ET-Cast: December Pilot 03

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Presenting the third and last Pilot episode of Phoenix TV's ET Cast - December 2010. The plan for ET Cast was to produce three pilot episodes bringing you monthly coverage of Enemy Territory covering news, competitions, fragmovies and more.

As mentioned, this was the last Pilot episode, we do hope to continue doing more but nothing is confirmed long term just yet. We are always looking for new ideas in what to cover in our shows, so feel free to comment or message myself if you want to share your own ideas.

Also, anyone wanting or willing to help out with any visuals for video or imaging feel free to message me. So far I have a couple of people who are helping out and this will all be announced soon, but the more the merrier.

PhoenixTV presents ET-Cast
December 2010 - Pilot Episode 03

Hopefully you enjoyed listening and reading any of the news items you missed, I worked a bit on the visuals so it was a bit more entertaining but I hope to improve this in the future. Sorry if I didn't please everyone but its still a work in progress - more feedback is very much welcomed.

[center]ET-Cast Top 10 December : October show : November show[/center]
nicely done
Keep up the good work Merli :)
black text on black background ?

Nice episode!
:D white stroke outline, but yea - going forward this was a bad idea :) forgot stream degrade significantly as it looked decent on the screen :(
i mean if u watch it on fullscreen it should be ok, but in the embedded window you cant read it.

thanks for makin this, ur awesome!
nice :P
cool, but the sound was a bit off, weird and had static distruptions. :p
this is the last go with my random scheiss microphone, ordering a nice one + a decent sound card tomorrow =)
good job
great job, keep it up merl!
good job enjoyed it :)
well done
good job
was pretty nice =)
no moment of the month with shoutcasts? :<
Maybe you could add some in-game actions? Like clips from match we're talking about (EC final for example). Also you should try to not speak with so monotonic voice.
for your next time: you are using an old version of the esl logo (shown on 2:48 next to the clanbase logo and at 3:10). the new one, presented about 1-2 years ago, can be found here:
Really good effort but sound quality is awful. Try to record with a higher bitrate value. Moreover, visual effects are still poor (atleast for me) but it's better than nothing. Try to be more enthusiastic for the next ones!
sounds more like sucky mic/soundcard. higher bitrate wont help
It simply was a suggestion then he'd better get a new mic / soundcard.
add some music in the background while speaking, it will be more enthousiastic imho.

Keep it up!
it might be good if u change the speaker
2:45 - 2:50 is just great
almost missed that kot movie, sick stuff indeed.

+ replicator -> instawin.
rly nice :)
keep it up !
was actually pretty nice. points of improvement: graphics, voice quality. shouldnt be hard to find some kind of wnb-artist to make it look a bit professional
the voice is rly making me sleep :D
nice, ty for this :)
It's just boring to listen :(
Maybe a song in the background (best would be without lyrics)

Other than that, good work merl :>
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