ClanBase recruiting a Cup Supervisor

image: cblogo_160w
We are currently about to expand the ClanBase ET Crew to guarantee that all of our upcoming cups/ladders do have a high quality and a good coverage. Your job would be to fill the open position as Cup Supervisor for the upcoming fall season, and to make it a success.

General requirements:

* In-depth knowledge of ET and the communities.
* Must be up to date on the game all the time.
* Very active and willing to invest his/her time to help the community out.
* Must be available on IRC (QuakeNET) and must participate on forums.
* Good knowledge of written English.
* (Cup) admin experience.
* Must be able to work together within the Crew.

Are you the person we are looking for? Then fill out this application!

*Remember you have to be logged to fill the form.
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