Dreamhack Winter 2010 is over

image: 107_bigAll good things must come to an end and so does this Dreamhack, the tournament featuring players from the very top and the upcoming challengers, the tournament filled with drama and upsets, and most importantly the greatest Quake action we've seen in a while. Av3k's time as the Dreamhack champion is now over as he among the three members of the elite four went down in the first round of the playoffs and Cypher being the only one to advance further and eventually reaching the final. In the final Cypher had to face DaHanG, an American underestimated by many. Cypher in three maps became the new king of Dreamhack although DaHanG certainly put up a good fight. For the third place we had two online rivals battling it out in a thrilling 5-mapper. K1llsen came out on top and strenx had to settle for the 4th place which in tournament with this level of competition is a great achievement.

Final Standings

MSI Beat It:
United States of America rapha - $6,000 + MSI GT663 Laptop
Belarus Cypher - $3,000
France strenx - $1,500
4th Russia Cooller
5-6th Poland av3k, Germany k1llsen
7-8th Italy stermy, United States of America DaHanG
9-12th United Kingdom zsx, Sweden Spart1e, Austria noctis, Belgium dem0n
13-16th Netherlands Vo0, Lithuania guard, Poland tox1c, Sweden fazz

Kaspersky Championship:
Belarus Cypher ~ 4900 €
United States of America DaHanG ~ 1600 €
Germany k1llsen~ 1000 €
4th France strenx
5-8th Russia Cooller, Poland av3k, United States of America rapha, Italy stermy
9-12th Austria noctis, Lithuania guard, Czech Republic Krysa, Sweden Spart1e
13-16th United Kingdom GaRpY, Netherlands Vo0, Sweden fazz, Spain p0ni

I personally want to thank Level Up TV for bringing us this amazing tournament with their video coverage! VODs of the tournament should be up soon so those who missed the live action check the this page to see what you've missed.

Links: Article, Tek-9 Preview, MSI Beat It video preview, VODs
Coverage: Tek-9,SK Gaming
Any one from crossfire going there? :P
#QL.et TDM/CTF/Duel eSports Club for sure
Nice :) have some guys from my school going there
where the fuck are ET lans with 10k prizemoney
that's only dollars too, RtCW Quakecon had over $40K prize in 2002 :[
rly nice :o
wicked, gonna be watching
epic ;)
sounds thrilling ^__^
is av3k back in good shape? :[
Will be awesome :-)
thankyou for the post duumed, good luck to all of my guys at the event and i hope you enjoy the stream!

Thanks for the perfect stream, good shit! :)
so guard is playing with the big boys now! is he sponsored by any mgc?
online kingdom
Nice game cooller vs guard :)
cool video
For those who are thinking 'why the hell isn't anything happening'?

Check http://www.stermy.com/Live/ for epic lulz.
awesome :D
70% rail hihi
omfg noctis sucks
noctis so unlucky @ dm13 :D
Mabye add SC2 content aswell :)
i don't care about sc2
i dont care about you, only SC2
Noone cares about sc2 here, gtfo.
learn to read comments, gtfo
Maybe go to animelunix gamers.com homo
need infos about sc2 :<
Kaspersky antivirus?!
vo0gd <3

their show was really hilarious :D
yeah I didn't even notice it's been over 3 hours since the last quake match :D
yeah but i've to say they made it pretty entertaining, that makes the downtime less annoying.

and now are vo0 and garpy shoutcasting.
its great. :D
I still think 2vo0'd would have been better
watched the stream like 6 hours straight damn
gotta mention that Cypher hasn't lost a single map yet
dunno when ure comment was, but he played 2-1 vs strenx? ooooooor am i mistaken here
hmm oki. well finally strenx did decent on a LAN (BEAT IT thing then)

cypher lost a map now to k1llsen :x
strenx did decent on LAN before
never reached rly far. at least not often. i mean he rapes every zotac, but hasnt won a big tournement so far :(
So? He didn't win this time either.
top 4 at least (if im right?), wich he doesnt reach very often.
gotta mention that 2gd just won the lan
hue hue p0ni unexpected xD
sick performance by dahang on aerowalk against rapha
I hope av3k win . :D
I hope everybody is enjoying the stream! :)
is it youre project btw? anyway i think ure doing great jobs, ure quite new and already having 1700-1800 viewers today. stream is fantastic, not much problems. ischju is doing better and better too (tho u shud tell to watch more not to use the same words all the time - there you go etc. - ) but if its ure project just wanted to say very nice :)
Ischju really is an awful caster, made way to many mistakes
ya cuz hes new
No he really aint that bad.
Thanks mate.

I created Level Up TV back in November 2009 where we actually covered Dreamhack Winter 2009 in our first month. We've actually done quite alot of other big tournaments too including the summer event. But this is the first time we've had people live at the event in person i.e. tournaments like ESWC, ASUS were all done from home, and so we're all really excited about this one.

Unfortunately i personally couldn't be there this weekend to commentate, but i hope to attend the later ones when the trip is more viable. This weekend is being led by Cristian aka Trance, our "Technical Director" as he likes to be known. As for Ischju, i totally see where you're coming from - he knows he has alot to improve upon and because of that i'll happily support his desire to commentate quake live!

My thanks just go out to everybody who make themselves available to offer advice to me, those such as Tosspot from here at Crossfire. etc.
I've been a big fan of lvl^ since day one :p
Great job mate, keeping the game attractive for me :)
av3k and cooller obviously throwing games, BAN!
Was fun listening to zsx and strenx casting today tbh, had a good laugh :P

A great project, keep it up :)
not really cypher' best day.
I didn't expect rapha to win but great games!
could anyone send me an own3d.tv link from the grand final of the msi beat it tournament?
rapha won it, right?
can any1 sum up what just happened? all that cointoss stuff?
strenx and stermy think cooller and av3k were losing on purpose to get easier opponent in the playoffs
weren't they? but it's nothing special, such things happen very often
well, the point is that winners of C and D groups are going to face rapha respectively cypher . Strenx and stermy think that av3k and cooller are throwing their matches in order to finish 2nd in their groups so they wont have to play rapha/cypher . Kinda emo if u ask me, and even if they were losing on purpose, I cant see any way to actually proove that they are doing it intentionally .
not like Cooller hasn't done it before ;)
not like cooller was the only one doing it
i dont get all the drama about it, this happens in all tournaments with pre-known playoff spots in all games, in CS noone never cares when some top team loses to some underdog not to get on other top team which somehow got 2nd in their group in early playoffs(and that happens in pretty much every tournament). In real sports like football it's even worse.
If the tournament system allows such tactical opponent preference - why not to do it? honestly after re-watching the vod once again I rly cant say that cooller wanted to lose this more than stermy himself, it's just the 2nd who failed at losing while doing ridiculous gameplay things
try to re-re-watch it
just look at dm13 of the match stermy - cooller.
it's ridiculous.

plus what butchji said.
well, it was mistake of admins that they published full structure of brackets before finishing groups, they basicly offered them possibility to choose who they want to play. But, that dm13 prooves nothing, some moves from stermy were literally retarded which made them brilliant at the same time. If he failed those risky moves, and somebody would say "he is losing on purpose" it would be the same.
it was really obvious tbh, their interviews after it proved it further :-p

+everyone wants to be matched up with dahang :-pp

but ofc a tournament shouldn't be structured like that, banning them for reaping on misstakes even if they have some fuzzy rules about it would be wrong.
being matched up with dahang worked out well for cooller:DDDDDDDDDDD
ah didnt see, have neen drinkin 25/7 nonstop almostlol
lmao cooller out

e: and av3k too :D
could you post a newspost or something about the final standings when the tournment is over? :)
i'll probaly just edit this one
now strenx should eliminate rapha and stermy should eliminate cypher, that would be one of the most unpredictable quake tournaments ever
11:00 CET: Quarter Final 3 - strenx vs rapha

is this just starting now ?

edit: omg strenx
yes still the 1st map
Nice to watch QL. Almost as entertaining as ET.

Best news post for a while
cypher is a goddamn machine
well i just wrote this in a journal, fuck me runnin was that sick from cypher XD
amazing tournament, thanks to the whole lvl up team!

over and out
Man, the coverage and random shit with vo0, stermy, av3k, zsx, 2GD, etc -> awesome

I feel bad for ischju :P
yeah the guests kind of stole the spotlight from him
he still did a great job :)
Expected more from vo0 :(
oh goodness, great show. i could watch the players and 2gd trolling for months. did anyone see cypher at lan ? I wonder if I was watching at bad times, because I didnt see him once.
He's in the grand final vs dahang, vod will be up in a day or so (they are all packed down, so will upload it tommorow)
not sure if you understood me correctly =d. i mean cypher in person, like giving interview or something.
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