The Bots back in Enemy Territory

image: et_a
After a long period without play we are going to be active again.

The old Europe team, which lost very unfortunately against in the EuroCup XIII qualification, will be reformed step by step.
Its the team around Team-Cpt. Fatih fireBall H. and Players like Daniel humM3L M. Sascha criatura B. & MateuZ z3R0 W. who will be back in the ET business and hopefully they will find a return to their old skill-level.

At the moment there are no real goals set by the team but as you can see by cups like #vib-cup, TEK||Cup or the IPS, we are on the best course to re-establish ourselves in the ET community.
Regarding the xfire.lan event, its a bit too late, but we wish all the teams the best of luck in Rotterdam.


Turkey fireBall Cpt. (HighBot)

Russia humM3L (HighBot)
Germany criatura (HighBot)
Germany haZer (HighBot)
Poland z3R0 (HighBot)
Germany Sight (aToOn)
Germany vrael (dFIANCE)


Germany atrox (HighBot)
Germany uNiqz (aToOn)

This was the best comeback for us, as we won the final match against Spain Parabellum in last Monday. Tonight you will see a very nice match indeed because Europe will play against Finland sFx SKIT-EVIL which can you see in ETTV at 22:00 CET!


Best Regards Team HighBot.
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