Euro Config (Certified) Out

Yesterday, after some testing, and waiting to get it certified, the Euro Global Configs are out. May we urge you all to start updating your servers by the specified dates in this post :

Read more for changes

Euro 6v6
g_heavyWeaponRestriction 16
max 2 ffe/airstrike per minute
b_shove 60
small shove is enabled to allow pushing spawn exit blockers
b_shove_noz 1
shoving in z-axis is disabled, you can't shove anyone up!
b_defaultbantime 120
reduced from 5 to 2 minutes
b_flushitems 1
items are aligned to terrain
MD5 checks removed
cl_maxpackets IN 40-100
minimum 30 increased to 40
rate IN 15000 25000
minimum 3000 increased to 15000
com_maxfps OUT 1 39
limit of fps is forced to unlimited or greater than 39
r_wolffog 0
fog is removed
r_zfar EQ 0
map objects draw distance forced to map default
team_maxSoldiers 1
Number of soldiers per team limited to 1
g_soldierChargeTime 30000
soldiers bar chargetime increased 10 seconds
b_extendedprone 1
enables accurate hitbox for proning animations, and makes the prone animation transition through crouching
b_pronedelay 1
max spread for 1 second after proning, players may not un-prone for 1750ms
map specific changes:
g_userTimeLimit 12
g_useraxisrespawntime 25
team_maxMines 0
braundorf_b4* This realease is the official for this season for both leagues
g_userTimeLimit 15

Euro 3v3
g_heavyWeaponRestriction 16
b_defaultbantime 120
b_flushitems 1
MD5 checks removed
cl_maxpackets IN 40-100
rate IN 15000 25000
com_maxfps OUT 1 39
r_wolffog 0
r_zfar EQ 0
team_maxSoldiers 0
b_extendedprone 1
b_pronedelay 1
map specific changes:
g_userTimeLimit 12
g_userTimeLimit 12
g_useraxisrespawntime 25
g_userTimeLimit 15
g_userTimeLimit 12
g_userTimeLimit 10

Euro 1v1
g_heavyWeaponRestriction 0.0001
airstrikes/ffe removed
b_defaultbantime 120
b_flushitems 1
MD5 checks removed
cl_maxpackets IN 40-100
rate IN 15000 25000
com_maxfps OUT 1 39
r_wolffog 0
r_zfar EQ 0
team_maxSoldiers 0
team_maxMedics 0
team_maxEngineers 0
team_maxCovertops 0
b_extendedprone 1
b_pronedelay 1

We hope you all enjoy these changes, even if some of you have to change their way of playing. But changes are the spice of life no? I am also pretty sure that all this awaiting for this config is all worth it!

Download links :

Clanbase :
Warleagues : Still not up
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