Erdenberg b2 is here

image: news_banneri_b2

It's been over 3 months since the release of the 1st beta. After some epic delay, we are back with a newly edited version of Erdenberg, ready to roll in the leagues. See the news post for Erdenberg b1 here.

Quote by StoryThe axis are holding a small town of Erdenberg as one of their headquarters. With the power of two Flak88 cannons they are shooting down the Allies supply planes. The Allies are now sending a special crew to disable the enemy cannons and take over the town in order to continue their battle.

image: erdenberg_b2_cc_thumb

As you can see in the command map above, the side door has been taken out of the 1st stage. Only way to continue from the flag is by destroying the main gate. Side route parts from the room after main gate.

image: news_changes
  • Lifted and moved the trench
  • Added a fence to Upper road
  • Ruins 1st floor wall removed
  • Side door is fully removed, side route fully re-done
  • Center building 1st floor reordered
  • A window at East Flak88 is now a doorway, another window is now closed
  • Gap in the wooden fence is removed
  • Flak88 "legs" are clipped (a bit)
  • East Flak88 platform and outside yard are extended
  • Axis spawnroom is extended
  • The alley is wider
  • .....

image: news_download

image: news_credits

image: news_contact
  • #w0bble
Good work! New maps are important for ET!
REALLY important!
They are, but they are not getting accepted by the community.
thats why clanbase shouldnt ask community's opinion
Plus fucking one.
sani pani map FTW, it must be good since its his!

- Everyone should play that awesome CAMP map , har har!
rlly nice map for 2o2/3o3, was fun testing ;)
E. add to crossfire public for extended testing?
Keith told me he will do, now b2 is out I guess I have to remind him again :P
/q me when its on cross pub plz :)
is on bio server now
thnx, gonna test right away ;)

where can i see all changes? server or smth?
I will put it on my public:
hope you updated your pk3
I did it. :P
Thx for the nice map
Did no one aside me notice that the Allied Engi on the banner looks heavily shopped? Just look at his torso and lower body... pretty crooked guy :D
it's just highlighted a bit.. :d
No, what I mean is that the feet look like he is sprinting to the left, but the torso looks like he is crouching forward... :)
game's fault :D
Wait, you're telling me you got the game to do this? Lol, you must be finnish! ;D
what? thats normal tbh nearly everyone looks like this
aalborg ??
i'm looking forward to play it, nice work.
nice to see ur still working on it
I put it already on my server :p

Another mirror

The door on the right side at stair/behind the gate is a little bit to small :o
Are you able to make it higher? =D
too late now :-D
maybe next beta. Do you know which one I mean?
the hallway to the CP area I bet
yes, just the first door at the stair.
Nice work :)
good job, didnt notice b1 being released (probably was on vacation) and couldnt yet test the map

but its always nice to see someone still contributing
good job,
but i hope its not 'just another map', which everyone will forget in about a week.
I mean loads of maps are made, but we all stay with supply, delivery, b4, gold, etc..
this mapo existoo? xD
Nice Sani, gonna test it as soon as possible. Right now actually :P And I will tell keith to add it to crossfire public and try to convince kevlar to add it on BiO.

Keep on the good work, mate!
i like it! but why the fence up there :P
up where? :D
E: oh yea, it's to help allies from getting shot from the window
first stage the wooden fence up
ok, but this makes it abit harder for allies or not? since they cant jump lower as easy as before.
It really helps the allies if axis are shooting from window + trench, they could've blocked you to the smaller bunker door
At least in the 3on3 tests it seemed a lot better with the fence than without, so just give it a go :P
alright nice :)
any change in CP stage, will try it tomorrow :)
What are you waiting for to add it into the CB pool?
massive rant by idiots :-/
Won't help it.
i liked it, but i think it will not replace old maps :(.
I hope they'll put this new version on Bio.
Done. Noaw lets wait for teh whine about the "bad" map.
Niceworkm8, this map deserves to be in every public & cup imo.

Keep up the good work! :D
nice job!
keep it up
nice work sani m8! :)
QuoteAnticheat Tool PunkBuster

is there any server with this map but without PB since i uninstalled it :D?
TROLL, go fix the so*si stuff instead.
I'm taking it off from my server, public settings enabled it :b
Wolfenstein~Zone SLAC
Nice work !
dont test this version yet, but erdenberg_b1 was interesting too

looks quite nice and is 3on3 and 5on5 playable imo

good job sani & Hukk
Good work. Except Flak88's look like crap :D
Well, it'll be great too see this map in nc3v3 mappol, but, well, deli and ice won.
We should make another poll :XD:X:DXD:X:D:XDXD:DXDXDXD Without deli (cos it won already) and karsiah (this map is a mistake).
I haven't talked to Homer, but knowing him, I'm sure he won't take the poll results too seriously (random voting or people without knowledge voting) he'll look into the comments mostly and get feedback from there.
Stalingrad and erdenberg gogo :P
Not a very good 3on3 map imo
Very nice map now!
You have done a good job guys.
nice map, seems a lil bit easy for axis
gj hukk :)
nice map is nice good jop :)
kinda shit map
imo axis needs a second spawn in last stage

perhaps to combine it with cp?
I was planning to have another axis spawn not far from the current one, but it didn't feel so good
+ it would be tight :f
is it possible to set a max-number of players to a second spawn?
doubt that, if there's even only 1 spawnpoint, players will spawn inside each others
there's still the possibility for 2nd floor axis spawn, that might just be too many rooms to camp then
some public servers used a script to add a second spawn at railgun for the axis (at the trainyard tower) and the script capped the number of people spawning there to a certain number (but cant remember which public are still using that script :/)
Nice to see some new maps, how is this one to play?
when i played it, my first impression was:

nice first stage imo.
2nd stage, to easy to spawnkill allies.
and the middle house between the objs was shit.

rest oki imo:D
Haven't played it but good job anyway.
good job, maybe its time to play erdenberg on offi
n1 sani. Nice map.
very very nice sani :) hope it will be included in comps :D
nice work
will test it
nice, gna try it tonight
nice nice
GL sani and hukk, finnerds roll again!
Gj sani, you've come a long way. ;p
really nice map, we need some cup & tournaments with it !!
good job
keep up the good work, sanim8
awesome again,
we will put it on hirnlos i guess
good map sani mate
I really like it, well done
good thing you were stil working on it
havent played it yet though
- added to 3on3 & 5on5 CB Ladders.
Awesome map
Good Job!
tunteella ja taidolla on myös tehty juhla mokka
Super mapka <3
it's generally a really cramped map and defence looks far too simple, dont like your custom mountain texture and it just seems all a bit wrong. Great effort and concept though it sure can be fixed
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