Warsow 0.6 is here!

[img|left]http://www.warsow.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/0.6.png[/img]Yeehaa, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here! After a combined effort of over 16 months of dedicated developing by our amazing team of dedicated hobbyists, and contributions from our own community, we can now all welcome the next milestone of War§ow: 0.6!

As with every major release, there are many improvements. For the full scoop, check out the changelog. For a quick fix, here’s some of the major improvements:

  • Maps! plenty of new maps and most of the old maps restyled and redesigned for improved visuals.
  • Models! All weapon models have been retextured for a more unified and modern look.
  • New Gametype! Added the class-based ‘Capture the Flag: Tactics’ gametype.
  • Music! A brandnew full soundtrack by jihnsius. 6 in-game songs and 2 new menu soundtracks for you to enjoy while browsing for servers.
  • Prettier! Engine updates for improved and more realistic lighting.
  • Better performance! Higher framerates due to greatly improved engine performance. Lower latency due to better netcode.

image: wbomb3-b-150x150 image: game04-150x150 image: game13-150x150

Warsow 0.6 weighs in at a hefty 429mb, that’s almost 200mb of added value for the same extremely low price (of nothing!). We invite the community to give feedback. If want to discuss anything else related to the new release, find bugs, or simply want to vent your opinion, head on over to the forums – feedback is much appreciated!

Now head on over to the Download page immediately to grab your free copy of Warsow 0.6! As usual, it comes in a Windows Installer package, a unified zip package (Linux + Windows) and a Mac OSX package. Additionally, you can grab the sourcecode in the Warsow 0.6 SDK (Software Development Kit), and the Warsow 0.6 Presspack for some high resolution screenshots and multiple vectorized versions of the Warsow logo!

Have fun, and let us know what you think of Warsow 0.6!
nice! :)
sounds like one hell of an update :)
Will try! Hopefully it gets active : )
looks cool :D might have a try later :D"
Much respect for wsw community!
havent played this game,will try now.

download speed kinda low(300mb/s) :-s
full speed here
300mb/s so slow :(
400mb with 300mb/s is a 1,33 second download.
biggest dl speed i have is 150 at the begginig of the month, now i have like 30
Downloading >_>,
Anyone up for dueling a lowbob? /q vimm @ qnet.
edit number 2#: what was the command for displayrefresh?
i already got the game (older client i guess), do i have to dl it again or i can just patch it somehow :d
nice :> allready tried it, seems to be great :>
was waiting for this, since i had like 50 fps.. HUGE EXPECTATIONS
next et please
so basically this is a cartoon version of QL ?
downloading :)
hey mate i played it long time ago, wanna try this game again with me? :PPP looks a bit like team fortress now, also, there is ctf mode nao! should i dl? :P
congo ctf team :_D
i used to be pretty good in wsw :') gonna be shit now, soooo, its congos nature to be low right? :P
seems so :D Never played it before :( Does it feel like QL ?
better imo, you can dash so its faster (bounce from walls n stuff)

weapons are pretty much the same
got any good config ? :D it's pretty fun
searchin for it would take too long, and its so old that i doubt it would work lol, a lot of stuff oyu need for cfg is avi from menus so np ^^
lemme quote this from my convo with piegie

Quote[19:42] Zwarte Piet: ask amigo
[19:42] Zwarte Piet: hes pro
[19:42] Zwarte Piet: won some stuff at warsow
[19:43] Piegie: lol
[19:46] Zwarte Piet: yea hes pro in "shit" games
[19:46] Piegie: :D
Prooves that ET ain't a shitgame

sure dat gonna dl lets play tomorrow or something :)
one might think its a copy of QL but it definitely made the step to a very own game with unique gameplay.
i really love it almost as much as i love Quake :)
Et community is happy to present:
Maps! plenty of new maps and most of the old maps restyled and redesigned for improved visuals.
Models! All weapon models have been retextured for a more unified and modern look.
Prettier! Engine updates for improved and more realistic lighting.
Better performance! Higher framerates due to greatly improved engine performance. Lower latency due to better netcode.

Was kinda fun to play it, but too bad the game is pretty much dead...
do the same for ET thx bye
Let's try this shit!
Downloading , trying to pick my game back up again :)
Downloaded, watched at serverlist, saw only around 20 servers, and only 2 or 3 were really populated. On the other hand, pretty fun & nice game, well done :)
this is so sexy!
tried it about 1-2 years ago, was pretty fun
tried it year ago, aimbotted for 5min , uninstalled
3.2MB/s Fuck yeah
Someone make a crossfire server, now.
wsw is long dead ;[
yet its more fun to play than ET is ;D
owzo, up for getting owned like the good old days? :)
1v1 wsw high pm
Downloading ... OMFG 48.7 K/seg fuck internet :/
downloading, ± 900 kb/s
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