CPC #2 News

Since the completion of the first Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge we have been mobbed by requests for information on the next event. We'd like to thank everyone for their interest and their support, its this that is driving us to build on the success of this past weekend.

So, with that in mind we're proud to announce that planning work has begun on the second installment of the CPC and as we look into things further and venues, there is a realisation that gaming centers around the world are geared to 5on5 when they are built. When Quakecon was announced as 5on5, we went with 6on6 because we were not willing to go with an untested gametype. However, the success of Quakecon this year playing 5on5 has made going with 5on5 a viable option. We will openly state now, that the next CPC has a big chance of being played 5on5 for ET due to the logistical problems 6on6 presents, and the successful demonstration by Quakecon that 5on5 can work.

Other than that, we will include Call of Duty once again, and we are exploring a small RTCW tournament, however that may be subject to the same roster sizes that ET gets.
We learnt alot this weekend, and we will be building on that for the future as Crossfire continues to evolve!
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