Crossfire Community Awards 2010 - Polls are closed

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The polls are closed.

A couple weeks ago we told you about the Crossfire Community Awards, and gave you the chance to vote for the people you thought best deserved it in a number of different awards ranging from best aimer to Team of the Year.

There is still time for you to vote in these awards and make your views heard on who will receive one of the Crossfire Community Awards. Currently the race is extremely close in some of the categories, and so every vote could be decisive. It only takes a few minutes of your time.

You can vote for the following awards:
To vote for the awards, visit this link: Crossfire Community Awards 2010 (enable javascript)

More information available here:

The Awards will be announced early in 2011, so make sure you stay tuned to in the new year.
psykotic movie should be in the movie category
Frop, skilled deleter

useful comment : hum maus is the best ?
I prefer to see some of the newer boys winning the award. Please, I urge you, don’t vote for me anymore.
when is our next haxball competition, need you fanboying me in chat :PP
voted np. Now invite me to your clan.
what? :s
This means there's still hope on this 13:37 moment. If you're planning to build up an epic clan, don't backstab me by taking someone else. Pick me for your offence!
I thought you are going to be the clanleader :O
me is trustee :PP
stabber, playing other games without me
You didn't wanna play :S
Sorry for late reply, was banned heheh :P
those options are like.. dunno if i should laugh or cry.
i did a bit of both
I want to change my pick...
crap nominees
vote for killerboy
•Community Member of the Year

Chaplja for sure
Movie of year: Psykotic
not goin to happen ;(
I want to see myself come back.
vote maar voor mij => Most overrated :D
silly decision to ever quit, unless you had stuff irl to deal with.
I heard you're still playing every evening.. just with a new guid etc
those options are like.. dunno if i should laugh or cry.
kArnaj fop of the year, no doubt
<3 <3 <3 even if you got aids :D
What can I say, LAN-Winner ET ALL-STAR player replying! Autograph + mirror pics please :|)
meh, delete my vote, i changed my mind bout something
psykotic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! movie of the year
ENSAM @ lan?
phyzic not in the best aimer section?

I will cry now
Why does this take soo long? poll is closed ->copy/paste->post ????
its not closed..i did my last 2 votes just 5 minutes ago
Crossfire Community Awards 2010 - Polls are closed (4435 views, 77 comments)
Posted by Krosan on Monday 27th December 2010, 11:49

it should be.

it was closed last saterday
i could vote : D
Yes you can, but they weren't counted in the results anymore.
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