Project Phoenix present ET-Cast

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As most teams within top level Enemy Territory have now got homes & support with some MGC's, Project Phoenix is now concentrating on spreading ET outside the scene - we will still help out the teams that have contacted us already, and also any future teams that need a hand - but one of the main objectives of the project was to educate people outside the scene about ET - and this is one step we wanted to take.

A monthly 'ET-Cast' for the next 3 months will be made, consider these as Pilot episodes, just as we iron out any poor coverage choices and also bump up the quality of the casts.

These casts will cover the top news and competitions in ET as well as giving people a heads up on frag movies. We will also be bringing you a couple of interviews per month with at least one written and one 'live' on Youtube.

As you will see, not much time has been spent on the presentation of the videos just yet as these are pilots we are spending most of our time on just getting the videos out to you, our aim is to get the videos out around the 5th of every month.

PhoenixTV presents ET-Cast
October 2010 - Pilot Episode 01

ET-Cast Interview with Owzo

ET-Cast Moment of the month

Hopefully you enjoyed listening and reading any of the news items you missed, if players in multi gaming teams want to spread this on their teams websites this would be great - so it gets as much exposure outside ET as possible. The ET-Cast Top10 should be along sometime within the next week.
Nice to see you work your magic like you tried on rtcw :)

Good luck with the project, good idea i think.

btw owso, 'and it looks like overload have completely blown their chances' worse than tosspot now!!!
Quoteurtier pisses on their graves

nobody can beat tosspot
moment of the month is priceless :DD
good to see some people are still enthusiast about ET like you guys ^_^
lololol nice pf
gj joshua!
'good times'
Really nice guys, keep up the good work!
too bad you cant even make a recruitment post anymore or some nerd admin deletes it :P keep ET alive broddas
well done, keep it on pls!!
Seems like a great idea.

I think that a bit of vocal processing would help - download a free DAW and just hit some EQ, bit of de-essing, get rid of some of the boominess, make things a bit clearer.

And just generally if you were slightly more up beat. But hey that's preference.

And obviously when you start throwing in some little visuals that will help.

Stick with it!
admittedly I did this at quite a poor time of day, I had recently woken up. Ill take a look into some more software and maybe a decent mic as well.
Don't let me rain on your parade though dude. I think it was well done, and of course it's just a pilot; a work in progress.

The important thing is, you got the content right.
*** completely out of thread ***

you said about using youtube live, could you do a show focused around a match much like football or other sports coverage is

i.e. have someone like owzo interview couple of players before the match, maybe had an admin chat about the importance of the match in terms of leagues and the like, maybe show a clip or two of a previous match (though that may takes some work) then stream the match live over the net on youtube as the masses' outside the scene won't have ET clients/ ETTV

one thing i didn't like about the ESL/Eurosport tv show is that it just talked about what happened rather than showing any action

Also on a seperate note what does phoneix mean to non-top players, the normal med-to-med+ type player who enjoys a good scrim but probs wont win much
yup, indeed :) visually with ettv at my disposal I have everything needed - but in terms of live games? I dont think that will happen at all I am afraid :(
well ive never used youtube live but surely you can do some kind of screen capture with it (might require some plugin or something) and then just have ET running on a small resolution and send a small part of your screen to youtube live.

like i said ive never used it.

Hste streamed some of AEF to me at work using another service which the quakelive community use, cant remember the name of it though sorry but is build with some game streaming in mind
We may look into this at some point, but I cannot promise anything ;)
xD ok good effort anyway :)
FYI own3d have a easily operable streaming system that is used very commonly in ql and results in great quality.
You could try Audacity, there are lots of tutorials around

Overall nice work :)
maybe take a bit more time when reading your text. For me as a not english-native-speaker it was sometimes hardly to understand. I think with more spae between sentences your pronounciation would become better and it would be easier to follow you the complete way. Anyway great work and thanks for that!
Thats why it's a pilot
Just watched the stuff, and I'm pretty much amazed by the time you've spent on this project!
Keep up the good work mate!

nice 3man pazner joshua.
Also in other languages? Dutch, German or Polish for example?
please not in german, we already have enough gertards :/
why can't germans learn English? it really ain't that hard to learn it on a level that you understand most and people can understand you.

funny to hear that from a polish guy :)
Moment of the month is really nice :D
good job
Keep up the good work!
looks good ! keep it comming
just joshua!
nice effort!

Go owzo who's parent misspelled Owen when they named him! ;*
Interesting to watch
Priceless moment of joshua ^_^
Nice! Definitely worth listening/watching.
keep up the good work :)
Very nice! Will be even better when it's gonna get work out 'n stuff!

Keep on the nice job! :)
lol at the selfkills & panzer.
fuck them :(
Nice idea, but should add some game footage, because its getting boring for non ET players
nice. would have liked if there was something like this in previous seasons. owzo has improved a lot
That's what I'm talkin' about. Good work Merly Merl <3
almost sounds as gay as artstar
i liked it.
id try and get more stuff done in the visual department tho ;)
definItely needs more pictures, or related video.
nice :)
nice effort but it was boooooring like hell
serious business
Nice effort. Obviously the visual experience isn't on its top, but you've completely explained that and it sounds reasonable.

Tho, if you want to attract the "outer masses" to ET, it definitely needs these visuals - and you shouldn't rely on "everyone knows these players"..since it's aimed on outside of the scene, a lil more background information is needed imo.

Just my 2 cents, don't want to sound negative. As it is now, it's a great thing, but ofc improvable.

Espscially the ET moment of the month could be worth seeing for ppl new to ET..maybe emphasize that even more in the next shows. :>
Very well done! If you would need help with stuff like banners or some kind of graphics i would be happy to help! just pm me if i would be needed :)
joshua QL style XD
Nice idea. The 1st and 2nd videos aren't really attractive... I mean if you make an "audio only" ET cast it wouldn't change anything since we don't need to read what we've just heard otherwise make it with pictures I don't know this black background with white fonts make me feel sad.
Concerning the 3rd video, it's really cool. You could maybe add a survey on your website like "what is your favourite ET moment shoutcasted?"
Finally, if you need my voice I'll be glad to help you. You just have to let me a pm on CF.
ça serait carrément mieu sous la forme un peu de certain shoutcasters sur quake ou starcraft qui au lieu de mettre ce style de fond se filme a la cam avec des retour sur certains screen de match/actions.
Nicely done, you guys are doing some great work for the competitive ET community. :-)
nice idea, good luck !
nice wasting your time, gl
ET is just a game ...
So true man, I had no idea why I suddenly was alone :(

And fuck Joshua :'D <3
Who the hell is gonna listen to that? lolol
I like what joshua did there
Very nice :) some more attention for lower teams (OC premier etc.) would be in place I think, not because I'm of them but because this motivates people to keep on playing and praccing so they can maybe make it into something special as being named in this ET-cast :)
you are doing great!
nice nice

that cast moment was wery well
I would like webcam pleasE!
#gZilla playa, we mix it up most nights in ET :=)
will try and get on sunday :)
The first one is boring
yea its cool. But 9 mins is a little bit to long (getting boring) when you are only talking and showing a little bit text. Isnt it possible to include more video material into your "cast". So while you are talking about the et-movies show a part of the movie...?

other idea, but not easy to realize, make a little studio :) like once the hog show or how it was called for quake wars, wasnt bad :)
yea it will get a bit better visually, this was just a test really :) the next pilot should be a bit better and then the last one will hopefully be a lot better.
nice, so i am looking forward to see your next casts ;) good luck
great work merl & co :) but i want more gaming related footage :D
that was boring
no offense but this (et-cast) is reeeally boring to watch
u can do it!
since when did cf community become this positive? stupid bullshit imo :DDd
seems like crossfire isnt "shitty" anymore, YOU GOT IT?:DDDDDDDDDDDD
Nice idea but sorry I found the first video really boring :(

You need to project your voice more, speak clearly, more confidently - it's as though you're embarrased someone else in the house might hear so yer speaking hush hush . Give a bit more enthusiasm as said above, a bit more showmanship... sensationalism. Also do things like the Splatterladder thread really need a mention? Sure it's relevant to the people that follow ETTV real closely but they already know everything - is anyone outside really that fussed?

Someone speaking passionately & informatively about near any subject can be engaging and interesting (just turn on Radio 4 once in a while) so hopefully you'll be able to knock off the dodgy bits & generate some interest.
yup well literally my first attempt :) I cant say I was fully confident because well - I wasnt.

And in general, it was boring - but it will only improve ;]
Great suggestions, contact them if you want to help out.
Cool :) Keep it up man, awesome job :D
nice idea & decent interview

loving the teamkill :P

good job merl & co.
Good job. Hope you can keep it up!
nice merl shame you don't talk too your brother like it's an ugly whore on a friday night he knows like vevettning about et x
moment of the month is priceless :DD
owzo 19 wtf you fucking kid get a life NERD
good effort, decent result. Keep going!
Moment of the month

butchji back in ET
gief us gaming
liked it ! BUT! i hate this British English omg!!

keep it up
All the positivity, support and affirmation is making me throw up.
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