ZOWIE ET G-Cup: Matchweek 3

image: g_250 As we reach the mid point of the 3rd match week, it is becoming obvious that matches are not to schedule. In total there are 5 incomplete matches from the prior weeks that still need to be completed and only 1 game this week has been scheduled United Kingdom Aero Gaming being the only team on schedule completely.
Because of this, the third match week will be extended by another week to allow games to be caught up with, and allow the games of this week to be scheduled and played.

In other news, as Europe ecwinners have dropped the tournament, Poland :h have taken their spot, their line up is as follows:
Elviss fanatic ska SnaCki i Urnnamu

The following matches are still due to be scheduled and played :
Group A:
Europe Impact Gaming Vs. Poland :h
Spain gZcon Vs. Germany Speedlink
Spain gZcon Vs. Poland :h

Group C:
United Kingdom Team Dignitas Vs. Europe TAG

Group D:
Germany eWave Vs. Estonia Squad.ee

If any of these matches have been completed, contact me and I will adjust them. These matches need to be scheduled and completed as soon as possible, again if there is any problems here, contact me.

As we are in week 3, there are new matches that also need to be played, these should played as soon as possible too. The matches are as follows:

Group A:
Europe Impact Gaming Vs. Spain gZcon
Germany Speedlink Vs. Poland :h

Group B:
Europe Giants Gaming Vs. Europe strongerthanhate
Poland 1stCav Vs. Europe Most Valuable Player

Group C:
United Kingdom Team Dignitas Vs. Poland to Make odds even
Europe TAG Vs. Denmark Rage Gaming

Group D:
United Kingdom Aero Gaming Vs. Germany eWave
Netherlands Overload Vs. Estonia Squad.ee

For a list of all played games, head over to GamesTV. The link to our league should provide all the games scheduled and completed : http://www.gamestv.org/league/909-zowie-et-g-cup/

The current group standing can be found here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ApF_r_YTQlycdFhTQVBwWkVoMV9GMy04SzlKZVl1R1E&hl=en

Good luck to the teams participating and enjoy your matches!

Please direct all questions at #Giants.ET.Cup, and query me with any issues.
shoutout to essah
shoutout to anim
could u post a link to the standings?
I will post when I have one up, give me 20mins
2 wins = 3 pts hmm nice :D
Ahha, well fixed now, sorting problems, that's all :)

Thanks for letting me know
Thanks for keeping this on the go, Marcus! Respect.
like he's doing it alone :x but noone notices heroes in the shadows :<
You don't deserve any credit for any good that you do. You've done enough bad in your life to be forever in debt of receiving any gratitude whatsoever!

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