#14 ET-Cup - 16 Teams, 1 Day, 1 Winner

image: u93

With the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge in progress, the #ET-Cup crew wanted to give the people back home something to make their weekend a little more exciting. So without futher ado let me intodruce the #14 ONE DAY ET-Cup live this coming Sunday!

The maps and times have both been set and are able to view if you press Read More. All we need now is the teams. You can signup to this event via the ET-Cup page. You have until Saturday evening to signup but be quick, with checkin on Sunday 14.00CET, there are only 16 places available!

We are also introducing SP_Delivery into the competition to see how it stands up to other custom maps. ETTV will be available for 2 games from each round, so keep your eyes glued to GamesTV.org to get all the IPs you need to keep you entertained on Sunday.

Checkin will be at 14.00CET on Sunday and the first round matches will begin 15.00CET.

#ET-Cup @ Quakenet

The times and maps have both been set and they are as follows:

Maps and Times
[*] Last 16 - SP_Delivery (15.00CET)
[*] Quarter Finals - Radar (16.00CET)
[*] Semi Finals - Sw_Goldrush_Te (17.30CET)
[*] 3rd Place and Final - Braundorf_b4 + Frostbite (20.00CET and 21.00CET respectively)

For more information or for any querys, contact any of the ET-Cup crew at #ET-Cup @ Quakenet

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