Warleagues Season 6 finished!

image: top_logo

Last night we had the last final game to be played in the Premier Group where Germany riZe team, under the command of leaving Enemy Territory-teamcaptain Germany pumu, managed to beat the Poland Polewka team, under management of Poland buzka, with 2-0 over 2 maps: braundorf_b4 and sw_goldrush_te.
So congrats are in order for the Germany riZe team, good games and very well played !

During the season we had more downs then ups with teams dropping out because of summer holiday and clans going inactive...
However, I am sorry indeed, i stood alone and sometimes i screwed things up, but we are all humans, we are all in a learning process. I am sorry that certain things didn’t work out as originally planned that I have tried to do whatever I could do to make this a good season, but things doesn’t always go as planned. Anyway, first match weeks started, group phase 1 was finished and I added up group phase 2 so I could filter the dead / inactive clans out of the competition.

So matches were beeing played and finally the Group Cups were made and matches were beeing generated and played.
Ofcourse, the most important games were covered by GamesTV.org to make sure that everyone of you out there could attend the nicest games of this season. And i think regarding Coverage, we did a great job to serve you with the nicest games to spectate!

Now, on a beautiful day as today, I am glad to announce Warleagues Season 6 Group Champions :

Premier Champion: Germany riZe
Alpha Champion: Poland Fear Factory
Bravo Champion: Italy n1ce.it
Charlie Champion: Poland #Pr3dS.gaming
Delta Champion: Germany Stofftiere Online e.V.
Echo Champion: Spain Parabellum
Foxtrot Champion: Europe Clan Zolid
Golf Champion: Estonia Arbuus.KSK
Hotel Champion: United Kingdom Legend
India Champion: Finland MUOVAILUVAHAKERHO
Juliet Champion: Poland iSrafil

Congratulations to the above clans for giving us a lot of nice final wars that have all been covered by GamesTV.org and ofcourse for winning their Group Final !

Last but not least i want to thank Warleagues ET Crew for helping Yancho and me out with the Season.
Thanks to all clans for your participation and your patience that you had to have sometimes.
Also thanks to our Sponsors that helped Warleagues with servers + ETTV:

Head Sponsor:

image: sfxgaming
sFx Gaming.NET


image: x3m

image: goodserver4

image: warleaques_x88_y31

And a final thanks to the people who made coverage for this cup possible:

image: mini_3d

So thank you again to all these above mentioned sponsors, this wouldn\'t have been possible without you !

By the way: goodbye Germany pumu, the ET scene will miss you, good luck in your future !

See you all later,
happy fragging,

Warleagues ET Supervisor

PS: Info about next WL season is TBA ( to be announced )
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