Epsilon Returns

image: Epsilon

It was only a few months ago that Epsilon renewed their interest in W:ET. Unfortunately, for both parties, the partnership didn’t last long and ended on a sour note. Fortunately they have decided to renew their interest and faith in W:ET by snapping up another team. Epsilon hopes that with this pickup they will be around in Enemy Territory for the long run and enable them to cement their place in W:ET history alongside the likes of Team Dignitas.

The team that Epsilon has decided to add to their ranks is AEF runners up and joint EC XXI winners Impact Gaming. With the recent addition of “mAus” Impact looked to have solidified their lineup and plan on competing with the likes of Dignitas for that number one spot. We believe that in joining Epsilon we are now part of an organization that matches our own aspirations and ambitions and enables us to have a long term partnership with a prestigious, well established organization.
Epsilon currently boasts top teams in both COD4 and TF2. They believe that with the addition of Impact Gaming it enables them to reach the pinnacle of another game in eSports in the form of Enemy Territory.

So without further ado I present to you the new Epsilon W:ET team :

- United Kingdom Paul “eVo“ Sexton (Manager)

- United Kingdom Ross “R0SS“ Gracie
- Italy Dario “XyLos“ Azzarelli
- United Kingdom Gavin “sqzz“ Butler
- Netherlands Jay “Hayaa“ Bonhof
- Belgium David “mAus“ Herre

- United Kingdom Ross “R0SS“ Gracie had the following to say:
After myself and eVo came into contact with the management of Epsilon we knew straight away that it was an organization that we wanted to be part of. Luckily for us, the incident with fintastic5 didn’t harm our chances and Epsilon were willing to give ET another shot. An organization such as Epsilon that has strong roots and top teams in numerous other games it was impossible for us to turn do what they had to offer. With this long term partnership, it enables us to attend all of future lans and compete for that number one spot. I would like to thank the management of Epsilon eSports and their sponsors; Nike, SNS and Hiperz."

Croatia Vedran Blagus
Due to lack of competition in BF:BC2 we were forced to stop supporting this team and went on to search for another top team in another game.
It is a pleasure for me to announce that we’re returning to Enemy Territory. I would like to welcome former Impact Gaming to our organization who is one of the best teams and I am sure they will do fantastic under the Epsilon tag.
You will be able to see them in action this Sunday, in Dignitas cup. They will also participate in upcoming Clanbase EuroCup and ESL EMS and they will be present at upcoming LAN’s in ’11.

nice one lads

cool team chaps
good team :) ross sqzz (L)
gl guys <3
QuoteI would like to thank the management of Epsilon eSports and their sponsors; Nike, SNS and Hiperz."

What is SNS? Hope its not a dutch sponsor :x
GL ladies

<3 jay
why in hell teams keep joining to Epsilon? They are not very reliable.
because gamers are so gullible when it comes to these things!
gl, not that you need it

Quote...and joint EC XXI winners Impact Gaming.

image: 20051014-iwant2believe400x330

Seems that forfeiting counts as a "joint win" nowadays
le awesome :x

btw pic is lame, you're mocking FSM... HE IS REAL BRO!
krp-quest ready????
Polak crashing the server for one night = EC over. Yep.
good luck, let's hope both parties stick together for a long time.
what Killerboy said.
give them 2months and then they leave again :) thats normal for epsilon :)
good luck
dont copy our tag! :P
GL sqzz my personal medic :-P
good luck and good news
u wont get any lan support from them so whats the point?
sample mad cos he didn't get lan support due to kamz :(
remember my words when next lan event is about to start :)
They've got evo as well tho he has paid for a lot of lans for them so i'm sure either way won't matter much to them.
thats why i dont see any reason they joined epsilon, they got everything they need in impact
Not rly, 0% profit for players ain't very good.
yes they will,and stop blameing them for your screw ups
my favorite clans combined :-)
gl XyLoS
nice :)) goodluck!
good luck ! :)
is dat zo? wat heb ik daar gedaan dan? :o
good for et, gl both
R0SS out.
Ik dacht dat je ging stoppe hayaa ^^ gl all! :)
mocht je dit wel zeggen?:O
nu heb je hayaa's hele secret plan verraden!
dat was een hele slechte, maarja iedereen heeft die bui wel eens
gl guys
congrats :) good luck
1. trololo ross = gracie legendary jiu jistu fighters trololo dangerous

2.dont spoil the news in journals lows
gl! just a new packing, same content

gl! hopefully they don't fuck u up
1 week max
hope it works out, gl
gL lads, cu@next lan hopefully :)
gl guys x
hope its as good as it sounds... good luck
poor eVo
Another great team left impact :/
It's not like that, we wanted to find a large MGC to support us, its better for everyone this way.
if i knew that i would have picked you up :P
doubt you would pay the plane&entrance tickets of 6 players
5 players
depends if evo enters for free or not, and if he wants to pay his flight himself :P
that would be 5 players and a manager
why would you think we cant pay that ? and why should you pay for a plane ticket if you can go by car or train ? and yes we do pay entrance tickets and travel costs(train/car) and more for players and managers :) but anyway, good luck evo and the rest :)
and where comes the money from ?
From sponsors :)
They're wasting money then, because they have nothing in back. Not even cashprize (except if you win it)
and why is that ? so your telling that our sponsor is wasting his money because you dont know nothing about our organisation ? we do not only do in ET you know :)
idd I don't understand how it can be rentable to make something like that in videogames. It's not like sport we're you don't specially have to be on the podium to win some money. Here in videogames if you're not top 3 the sponsor lose his money.
So yes I don't and I never understood it :p
hehe :D well we got a cod4 team thats top 2 of benelux, maybe even the best of benelux and they ended 2nd on a lan 2 weeks ago so ;)
well that is pretty much because you do not know how marketing works, I mean don't you think Paid-Per-Click is a mystery?
I know how marketing works, but still ...
such a large difference that'd be!

i am a very jealous man right now, "lewis" is so boring by comparison :(
n1, gl sqzz =)
nice work guys, gl ross, gav and evo.
nike? free snickers for everybody? XD
unfortunately, im on a diet.
just invented sneakers word because of disdain for yanks XD
yestarday i betted on mause couse he couldnt into wonned into thinked
that's nice!
already winrars of dignitas tournament
gl guys
sick team

cant wait to see you play
Epsilon currently boasts top teams in both COD4


e: gl boys, nice group
Good luck guys, vooral jij lieve Jay :D
i see nerds
gl lads .)

I always read sex. pure!
best of luck to each of you!
Awesome guys in Awesome MGC is Awesome. Gl Awesom8.
gl guys ;)
gl nerds
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