EMS VII: Last Group Matches I

image: bannervii

The Back Up week of the ESL Major Series Group Stage is running. Six matches will be played during the next four days! Some groups are already fixed but in others things are still to be decided! On the one hand some teams are battling for a better seeding position in the play offs, means the group win. Other teams are still fighting for the last final stage slots where 750 € are waiting!

All pending matches must be played till Sunday, 7th November!

Again we have talked to all teams and to Poland Robaciek to get some match statements. The complete statements can be found here!
image: s_head
Group B

Last matches:
Denmark RAGE-Gaming EMS ET won 4:0 vs. Spain Gamerz Connexion
Denmark RAGE-Gaming EMS ET won 4:0 vs. Poland blurred vision
United Kingdom Impact Gaming won 4:0 vs. Spain Gamerz Connexion
Poland blurred vision wildcarded vs. United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Statement by BelgiumEurope Epsilon are the best team in ET nowadays, and I expect them to rape us with 4-0 score ! we'll do our best though to put up some kind of fight :)
Statement by United Kingdom Impact Ross
All Statements

image: s_news


Belgium Lazio
United Kingdom griim
Norway Eirik
Estonia hell
United Kingdom Kamz
image: s_news

United Kingdom Impact

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Belgium mAus
Netherlands hayaa
Italy XyLoS
image: s_border_short

Date: Thursday
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: Delivery, Goldrush
League: image: et ESL EMS VII Group Stageimage: game22249image: s_footimage: s_head
Group D

Last matches:
United Kingdom Team Dignitas won 4:0 vs. Poland 1stCav ET
United Kingdom Team Dignitas won 4:0 vs. Europe ESL Winners
Estonia SQUAD.EE won4:0 vs. Poland 1stCav ET
Estonia SQUAD.EE lost 0:4 vs. Europe ESL Winners
Statement by Germany Dignitas Drago
Statement by Estonia Since we have slajdan, I am 110% sure that we are gonna win.
All Statements

image: s_news

Estonia squad.ee

Estonia Raull
Estonia mant
Estonia subbi
Estonia JyrkZ
Finland chmpp
image: s_news

United Kingdom Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Germany drago
Finland squall
Finland olBaa
Finland matias
image: s_border_short

Date: Thursday
Time: 21:30CET
Maps: Goldrush, Delivery
League: image: et ESL EMS VII Group Stageimage: game22247image: s_footimage: s_head
Group D

Last matches:
Poland blurred vision lost 0:4 vs Denmark RAGE-Gaming EMS ET
United KingdomImpact Gaming won 4:0 vs. Spain Gamerz Connexion
Poland blurred vision wildcarded vs. United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Statement by Poland God, help us.

Statement by United Kingdom Impact ross
All Statements

image: s_news

United Kingdom Impact

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Belgium mAus
Netherlands hayaa
Italy XyLoS
image: s_news

Poland blurred vision

Poland Estaloth
Poland hunter
Poland Michalek
Poland rumek
Poland fixxxer
image: s_border_short

Date: Thursday
Time: 22:00CET
Maps: Bremen, Radar
League: image: et ESL EMS VII Group Stageimage: game22116image: s_foot

Poland Roba's prediction corner

Paul the Octopus died but Roba will continue! After his great interview and the massive admirable appraisal he wants to share his thoughts with the community by doing some predictions! He was quite confident when giving me his predictions! Let's see if it was a good choice to start his predictions with that matchday!
Poland Roba's predictions

Wildcarded Matches

Three matches tomorrow means three pending matches. Suspected dates

Group B
Spain Gamerz Connexion vs. Poland blurred vision

Group C
Europe stronger than hate vs. Germany Fourvisions Enemy Territory

Group D
Europe ESL Winners vs. Poland 1stCav
Statement by squad manttt
Since we have slajdan, I am 110% sure that we are gonna win.

Since we have slajdan, I am 110% sure that we are gonna win.
squad sac

which one to believe?
Sn4ke awesome Job again :)

Do this with other parts, but I know ESL-Admins do know more from ET than high ET-Players + other Admins.
He said!
epsilon esports or impact gaming?
read my predictions :x
you good paul, you right 3 times omgomg
Paulbaciek strikes!
roba's fb statements r much more interesting...
where 750 € are waiting!

and where is my money for EMS 5 ??????
get skills imo.

God, help us.
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