Warleagues 6 PREMIER Final Tonight !


After an exciting Crossfire LAN party full with ups and downs, one would forget that some leagues ( Gamersnation & Warleagues ) are going to their end with some great matches ( finals ) ahead.
I'm more than happy to finally announce the PREMIER Final for Warleagues Season 6 where Germany riZe Gaming LTD will take on Poland Polewka !

Here are the details for the game:

Home Clan: Germany riZe
Away Clan: Poland Polewka
Date & Time: TONIGHT -- 21:00 CET
Home Map: Braundorf_B4
Away Map: SW_Goldrush_TE

Lineup riZe:
Germany butch
Germany hatred
Germany keran
Germany ernie
Germany pumu
Belgium max

Lineup Polewka:
Poland chester
Poland Cybul
Poland Kle0
Poland kot
Poland incognito
Poland buzka

ETTV Details:
image: game1034

With 845 slots, #GamesTV.org[/b] is providing us with ETTV once more, so thanks to them, and hope to see u all TONIGHT !

This is the last game for this season, and i want to thank all clans for participating, and ofcourse final thanks to all Warleagues ET Crew and GTV Crew that made this cup and coverage for this cup possible.
Also worth mentioning a thanks to sponsors: sFxgaming.net , X3Mservers.net and Goodservers.de for the ET and TV servers !

Hope to see you next season !
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