Giants are no more than gnomes for e-WAVE

image: cbec

energy-WAVE faced Giants in an equally skilled match which called for a third map to proclaim energy-WAVE the victors. This match report contains a step by step analysis by energy-WAVE's brandoN.


Canada rockstAr
Canada monkey
Canada anim
France karnaj
France Rizkk

image: 2vc7p15SpainGiants
Latvia Clown
Estonia frEeze
Netherlands Zak-
Finland kapaa
United Kingdom crumbs


Giants began the match as the Allied attackers. Thirty seconds into the match the allied players each killed an Axis defender and claimed the Flag.

We had Monkey spawn back as an engineer to build the Command Post, so we were a four man army. They had a nice first attack and were able to pull off a quick Flag capture by having two medics go up the flag and kill the spawning Axis players.

image: detailsblack123

e-WAVE later on held off Giants for three attacks at the Command Post but on the fourth Clown killed 4 Axis players and cleared the area (12:08). When the Axis defenders killed themselves to respawn Giants planted dynamite at the Main Depot Gate which exploded at 11:00.

We generally have a weak Command Post defense as we do not practice as much as Giants. That is why our artillery timing was off. Clown's shots were really nice and tore right through our CP defense.

The Allied engineers planted dynamite both at the West and East Depot Walls giving the Allied team three attack routes. When the three walls were open Giants began escorting the truck and built the Crane Controls without any noticeable resistance from the Axis players.

After we lost Main so quickly our defense started falling apart, so Clown was able to sneak upstairs before our spawn, throw a couple of grenades to fend us off and build the Crane Controls.

When the gold was secured, e-WAVE set up a strong Depot defense which held off Giants for about three minutes.

When the truck made it past East we were able to lock it down for a few minutes because of our strong shooters.

Giants set a time of 8:40.

Second round:

Giants decided to have an engineer spawn back as well, and e-WAVE captured the Flag five seconds faster than Giants in the previous round.

Pretty much the same story as before, we rushed heavy bottom, got a couple of quick kills and ran upstairs. The lack of a fifth player put them at a disadvantage against a rush attack.

After e-WAVE captured the Flag they set out to build the Command Post and plant dynamite at the Main Depot Gate, but were held off for over three minutes by an extremely heavy artillery and grenade defense.

They had a really nice defense, with well timed artillery calls and primed grenades, while being very aggressive and consistent.

It did seem as though e-WAVE was stuck in a groove.

Yes I would say that's fair, I think it's because we rely on our shots so much, whereas Giants take a different approach.

After e-WAVE built the Command Post they planted dynamite at the Main Depot Gate, but it was defused and Giants held them off for another two minutes.

Same scenario as the Command Post defense with artillery, landmines, rifle grenades and airstrikes. Giants also shifted nicely between the different depot entrances.

Eventually e-WAVE planted dynamite at the Main Depot Gate (2:00) but ran out of time and lost the map.


e-WAVE began as the Allied attackers and attempted to breach the Main Gate defense yet failed, thus reverted and attacked through the Side entrance, planting dynamite (10:50) and shortly afterwards capturing the Flag.

When the Side entrance was destroyed e-WAVE rushed in, caught Giants off guard, and built the Command Post.

image: detailsblack123

Clown was late getting to Side which allowed rockstAr to get in and kill crmbs. Giants tried to reclaim the CP but we had most of our team in there and just revived each other when we got killed by Clown's rifle grenades.

After the Command Post was built the Allied team promptly stole the East Radar Parts and secured them.

We made a really fast push on East and got it before they could set up a crossfire and secured it with no problems.

Then I grabbed the West Parts but was shut down by Zak's landmine. They held us off for a couple of attacks but at around six minutes left I was able to get above their back spawn, made sure no one saw me, and took the West Parts as Clown and Freeze killed themselves. I was able to make it through the CP with some good cover from the rest of the team.

e-WAVE set a time of 6:38.

Second round:

Giants set off with an attack from both Main and Side and captured the flag seconds after the round began.

Zak picked up some good frags and caught us off guard.

From there everything went downhill for Giants, as e-WAVE held them off for the remaining time on the Command Post and Main denying them both Radar Parts.

We had good teamwork and good crossfire constantly moving from Main to Side. Rizkk had some nice rifling going on as well.


As Giants beat e-WAVE on Supply but lost on Radar a deciding map was necessary, and Adlernest was chosen to be the tie breaker.

Giants put on their tan uniforms once again and began the third and final map as the Allied attackers.

image: detailsblack123

After a minute and 20 seconds Giants destroyed the Controls and built the Command Post.

We were able to hold off their first two attacks; they planted two dynamite charges at the Controls, picked up a couple quick kills and were able to have area dominance.

Unlike their initial attack Giants was unable to break the Axis defense for over 7 minutes.

We played really aggressively, up in their face, unpredictable. We tried to switch it up so Clown couldn't do prefire shots.

What do you think was Giants' fault; could they have done anything better?

Honestly, I think they were just getting outgunned, but they could've tried something different and mixed it up a little, they played like how we were playing on Supply; just running into our crossfire.

After 7:30 minutes Giants was able to execute an attack and capture the documents.

Zak stole the documents on our spawntime and ran 'low'; we decided to play it safe and fall back, but it didn't pay off as our transmitter defense wasn't too strong.

Second round:

e-WAVE planted dynamite after 55 seconds after clearing the Controls area from Axis players, then moved on to build the Command Post.

e-WAVE began attacking from both the 'bridge' and 'low'; after a few failed attempts the Allied attackers stole the documents and secured them.


So brandoN, don't you find it ironic that you lost on the map that you chose, and vice versa?

Yes actually, we normally aren't very good on Radar, and lost to Giants on radar before. During our last match we had a difficult time attacking west.

e-WAVE's next match is versus Dignitas, what do you expect?

It will be a tough match; I was able to watch their matches today versus Sleeperz and Aero, they had insane teamwork.

image: detailsblack123 You can watch the full match here: GamesTV
image: detailsblack123 Source
image: detailsblack123 Impact vs mVp: A new rivalry?
nice :)
gl vs dignitas
i like kamz' journal more :(
gayest title ever
:( freeze bad? Still hot though :PPppPppPP
manlove <3 :)
This title was probably thought of by Tosspot
nicely written I must say
I saw many times LatviaClown's name

Nice read tho
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