#evu cup!

With most of the communities attention focused squarely on events happening in Rotterdam, many would have been forgiven for thinking that everyone else would be merely watching. Not so! Today [*eu*] and venerea clan make public the evu cup!

image: banner

With some great teams participating in the 32 team competition such as

Germany aGu
Europe quAn
Estonia oxygen.et
Europe dmt
Russia x3
Finland overload euthansia
Europe overload
Europe oceans6

and many more!

Although the tournament doesnt get under way just yet the organizers have kicked into gear and have interviews with some of the teams.

Israel gman from x3 http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=13
Belgium Worm from taskforceXrevision2 http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=15
United Kingdom Chelskill from IOS http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=12
United Kingdom evanbraakensiek from dmt http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=14

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