Crossfire Quakecon Documentary

This weekend will see the trailer to the documentary produced regarding the Crossfire team debuted on the Video Stream from the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge.
On Tuesday it will be launched into the Crossfire 3 Downloads and Movie section of the new site and having seen the trailer, I have to say Richard who filmed and edited has surpassed even his own high standards and I look forward to peoples reactions.

On another topic completely -

Regarding the Crossfire Recruiting Post
To give more information as to what we are looking for, we would like some generic logos created that can be used over and over again for specific subjects. For example a Clanbase logo that when a column is written about clanbase we post this logo with it. Subjects for the logos vary, from ET, CoD, RTCW, Cheating, Interviews, Fragmovies, Tutorials. Make them varied, unique we will use many of them, many times.
We need two sizes of the logo - One in 100(width) x 60 pixels and one 150(width) X 150 pixels.
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