Razer's Twelve Weeks Of Christmas

image: razer_logoRazer is celebrating Christmas early this year and are luckily not being too selfish about it, either. They will be joined by HeavenMedia to give you twelve weeks of Christmas and give you a unique chance at winning a big prize with very little effort.

Razer picks up the role of Santa Claus and will be holding a weekly raffle in which all people can enter and the winner will be given a major Razer product for his personal use and another person will get a similar Razer product as well. The first raffle has already been opened for public and you can simply enter by visiting the raffle's microsite.

The only thing you will need to take care of is show a proof of purchase, that you have bought a Razer product with a worth of at least £29.99, which needs to have been bought after October 1st, 2010. If you want to be put in the main draw, you need to be 16 years old as well as be a resident in the United Kingdom. All others who are over 16 and might be interested and whom are not from the United Kingdom can enter as well, but will be drawn in the second prize raffle only.

The first raffle week runs from October 11th until October 17th and offers a Razer Carcharias Headset for first place and a Razer Golithus Mousepad with Leet Pack for second place. After this week's competition concludes, there will be eleven more, right until the end of the year, offering over £2,000 in prizes up for grabs.

If you want to partake and see yourself as a lucky soul, be sure to head over to Razer 12 Weeks Of Christmas and enter yourself in the competition by clicking on "ENTER NOW". Be sure to check back every week to see what prizes will be handed out this time around.

tbh: you could at least have flamed this shit a bit. :D
lol twat
Can't remember where I bought my Copperhead from!
did the guy also sell magic beans?
Yeah but I refused on the basis that I was 14 and didn't accept sweets from strangers!
dont have any razer products :|
QuoteThe only thing you will need to take care of is show a proof of purchase, that you have bought a Razer product with a worth of at least £29.99, which needs to have been bought after October 1st, 2010.

so you have to buy something to win something, makes sense
you mean that you can win second prizes? who would go for that :s
Just checked my scan receipts and the one where I bought my DA seems to be missing...

Always the same.
is it dated after 1st october?
u need to be exactly 16? and u have to bought a razer product after october 1st? AND u have to live in uk?

razer sucks
Quote If you want to be put in the main draw, you need to be 16 years old as well as be a resident in the United Kingdom. All others who are over 16 and might be interested...

The way it is written i would say yes, you need to be 16 to be in the main draw...
fuck that
So pretty much you have to buy something and IF you win you get your money back.

dang thought its freebie :|
what a fucking gay ass shit sales tactic
Only UK how lame
Lame stuff :l
i read WEED and am disappointed now. :[
Well this is the most unrestricted competition of all time.
cba to buy razer product
so why exactly is raffle one restricted to uk residents only?? why would you exclude people on the first but not second...? 0 sense.

costs per product. If they have to ship it offshore, costs rise. therefore it would be smarter to only allow the outsiders into the 2nd raffle since those are probably cheaper products. Adding shipping costs to that will end up being cheaper than adding those costs to a 1st draw, more expensive, product. and that would be rather dumb. (taken into account that there will be more foreign then uk competitors, which is likely if not for this measure)
so they prefer spending more on shipping costs on the cheaper prizes rather than the expensive ones, which will end up them paying more for shipping than the actual prizes.

furthermore, my mind wont change cuz of this, uk residents get the expensive stuff, the others can only compete for cheaper shit products. not very smart advertising if you ask me.
razer is for true Pro gaming only with flashing lights that give you extra antislip control on your mouse
Just when I thought their products suck, they come up with this amazing competition.
[/end sarcasm]
The [start sarcasm] is for everything after the comma.
I only ever bought one Razer product, but it's very nice, I must say.
Is a keyboard though, because the mice suck.

unique chance at winning a big prize with very little effort

proof of purchase, at least £29.99

needs to have been bought after October 1st, 2010

main draw, 16 years old, resident in the United Kingdom

others, second prize raffle only
First price has to be from UK?

fuck razer cancer merk
If you want to be put in the main draw, you need to be 16 years old as well as be a resident in the United Kingdom. All others who are over 16 and might be interested and whom are not from the United Kingdom can enter as well, but will be drawn in the second prize raffle only.

this is bullshit -.-
how many euros is 30 pounds. dilemma no1
Around 34,10 EUR... +/- a few cents..
Epicly dumb shit. Great competition.
Always so negative :p
However I do like good promotion competitions, this one requires you to have bought a Razer product in such a ridiculous short timespan it's just stupid.
Why would you buy a Razer product just to have a small chance in a raffle that you can win another product. Not to mention the first prize is only for UK residents.

I find it not only to be a slap in the face for consumers, the marketingstrategy itself isn't that effective either I presume.

Just a little explanation on my previous short comment ;)
This is a useful criticising comment :)

I kinda have to agree to you on this one!
shit is about to go down
Epicly dumb shit.
Extend that purchase by a few years ;[
yo can we get some new main news this is terrible p:
Especially since it's UK only. -_-"
they also got an other free competition going for free game gear

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