EMS VII: Play Offs on the way!

image: bannervii

Just in time the play offs in the ESL Major Series Enemy Territory are kicked off! Europe's eight best teams are fighting for a prize pot of in total 750€. After four weeks of group stage the following eight teams qualified:

Final Stage participants:

1st Placed

2nd Placed

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D

image: s_border_short

Spain Giants
United Kingdom Impact gaming
Netherlands OVERLOAd Gaming
United Kingdom Dignitas

United Kingdom Aero Gaming
Denmark RAGE Gaming
Europe Most Valuable Players
Europe ESL Winners
image: s_border_short

3 / 0 / 0
3 / 0 / 0
3 / 0 / 0
3 / 0 / 0

2 / 0 /1
2 / 0 /1
2 / 0 /1
2 / 0 /1

image: s_border_short All teams have been seeded according to the earlier announced seeding form. You can find the bracket & 1st round in this news. We ask all teams to check the ET specific rules as well as the global EMS rules. Take care of your matches due to the tight schedule! There are no wildcards and default wins/loss may be granted. Maps are free to choose.

When we know the first match dates, we will present them - of course with statements by the teams and a new edition of Poland Robaciek's prediction corner!

Good Luck to all teams!
I think this news lacks something
better? at least a bit??
that's more like it

btw you guys might want to add league on GTV so people can request games
u can request now ;)
done it already :) btw brackets = madness, mvp aero dignitas and impact in one side of brackets...
dno what ur trying to say with mvp & aero, but i certainly agree on dignitas & impact.
Gogo impact & giants :)
Giants 1.
eslw, 8.

zZz 5.
ovr 4.

i` 3.
mvp 6.

Aero. 7.
dignitas 2.

getting raped by squad.ee in gr def was a sign that we should lose that match to become 2nd the the group.
Sn4ke be carefull!
Should be interesting in the top half of bracket because every team can beat all the others on their day.
After chmpp pointing out in my "whine" comment in a journal posted, that due to dig sucking in raking tourney they are placed in the same bracket as us. So apologies to ESL admins, i see the reasoning now. Everyone say thanks to dig for ruining the brackets, unless you are on the top half :-D
why did you you delete comments, now i can't read :(
Just random flame from some nickje guy...
Robaciek's prediction corner, awesome
Nice post Snake : )
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