one wants foliage on radar
Quotecause when radar was there it get set back to 1

it is not the actual map..
read complete config then u will understand
i know in radar its not forced to 1...but then i ask, why is it forced to 1 by default?
its not! read it
command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"

the fuck? i read "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"

isnt that forcing foliage to 1 by default? Then in radar it's forced again to 0 <--- YES WE BOTH KNOW THAT

so again im asking..why dont u just force it to 0 by default(for all maps)?

or the other way around, why do u set foliage to 1 by default?

map radar
set g_userTimeLimit 12
command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0"
mapscripthash 014FEC1CED572CBFF45D6B844778F2FF9FA0DC9C
lol ok hmn.. dno
its like it always was ask killerboy 4 this
Damn mirros are down.
Anyone got other link?
What Changed?

* Fixed the forcetapout bug which prevented you from selfkilling

the bug is still there :X
you said the tapout bug was fixes last update too :P still there after this update tbh =d
its def fixed now
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