MoH - Train Like a Tier 1 Operator Video 2

The second part of the Tier 1 training for our lucky competition winners revolves around weapons training. They learn how to strip weapons, use sniper rifles and close combat techniques for out in the field.

The contestants find that even after the gruelling physical element of the training they still have to be sharp and focused to learn the skills that will prove vital for the final part - a hostage extraction exercise.

See for yourselves how they get on and what they learn and be sure to keep an eye out for the final part.

Those of you who missed the first video can find it here.
ohh well

true professionals
Oh dear... LOL
thrilling, cant wait for the next part
Some try to make clear that games and real war are two different things and then those idiots from EA come up with this bullshit...
i sell MoH for 25€ only, original and not used. PM . im not bullshitting ask bo or spu9 :D
are you getting payed for posting such shit no one cares about
syriusz on 30/10/10, 14:45:29 PM | Report | Reply

thrilling, cant wait for the next part

i would not be surprised if that was you
lolol we drunken again :_P
yeee :P stop with the jokez
wie is die kleine man dan? snorlex
lolollol stop it im blushing :XP:P;:XD
After watching this video, I think 5 years of ET qualifies me as a sergeant or something. Even the Iraqi women go through tougher situations when they're loading up their camels.
This is total bullshit.
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